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2019.6.6 16th Minpaku Lecture Series in Modern Middle East Studies
[Date and Time] 16:00~17:30 June 6, 2019
[Venue] Seminar Room 7, 2F, National Museum of Ethnology
[Title] Riding High: Wadjda and Writing Women’s Film History
[Guest Lecturer] Eylem Atakav ( University of East Anglia )
2019.5.24・25 International Workshop "Neither Near Nor Far: Encounters and Exchanges between Japan and the Middle East"
DAY I: 14:00-18:30 Friday, 24 May 2019
[Venue] The Investcorp Building, St Antony’s College, University of Oxford
Screening of Masoud Taheri’s documentary film on Toshihiko Izutsu, The Eastern.
Keynote 1
“Situating the Study of Islam in Global Intellectual History: Toshihiko Izutsu's Middle-Earth”
Armando Salvatore (McGill University)
DAY II: 9:15-17:30 Saturday, 25 May 2019
9:15-9:30 Introduction
Hatsuki Aishima (Minpaku) & Laurent Mignon (University of Oxford)
9:30-11:15: Panel 1: The Immateriality of the Universal
Chair: Ceren Lord (University of Oxford)
“Fascinated by Fanaticism: Bushidō and the First Muslim Converts in Japan"
Ulrich Brandenburg (University of Zurich)
“Allah as Amida: A Japanese Pure Land Buddhist's Engagement with Islam”
Kieko OBUSE (Kobe City University of Foreign Studies)
“The Image of Middle East in Japanese Pop Culture”
Nobuo Misawa (Toyo University)
11:15-11:45 Tea & Coffee
11:45-13:00 Keynote 2
“Beyond Orientalism: Studying Belly Dance as a Globalised Cultural Phenomenon”
Tetsuo Nishio (Minpaku)
14:15-16:00: Panel 2: The Materiality of the Global
Chair: Walter Armbrust (University of Oxford)
“Super Smart Societies: How Japan and Dubai are Shaping their Robotic and AI Futures”
Mateja Kovacic (University of Oxford)
“Blooming Rose in Between: Manufacturing Iranian Beauty in Japanese Ceramic Industry"
Atsuko Tsubakihara (Ryukoku University)
“Japanese Textiles, Tariffs, and Smugglers: The Making of the Middle Eastern Border Regimes, 1920-1939”
Ramazan Hakki Öztan (University of Neuchatel)
16:30-17:30 General Discussion
2019.5.17 Joint Research Seminar "Special Session on Africa in the Indian Ocean World"
[Date and Time] 14:00~17:00 May 17, 2019
[Venue] Seminar Room 6, 2F, National Museum of Ethnology
Short Introduction (Hideaki Suzuki, National Museum of Ethnology)
"Slavery in Iran: The Story of Ziba Khanum of Yazd”
Anthony A. Lee (The University of California, Los Angeles)
“African Consumers, Japanese Industry, and the Politics of Commerce in the Twentieth Century”
Jeremy Prestholdt (The University of California, San Diego)
2019.4.27 上映ワークショップ『シャルギー(東洋人)』
[日時] 2019年4月27日(土) 13:00~17:00
[会場] 龍谷大学深草学舎顕真館
マスウード・ターヘリー監督作品(2018年, イラン制作, 129分)日英字幕
Post Screening Discussion
Hatsuki AISHIMA (National Museum of Ethnology)
Tosei SANO (Ryukoku University)
Kieko OBUSE (Kobe City University of Foreign Studies)
Kieko OBUSE (Kobe City University of Foreign Studies)
Kieko OBUSE (Kobe City University of Foreign Studies)
Armando Salvatore (McGill University)
2019.4.26 Book Launch of the Wiley Blackwell History of Islam
[Date & Time] 26 April 2019, 14:30-17:30
[Venue]Large Seminar Room, 4th Floor, National Museum of Ethnology
Together with the editor, Armando Salvatore (McGill Univ.), the following reviewers will contribute to the roundtable discussion.
