The National Museum of Ethnology (Minpaku) is a research center for ethnology and cultural anthropology.

Seminars, Symposia, and Academic Conferences

Thursday, January 13 ~Saturday, January 15, 2005
《International Symposium》Indigenous Movements in Plural Societies: The Canadian Inuit and the Ainu of Japan

  • Date: Thursday, January 13 - Saturday, January 15, 2005
  • Venue: Conference Room 4, National Museum of Ethnology


(1) Purpose

The objective of this symposium is to discuss how Inuit and Ainu people are engaging in their indigenous movements, to examine the relationship between both groups and the dominant societies with which they co-exist, and to consider the social and political impacts of the movements on their countries. In this symposium, cultural and social activists as well as Inuit and Ainu political leaders, government officials and, researches will present and discuss their perceptions of the current state of indigenous movements in their countries.

(2) Place and Time:

National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka, Japan, in January 13-15, 2005

(3) Programs:

Programs Download / General Comments by Bob Mesher

(Day One)
Thursday, January 13, 2005 Fourth-floor Seminar Room, National Museum of Ethnology (NME)
09:30 Registration
10:25 Opening
10:30-10:35 Opening Address
(1) Makio Matsuzono (Director General, NME)
10:35-10:40 Opening Address
(2) Taeko Udagawa and Nobuhiro Kishigami (NME)
10:40-12:10 Session (1)
"The Government of Canada and the Indigenous Movement of the Inuit"
(Chairperson) Henry Stewart (The University of the Air)
10:40-11:20 "Nunavik Inuit Road to Self-Government"
Donat Savoie (Federal Government of Canada)
11:20-11:40 "Comments: from views of an anthropologist and a law specialist"
Henry Stewart (The University of the Air) and Toshiaki Sonohara (Daitobunka University)
11:40-12:10 Questions and Discussion
12:00-13:00 Lunch Break
13:00-14:00 Visit to Museum Galleries
14:00-15:30 Session (2)
"The Indigenous Movement of the Northern Quebec Inuit"
(Chair Person) Koumei Hosokawa (Kyoto Seika University)
14:0 0-14:40 "Political and Economic Activities of Makivik Corporation"
George Berhthe (Makivik Corporation)
14:40-15:00 "Comments: from a view of an anthropologist"
Koumei Hosokawa (Kyoto Seika University)
15:00-15:30 Questions and Discussion
15:30-15:40 Coffee Break
15:40-17:10 Session (3)
"The Indigenous Movement of the Urban Inuit"
(Chair Person) Sachiko Kubota (Hiroshima University)
15:40-16:20 "Indigenous Movement of the Inuit in Montreal: The Activities of the Association of Montreal Inuit"
Victor Mesher (Association of Montreal Inuit)
16:20-16:40 "Comments: from a view of an anthropologist"
Nobuhiro Kishigami (National Museum of Ethnology)
16:40-15:10 Questions and Discussion
Evening: Welcoming Party
(Day Two)
Friday, January 14, 2005, Fourth-Floor Seminar Room
10:00-10:30 Registration
10:30-12:00 Session (4) "The Government of Japan and the Ainu Indigenous Movement: Ainu Cultural Policy: The New Ainu Law"
(Chair Person) Kazuyoshi Ohtsuka (National Museum of Ethnology)
10:30-11:10 "The Role of the Foundation for Research and Promotion of Ainu Culture"
Kazuyuki Tanimoto (Foundation for Research and Promotion of Ainu Culture)
11:10-11:30 "Comments: from a view of an anthropologist"
Kazuyoshi Ohtsuka (National Museum of Ethnology)
11:30-12:00 Questions and Discussion
12:00-13:00 Lunch Break
13:00-14:00 Visit to Museum Galleries and the Japanese Garden
14:00-15:30 Session (5)
"Movements in the Promotion of Ainu Culture"
(Chair Person) Kazuyuki Tanimoto (The Foundation for Research and Promotion of Ainu Culture)
14:00-14:40 "Promotion Activities of the Ainu Culture"
Masahiro Nomoto (The Ainu Museum)
14:40-15:00 "Comments: from a view from an Inuit journalist"
Bob Mesher (Makivik Magazine)
15:00-15:30 Questions and Discussion
15:30-15:45 Coffee Break
15:45-16:25 "Indigenous Movements of the Tokyo Ainu"
Osamu Hasegawa (Rira no Kai)
16:25-16:45 "Comments: from a view of an anthropologist"
Molly Lee (University of Alaska, Fairbanks)
16:45-17:15 Questions and Discussion
(Third Day)
On the 15th, January, 2005 (Saturday) at the 4th Seminar Room in the morning and the 5th Seminar Room in the afternoon, National Museum of Ethnology
10:00-12:00 General Discussion
(Chair Person) Molly Lee (University of Alaska, Fairbanks)
General Comments on the Symposium : Nelson Graburn (University of California, Berkeley)
12:00-13:30 Lunch Break
Public Lectures at the 5th Seminar
(Chair Person) Nobuhiro Kishigami
13:30-14:15 Public Lecture (1)
"Changes in Inuit Art and Culture"
Nelson Graburn (University of California, Berkeley)
14:15-14:30 Coffee Break
14:30-15:15 Public Lecture (2)
"Ainu Indigenous Movements: The Past, Present and Future"
Kazuyoshi Ohtsuka (National Museum of Ethnology)
15:15-15:30 Coffee Break
15:30-16:00 Questions and Replies, and Comments
16:00 Closing of the Symposium and Lectures
(4) Information about Symposium

The Indigenous Movements in Plural Societies symposium will be hold as a joint effort of the National Museum of Ethnology and Professor Taeko Udagawa's Humanities and Social Science Promotion Project of Japan Society for the promotion of Science. Every presentation of this symposium will be simultaneously translated into both English and Japanese and will be open to the public in general. The executive committee members are Nobuhiro Kishigami (NME) Chief Organizer, Taeko Udagawa (NME), Kazuyoshi Ohtsuka (NME), Kenji Yoshida (NME) and Kazuyuki Tanimoto (the Foundation for Research and Promotion of Ainu Culture)

National Museum of Ethnology,
TEL: 06-6876-2151 Nobuhiro KISHIGAMI