The National Museum of Ethnology (Minpaku) is a research center for ethnology and cultural anthropology.

Staff Members

The Japan Center for Area Studies (JCAS)・Professor
Research Specialization
Individual Research Projects
Personal website

Academic Qualifications:

  • B.A. Wageningen Agricultural University 1979
  • B.A. in Inhaalprogramma, University of Nijimegen 1981
  • M.Sc. Wageningen Agricultural University 1984
  • Ph.D. in Agricultural Sciences, Wageningen Agricultural University 1995

Research Topics:

I study the ecology, economics and governance of small holder natural resource management

Recent Research Interests:

I conduct research on forest rehabilitation efforts in two both South America and Southeast Asia. This includes assessment of the enabling conditions that lead to successful forest rehabilitation and related improvement of local livelihoods and the environment. I am also interested in the political ecology of forest rehabilitation. In addition I am involved in work that looks at the role of forests in poverty rehabilitation and especially how governance investment at lowest administrative levels contribute to this role, or not. This last work follows an action research approach: theoretical insights are achieved through developing a more appropriate conceptualization of poverty, defining more appropriate indicators that are adopted by local stakeholders, and by developing tools to assess the impact of local government intervention on poverty.

Professional Career:

Ph.D. in Agricultural Sciences. Wageningen Agricultural University, The Netherlands (1995).

Worked in Peru in Peru between 1982 and 1987. Wrote the Ph.D. thesis in New York between 1988 and 1992. Did post-doc research in Kalimantan, Indonesia between 1992 and 1995. Worked as a scientist and Senior Scientist at the Center for International Forestry Research, located in Bogor. During the CIFOR employment did research in Bolivia, Peru, Zimbabwe, Indonesia and Vietnam

Geographical areas of Interest:

Southeast Asia (Vietnam & Indonesia), Latin America (Peru & Bolivia)

Ethnic groups:

Bidayuh (Indonesia), Riberenos (Peru)


Human ecology; political ecology; forestry


Peer reviewed articles and essays: First author
  • Community forestry and the stewardship of tropical forests in Asia. Kyoto Review of Southeast Asia:, November 2002

  • Tropical secondary forests in Asia: Introduction and synthesis. Jong, U.Chokkalingam, J. Smith, C. Sabogal. Journal of Tropical Forest Science, 13 (4) 2001, 563-576.

  • The evolution of swidden fallow secondary forests in Asia. W. de Jong; U. Chokkalingam, D. Perrera. Journal for Tropical Forest Science, 13 (4) 2001, 800-815.

  • Farming secondary forests in Indonesia. W. de Jong, M. van Noordwijk, M. Sirait, Suyanto, N. Liswanta. Journal for Tropical Forest Science, 13 (4) 2001, 705-726.

  • Secondary forests dynamics in the Amazon floodplain in Peru. W. de Jong, L. Freitas, J. Baluarte, P. van de Kop, A. Salazar, E. Inga, W. Melendez, C. Germana. Forest Ecology and Management 150: 135-146, 2001

  • Tree and forest management in the floodplains of the Peruvian Amazon. Forest Ecology and Management 150: 125-134, 2001.

  • Sustaining incomes from non timber forest products: Introduction and synthesis. W. de Jong, B. Campbell and J. Schroeder. International Tree Crop Journal 10 (4) 267-276, 2000.

  • A concerted approach to una de gato development in Peru. Wil de Jong, M.Melnyk, L. Alfaro, M.Rosales and M.Garcia. International Tree Crop Journal, 10 (4) 321-337, 2000.

  • Micro-differences in local resource management: The case of honey in West Kalimantan, Indonesia.Human Ecology 28 (4) 631-639, 2000.

  • Appropriateness of Vitex pubescens production for swidden agriculturists. Jong, R. Utama, D. Rantan, S. Budhi, S. Kusmina, and F. Sriwardani. Forest, Farm, and Community Tree Research Reports, volume 3: 62-65, 1998.

  • Developing swidden agriculture and the threat of biodiversity loss. Agriculture, Ecosystems and the Environment, 62:187-197, 1997.

  • Swidden fallow agroforestry in Amazonia: Diversity at close distance. Agroforestry Systems, 34 (3): 277-290, 1996.