Hayrettin Yücesoy (Washington University in St. Louis)
Michael Feener (University of Oxford)
Osamu Otsuka (University of Tokyo)
Satoshi Ogura (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
Kenji Kuroda (National Museum of Ethnology)
Hilary Kalmbach (University of Sussex)
Hatsuki Aishima (National Museum of Ethnology)
2019.3.23 第35回人文機構シンポジウム レクチャーコンサート
[日時] 3月23日(土)13:00-16:30
[会場] 東大寺文化センター金鐘ホール
総合司会:相島 葉月(国立民族学博物館准教授)
開会挨拶:平川 南(人間文化研究機構 機構長)
1森本 公誠(東大寺 長老)
西尾 哲夫(国立民族学博物館副館長、現代中東地域研究総括代表)
演奏1 ウード 常味 裕司
演奏2 サントゥール 谷 正人
演奏3 尺八 カイル・カマル・ヘロウ
解説 水野 信男(兵庫教育大学名誉教授)
ファシリテーター 飯野 りさ(日本学術振興会特別研究員)
パネリスト 常味 裕司、谷 正人、カイル・カマル・ヘロウ
ファシリテーター 相島 葉月
2019.3.18 第3回 現代中東地域研究国立民族学博物館拠点「文化遺産とミュージアム」研究班研究会
[講師] 山本健介(京都大学アジア・アフリカ地域研究研究科・特任研究員)
[日時] 3月18日(月) 16:00-17:30
[会場]国立民族学博物館2F 第6セミナー室
2019.3.10 International Symposium "Perspective on Material Culture and Middle Eastern Turn"
[Date] March 10, 2019
[Venue] National Museum of Iran
Opening Remarks
Jebrael Nokandeh (Director of the National Museum of Iran)
Introduction to MINPAKU and the Center for Modern Middle East Studies
Kenji KURODA (Project Assistant Professor, National Museum of Ethnology)
Part 1. Popular Material Culture in Iran
"The Gluck Collection of Persian Arts and Crafts: Between Modernism and Revivalism"
Yuka Kadoi (Senior Researcher, University of Vienna)
"Exhibitions of Persian art in Japan in 1920s"
Zahra MOHARRAMIPOUR (PhD candidate, The University of Tokyo)
"Blooming Rose in Between: Ceramic Production in Japan as a Process of Cultural Translation"
Atsuko TSUBAKIHARA (Lecturer, Ryukoku University)
Part 2. Material Culture in the Middle East: Past and Future
"Bead making technology: Comparison of Indus Civilization and modern examples in South Asia"
Hitoshi ENDO (Research Fellow, National Institute for Humanities/ Visiting Researcher, Akita University)
"Rethinking Islam through Commodities: Focusing on Ordinary Muslims’ Space in Tunisia"
Tatsuro FUTATSUYAMA (Associate Professor, St. Agnes' University)
Reply from the National Museum of Iran and Discussion
Closing Remarks
Tetsuo NISHIO (Deputy Director, National Museum of Ethnology)
2019.2.27・28 シンポジウム国際シンポジウム「フランス語によるアラブ=ベルベル文学における多声/多言語性(ポリフォニー)」
14:00~14:15 開会の辞:「極小化される言語の民族性: ニューカレドニアのアラブ人とフランス語の場合」
14:30~15:30 基調講演:「二つの世界の間で書く」
15:40–15:50 休憩
15:40–16:10 「ハビーブ・テングールの詩作品におけるポリフォニーと諸言語の共存」
16:10–16:40 「ムルド・フェラウンとカビール語」
16:50–17:30 質疑応答
10:30–11:00 「カビール語歌謡における作家の形象: 文学的・政治的インスピレーションの源として」
11:00–11:30 「ラシード・ミムニ三部作におけるアルジェリアの複数の声」
11:30-13:00 休憩
13:00–13:30 「韓国の文脈においてマグレブ文学の多言語主義をいかに解釈するか」
13:30–14:00 「レイラ・セバール作品における交差する声と横断的エクリチュール」
14:00-14:10 休憩
14:10–14:50 総合討論
【場所】国立民族学博物館2F 第4セミナー室
【言語】フランス語 日本語への同時通訳有り
2019.2.22 シンポジウム「沙漠への適応と生活世界の形成 ―文理共創的視点から考える現代中東地域研究―」
