The National Museum of Ethnology (Minpaku) is a research center for ethnology and cultural anthropology.

Research and Education

Research Activities Research Activities
The National Museum of Ethnology is a research institute with museum. We conduct research in various fields that have ethnic studies and cultural anthropology at their core, and provide information for both the scholarly community and general public.
Open Access Resources Open Access Resources
In addition to the Minpaku library, with its collection of printed materials related to cultural anthropology and ethnology, and databases of our collections, research results, and other resources, a wide variety of other materials and facilities are also available to the public. Please take advantage of them.
The Graduate University for Advanced Studies The Graduate University for Advanced Studies
The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (Sokendai) has a School of Cultural and Social Studies based at Minpaku. The school has a Department of Regional Studies and a Department of Comparative Studies, and accepts Ph.D students from Japan and abroad. The School also accepts "Special Joint Research Fellows" and visiting graduate students from other universities.
Community Alliance Community Alliance
The National Museum of Ethnology collaborates with museums and universities in Japan and overseas to create a network for making practical use of cultural resources. It also engages in projects and initiatives that will contribute broadly to society and school education.