  • Organizacion de trabajo en la Amazonia Peruana: El caso de las Sociedades Agricolas de Tamshiyacu. Amazonia Indigena 7(13) 11-17, 1987.

Journal articles: Co-authored
  • Markets Drive Forest Peoples' Specialization Strategies. Co-auhtored with 29 auhtors. Conservation Ecology, submitted, 2004.

  • Synergies and tensions between values of land and property rights on the Wild Coast of South Africa T. Kepe, M.K. Luckert, W. de Jong, L. Foote, M. Madzwamuse. Submitted to Journal of Contemporary African Studies.

  • Can common property resource systems work in Zimbabwe. B.Campbell, W. de Jong, M. Luckert, A. Mandando, F. Matose, N. Nemarundwe. The Zimbabwe Science News Vo 36 No 1 & 2: 13 - 16.

  • A conceptual framework for the assessment of tropical secondary forest dynamics and sustainable development potential in Asia. Unna Chokkalingam, Joyotee Smith, Wil de Jong, and Cesar Sabogal. Journal of Tropical Forest Science, 13 (4) 577-600, 2001.

  • Secondary forest: A working definition and typology. U. Chokkalingam & W. de Jong. International Forestry Review 3 (1): 19-26, 2001.

  • Challenges to proponents of Common Property Resource systems - despairing voices from the social forests of Zimbabwe. Bruce Campbell, Alois Mandondo, Nontokozo Nemarundwe, Bevline Sithole. Wil de Jong, Marty Luckert, Frank Matose. World Development, Vol. 29, No. 4: pp. 589-600, 2001.

  • El Bosque Secundario de la Llanura Aluvial Inundable en la Zona de Jenaro Herrera, Amazonia Peruana: Uso, Manejo y Contribucion a la Economia del Poblador Ribereno. Baluarte Vasquez, J. Freitas Alvarado, L. Van De Kop, P. De Jong,W. Inga Sanchez, H. Melendez Torres, W. 2000. Revista Forestal Del Peru.

  • Caracterizacion del Uso de la Tierra y Bosques Secundarios en la Llanura Aluvial Inundable de la Zona Muyuy-Iquitos, Amazonia Peruana. Freitas Alvarado,L. Baluarte Vasquez,J. van de Kop,P. Inga Sanchez,H. de Jong,W. Melendez Torres, W. y Salazar Vega, A. 2000. Revista Forestal del Peru.

  • Income generation through rehabilitation of Imperata grasslands: Production of Vitex pubescens as a source of charcoal. R. Utama. D. Rantan, W. de Jong, S. Budhi. In Roshetko, J.M and Evans, D.O. (eds. ). Domestication of agroforestry trees in Southeast Asia. Forest Farm and Tree Community Tree research Reports, Special Issues, 174-184, 1999.

  • Effect of moisturizing treatments on germination of Vitex pubescens seeds. Fitri Sriwardani, Setia Budhi, Supia Kusmina, Rudijanta Utama, Donatus Rantan, and Wil de Jong. Forest, Farm, and Community Tree Research Reports, volume 3, 66-69, 1998.

  • Effect of soil amendment on early growth of Vitex pubescens stumps. Supia Kusmina, Setia Budhi, Fitri Sriwardani, Rudianata Utama, Donatus Rantan, and Wil de Jong. Forest, Farm, and Community Tree Research Reports, volume 3, 70-73, 1998.

  • Organizacion de la mano de obra agricola en las comunidades riberenas de la selva Peruana. M. Chibnik and W. de Jong. Amazonia Peruana 21:181-215, 1992.

  • The house gardens of Santa Rosa: An Amazonian agricultural system. Christine Padoch and Wil de Jong. Economic Botany 45 (2): 166-175, 1991.

  • Santa Rosa: The impact of forest products trade on an Amazonian village. Christine Padoch and Wil de Jong. Advances in Economic Botany 8: 151-158, 1989.

  • Agricultural labor organization in the ribereno communities of the Peruvian Amazon. M. Chibnik and W. de Jong. Ethnology XXVIII (1): 75-95, 1990.

  • Amazonian agroforestry: a market-oriented system in Peru. C. Padoch; J Chota; W. de Jong; J. Unruh. Agroforestry Systems 3: 47-58, 1985.