13:00~13:10 西尾哲夫 開催趣旨説明
13:10~13:40 坂田隆(石巻専修大学)「ヒトの暑熱対応の性差:衣への理学的アプローチ」
13:40~14:10 西本真一(日本工業大学)「マシュラベーヤの役割:住への工学的アプローチ」
14:10~14:40 石山俊(国立民族学博物館)「オアシス農耕の現在:食への農学的アプローチ」
14:40~15:10 縄田浩志(秋田大学)「コーヒー文化の起源・伝播・拡散:適応への人文学的アプローチ」
15:20~15:30 辛嶋博善(国立民族学博物館)
15:30~15:40 松尾瑞穂(国立民族学博物館)
15:40~15:50 窪田順平(人間文化研究機構)
【日時】2019年2月 22日(金)13:00~16:10
【場所】国立民族学博物館2F 第4セミナー室
2019.1.31 Joint Research Seminar "Uyghurs in Turkey: migration and skills 2"
[Title] Uyghur Medical Practitioner in Turkey: Pluralistic Healing
Modalities and Intersubjectivity
[Speaker] Dr. Tomas Wilkoszewski (Macquarie University)
[Date] Jan31,2019 16:00-17:45
[Venue] Seminar Room 6, 2F, National Museum of Ethnology
2018.12.22 2018年度現代南アジア地域研究(MINDAS)「社会変動と親密圏」班第1回研究会/現代中東地域研究共携研究会
[報告題目] コスモポリタン都市に生きるシーア派ムスリムとコミュニティ形成:「ムンバイ」におけるイラン系住人を中心に
[報告者] 黒田賢治(国立民族学博物館)
[報告題目] パールシー・コミュニティ形成期から現在まで:鳥葬を中心に
[報告者] 香月法子(中央大学)
[日時] 12月22日(土) 13:30-17:00
[会場]国立民族学博物館4F 第一演習室
2018.12.14 第15回 現代中東地域研究レクチャー・シリーズ
[講師] 鈴木英明(国立民族学博物館・助教)
[日時] 12月14日(金) 16:00-17:30
[会場]国立民族学博物館4F 第一演習室
2018.11.22 第2回 現代中東地域研究国立民族学博物館拠点「文化遺産とミュージアム」研究班研究会
[講師] 村上佳代(文化庁・文化財調査官)
[日時] 11月22日(木) 16:00-17:30
[会場]国立民族学博物館2F 第6セミナー室
2018.6.30 第14回 現代中東地域研究レクチャー・シリーズ
[講演題目] バラの来歴:陶磁器をめぐるエステティック・エコノミー試論
[講師] 椿原敦子(龍谷大学社会学部・講師)
[日時] 6月30日(土) 16:00-17:30
[会場]龍谷大学深草キャンパス 和顔館214教室
2018.6.13 第13回 現代中東地域研究レクチャー・シリーズ/現代中東地域研究国立民族学博物館拠点「文化遺産とミュージアム」研究班研究会
[講演題目] エジプトにおける考古系博物館の成り立ちと現在
[講師] 末森薫(国立民族学博物館・機関研究員)
[講師] 黒田賢治(国立民族学博物館・特任助教)
[日時] 6月13日(水) 13:30-15:30
13th Minpaku Lecture Series in Modern Middle East Studies
[Title] Establishment of Archeological Museums in Egypt and its present state
[Guest Lecturer] Kaoru SUEMORI (Research Fellow, National Museum of Ethnology)
[Title] Establishment of Museums in Iran and its development after 2000's
[Speaker] Kenji KURODA (Assistant Professor, Center for Modern Middle East Studies at the National Museum of Ethnology)
[Language] Japanese
[Date & Venue] 13:30-15:30 13 June 2018
Venue: Seminar Room 6, 2nd floor at the National Museum of Ethnology
- 2018.4.28 Lecture event by Dr. Setrag Manoukian
[Title] Poetry as impersonal expression: the relationship between poetry and life in contemporary Iran
[Guest Lecturer] Dr. Setrag Manoukian (the Institute of Islamic Studies, McGill University)
[Date & Venue] 15:00 - 17:00 28 April 2018
Venue: Room 301, Hongo Satellite Office, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
(2-14-10, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo)
- 2018.4.20 12th Minpaku Lecture Series in Modern Middle East Studies
[Title] Poetry as association: an ethnography of poetic gatherings in contemporary Iran
[Guest Lecturer] Dr. Setrag Manoukian (the Institute of Islamic Studies, McGill University)
