The National Museum of Ethnology (Minpaku) is a research center for ethnology and cultural anthropology.

Seminars, Symposia, and Academic Conferences

Sunday, October 13 ~Monday, October 14, 2013
《International Conference》Culture of the peoples of Siberia and the Russian Far East in museum collections: methods of collection, preservation and exhibition

  • Date: Sunday, October 13 - Monday, October 14, 2013
  • Venue: Conference Room 4, National Museum of Ethnology


The conference will consider the methods of collections of museum items and history of the formation of museum collections, which reflect the culture of various peoples of Siberia and the Russian Far East. Along with the study of the museums’ collection by using ethnographic approaches, during conference participants will draw special attention to the problem of preservation of historical and cultural values accordance with the new methods of museology. In addition, the work of the conference will cover a range of issues related to the activities of the museum exhibition as a way of interpreting the material and non-material cultures of the peoples of these Russian regions. An important goal of the conference is to construct the dialogue between Russian central and regional professional museum societies and Japanese researchers and museums dealing with the culture of peoples of Siberia and the Russian Far East.