Monographs and edited volumes
  • Retos y perspectivas del nuevo regimen forestal en el norte amazonico boliviano. Wil de Jong, editor. Center for International Forestry Research, Bogor Indonesia. 2004.

  • Future Scenarios as an instrument for forest Management. N. Nemarundwe, W. de Jong, P. Cronkleton. CIFOR Special Publication. Bogor, 2003.

  • Escenarios Futuros como instrumentos para el manejo forestal. N. Nemarundwe, W. de Jong, P. Cronkleton. CIFOR Special Publication. Bogor, 2003.

  • Luz de America: Comunidad y biodiversidad amazonica. D.M Olarte, ". Gonzalez, J Fuertes, Basilio Gonzalez, E. Silva, A. Arellanos, S. Meo, W. de Jong. CIFOR Special publication, Bogor, 2003.

  • Migration and the social ecology of tropical forests. Wil de Jong Abe Ken Ichi. Lye Tuck Po. In preparation.

  • Extreme conflicts and Tropical Forests. Deanna Donovan, Wil de Jong, Abe Ken Ichi. In preparation.

  • The political ecology of forests in Southeast Asia. L. Tuck-Po, W de Jong. K. Abe (eds. ) Kyoto University Press and Melbourne: Trans Pacific Press.

  • Forest products and local forest management in West Kalimantan, Indonesia: Implications for conservation and development. Tropenbos Kalimantan Series 6, Wageningen, 2002.

  • Secondary forests in Asia: their diversity, importance, and role in future environmental management. U. Chokkalingam, W. de Jong, J. Smith and C. Sabogal, Guest Editors. Journal of Tropical forest Science 13(4): Special Issue. 2001.

  • Plantas amazonicas nativas de uso medicinal: Diagnostico de un sector economico con un potencial de realizacion. Walter Nalvarte A. Wil de Jong, Gilberto Dominguez. CIFOR, Lima, Peru. 2000.

  • Una de gato: Fate and future of a Peruvian forest resource. Wil de Jong, Mary Melnyk, Luis Alfaro Lozano, Marina Rosales, Myriam Garcia, CIFOR Occasional Paper, 18. Center for International Forestry Research, Bogor. 1998.

  • Bosques secundarios como recurso para el desarollo rural y la conservacion ambiental en los tropcis de America Latina. J. Smith, C. Sabogal, W. de Jong and D. Kaimowitz. CIFOR Occasional Paper No 13. Center for International Forestry Research, Bogor. 1996.

  • Diversity variation and change in ribereno agriculture and agroforestry. W. de Jong. Dissertation Agricultural University Wageningen. 1995.

  • Managing the non timber forest products of Southeast Asia. W. de Jong and R. Mendelsohn. Paper prepared for the World Bank, Southeast Asia Division, 1992.

  • Floristiese samenstelling en abundantie van soorten en botaniese families in primair bos en antropogeen beinvloed sekundair bos in de peruviaanse Amazonia. Ingenieurs Thesis (MS), Department of Silviculture, Agricultural University, Wageningen. 1983.

  • Herstrukturering van geplant grovedennenbos naar natuurlijk bos oplandgoed Rozendaal (Restructuring of planted pine forest to natural forest on the Rozendaal country estate). Ingenieurs thesis (MS), Department of Silviculture, Agricultural University, Wageningen. 1983.

Book chapters: First author
  • Forest Management and Classification of fallows: The case of Bidayuh farmers in West Kalimantan. In Michael Caerns, ed. In press.

  • Reconciling Agriculture with the Conservation of Tropical Forests. Forthcoming in: Dekker Encyclopedia of Plant & Crop Science; R. M. Goodman, editor. Marcel Dekker Inc. New York.

  • The political ecology of tropical forests in Southeast Asia: Historical roots of modern problems. W. de Jong, L. Tuck-Po, K. Abe. In: The political ecology of forests in Southeast Asia. L. Tuck-Po, W de Jong. K. Abe (eds. ) Kyoto University Press and Trans Pacific Press.

  • The political ecology of forest products in Indonesia: A history of changing adversaries. W. de Jong, D. Rohadi, B.Belcher, R. Mustikasari, P. Levang. In: The political ecology of forests in Southeast Asia. L. Tuck-Po, W de Jong. K. Abe (eds. ) Kyoto University Press and Trans Pacific Press.