[Date & Venue] 15:00-17:00 in 20 April 2018
Venue: Seminar Room 6, 2nd floor at the National Museum of Ethnology
- 2018.2.4 International Workshop: Early Photography in Iran
[Title]Persia: Places of Longing as Landscapes of the Soul.
Photography, the Literature and Poetry of Romanticism and Expressionism, and the Travels of the Swiss Photographer and Writer Annemarie Schwarzenbach
[Guest Lecturer] Prof. Dr. Bettina Gockel (University of Zurich)
[Title] Book Presentation: Photography in Qajar Iran and the notion of an 'Indigenous lens'
[Guest Lecturer] Prof. Dr. Markus Ritter (University of Vienna)
[Film Screening]
Memories on Glass/Khaterat ruy-e shisheh (Mehrdad Zahedian, Tehran 2004)
(30 minutes, in Persian with English Subtitle )
[Date & Venue] Date: Sunday, 4 February, 2018, 16:30?19:00
Venue: Room 301, Hongo Satellite Office, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
(2-14-10, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo)
Organized by NIHU Area Studies Project for Modern Middle East Studies at ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies and the National Museum of Ethnology
- 2018.2.2 2nd Joint Research Seminar in Northeast Asian Studies and Middle Eastern Studiess
[Title]Shifting context and cultural transfer: The Abu Said textile at Vienna and Mongol cloth of gold in Europe
[Guest Lecturer] Prof. Dr. Markus Ritter (University of Vienna)
[Date & Venue] Date: Friday, 2 February, 2018, 15:00 - 17:00
Venue: Seminar Room 6, 2nd floor at the National Museum of Ethnology
- 2018.1.15 11th Minpaku Lecture Series in Modern Middle East Studies
[Title]TSecond Degree Asianism: The Russo-Japanese War, Japanese Imperialism and Muslim Visions of Japan
[Guest Lecturer] Dr. Ulrich Brandenburg (University of Zurich)
[Date & Venue] Date: 15:00-17:00 on 15 January 2018
Venue: Seminar Room 3, 4th floor at the National Museum of Ethnology
- 2017.12.05 10th Minpaku Lecture Series in Modern Middle East Studies
[Title]Taming the Animal Soul (Nafs): Esoteric Meaning in Sufi Visual Symbolism in the Western Balkans
[Guest Lecturer] Dr. Sara Kuehn (University of Vienna/ MINPAKU)
[Date & Venue] Date: 15:00-17:00 on 5 December, 2017
Venue: Seminar Room 7, 2nd floor at the National Museum of Ethnology
- 2017.11.14 Joint Research Seminar in Northeast Asian Studies and Middle Eastern Studies
[Title] Between Linguistics and Magic: The ‘Power’ of Chinese Characters Linking Medieval Europe, Middle East and Northeast Asia
[Guest Lecturer] Dr. Benoit Grevin (Directeur de recherches, CNRS : Laboratoire de Medievistique occidentale de Paris, UMR 8589)
[Date & Venue] Date: 15:30-17:00 on 14 Npvember, 2017
Venue: Seminar Room 3, 2nd floor at the National Museum of Ethnology
- 2017.10.27 9th Minpaku Lecture Series in Modern Middle East Studies
[Title] Around a cup of coffee: Youth sociality, consumption and social change in Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates)
[Guest Lecturer] Dr. Laure Assaf (EHESS)
[Date & Venue] Date: 15:00-17:00 on 27 October, 2017
Venue: 4046, 4th floor at the National Museum of Ethnology
- 2017.7.14 8th Minpaku Lecture Series in Modern Middle East Studies
[タイトル] クルアーン消費財をめぐる倫理と実践-チュニジアの室内装飾具の事例から
[報告者] 二ツ山達朗(現代中東地域研究京都大学イスラーム地域研究センター拠点・拠点研究員)
[開催日時] 2017年7月14日(金) 16:00-17:30
[会場] 国立民族学博物館2F 第3セミナー室
[使用言語] 日本語
[Title] Ethical and Material Practice with Qur’?n-Commodity: From the Case of Interior Ornament in Tunisia
[Lecturer] Dr. Tatsuro FUTATSUYAMA (Center for Islamic Area Studies at ASAFAS, Kyoto University)
[Date & Time] 16:00-17:30 14 July, 2017
[Language] Japanese
[Venue] Seminar Room 3, 2nd floor at the National Museum of Ethnology
- 2017.6.19 7th Minpaku Lecture Series in Modern Middle East Studies
[Title] Youth, waithood and shifting life-spheres in post-revolutionary Egypt
[Guest Lecturer] Dr. Henri Onodera (Helsinki University)
[Date & Venue] Date: 14:00-16:30 on 14 June, 2017
Venue: Seminar Room 6, 2nd floor at the National Museum of Ethnology
- 2017.5.26 6th Minpaku Lecture Series in Modern Middle East Studies
[タイトル] 近代日本のイランをめぐる知的系譜と権力構造: 明治期日本の「イラン研究」をてがかりに
[報告者] 黒田賢治 (国立民族学博物館現代中東地域研究拠点・拠点研究員)
[開催日時] 2017年5月26日(金)16:00-17:30
[会場] 国立民族学博物館2F 第6セミナー室
[使用言語] 日本語
[Title] Modernizing Japan, Exploring Iran: A Genealogical Approach to Modern Middle Eastern Studies in Japan
[Lecturer] Dr. Kenji KURODA (Research Fellow at the Center for Modern Middle East Studies, MINPAKU)
[Date & Time] 16:00-17:30 26 May, 2017
[Language] Japanese
[Venue] Seminar Room 6, 2nd floor at the National Museum of Ethnology
- 2017.3.21 5th Minpaku Lecture Series in Modern Middle East Studies
[Guest Lecturer] Dr. Samuli Shielke (Zentrum Moderner Orient), Daniela Swarowsky (filmmaker)
[Date Venue] Date: 14:00-17:30 on 21 March, 2017
Part 1 Film Lecture with commentary by Daniela Swarowsky
[Time] 14:00-15:15
Part 2 Lecture on the Anthropology of Islam
[Guest Lecturer] Dr. Samuli Schielke (Zentrum Moderner Orient)
[Time] 15:30-17:30
Venue: Seminar Room 7, 2nd floor at the National Museum of Ethnology
- 2017.3.14 4th Minpaku Lecture Series in Modern Middle East Studies
[Guest Lecturer] Dr. Ines Weinrich
[Lecture title] Islamic Chanting between Recitation and Rap: Observations from fieldwork in Syria and Lebanon
[Date & Venue] Date: 14:00-16:30 on 14 March, 2017
Venue: Seminar Room 6, 2nd floor at the National Museum of Ethnology