  • When new technologies meet traditional forest management: The impact of rubber cultivation on the forest landscape in Borneo. Wil de Jong. Chapter 24, Arild Angelsen and D. Kaimowitz (eds. ) The impact of technological change in agricultural change on deforestation. CAB International, 2001.

  • Ethno-classification of fallows, land conservation and fallow management: the case of Bidayuh farmers in West Kalimantan. In. Michael Cairns. Improved fallows. CD Rom, Center for World Forestry, Bogor Indonesia.

  • Taking NTFP out of the forest: Management, production and biodiversity conservation. In: NTFP research in the Tropenbos programme: Results and perspectives. The Tropenbos Foundation, Wageningen, the Netherlands, 1999.

  • Turning ideas into action: Planning for non-timber forest product development. W. de Jong, R. Utama. In E. Wollemberg and A. Ingles (eds. ) Incomes from the forest: Methods for the development and conservation of forest products for local communities. CIFOR, Bogor. 1998.

  • Recreating the forest: Successful examples of ethno-conservation among Dayak groups in central West Kalimantan. In Oyvind Sandbukt (ed. ) Management of tropical forests: toward an integrated perspective. University of Oslo, Centre for Development and the Environment, pp 295-304.

Book chapters: Co-author
  • Modelos de migraciones Amazonicas en el Peru y su impacto sobre el bosque tropical. L. Limachi, , W. de Jong, C. Cornejo. In preparation.

  • Nicaragua's Frontier: the Bosawas Biosphere Reserve. C. Staver, W. de Jong, D. Kaimowitz. Forthcoming in: Extreme conflicts and Tropical Forests. Wil de Jong, Deanna Donovan, Abe Ken Ichi, eds. In preparation.

  • Camu-camu (Myrciaria dubia McVaugh H.B.K. ), Arbusto Amazonico de Areas Inundables con Alto Contenido de Vitamina C. Mario Pinedo Panduro and Wil de Jong. Chapter in the forthcoming book on the Comparison of NTFP Cases. CIFOR, Bogor.

  • Una de Gato.Walter Nalvarte A. & Wil de Jong. Chapter in the forthcoming book on the Comparison of NTFP Cases. CIFOR, Bogor.

  • Subsistence- and market-oriented agroforestry in the Peruvian Amazon. C. Padoch and W. de Jong. In T. Nishizawa and J. Uitto, eds. The fragile Tropics of Latin America: Changing environments and their sustainable management, pp 226-237. United Nations University Press: Tokyo. 1992.

  • Diversity, variation, and change in ribereno agriculture. C. Padoch and W. de Jong. In Indigenous patterns of resource management neotropical forests, pp 158-175. K. Redford and C. Padoch, eds. Columbia University Press. 1989.

  • Production and profit in agroforestry: An example from the Peruvian Amazon. C. Padoch and W. de Jong. In Fragile lands of Latin America: Strategies for sustainable development, pp 102-113 J.O.Browder (ed). Westview Press, Bolder. 1987.

  • Traditional agroforestry practices of native and peasant farmers of the lowland Peruvian Amazon. C. Padoch & W. de Jong. In Agroforestry: Realities, possibilities and potentials, pp 179-194, H.L.Gholz ed. Martinus Nijhof Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. 1987.

Non-peer reviewed articles
  • Visioning the Future of Forest Management in Bolivia. CIFOR News, 2002.

  • Study analyses new hope for medicinal plants in Peru. CIFOR News, 26, p. 8, 2000.

  • Palma aceitera: Una agroindustria con potencial y una amenaza. Bosque Amazonica. September, 1999.

  • CIFOR renews ties with key research partners in Brazil to address problems facing the Amazon. CIFOR News 23, p. 7, 1999.

  • Study supports idea that ecoturism can help protect tropical rainforests. CIFOR News 22, p. 9. (1999).

  • Woodcarving industry aids Zimbabwe's poor, but raises environmental concerns. CIFOR News 22, p 5, 1999.

  • CIFOR paper sees troubling directions in Indonesian plantation programmes. CIFOR News 20, p. 9, 1998.

  • Nutty forest products changing livelihoods. CIFOR News 18: p. 4, 1998.

  • Producing charcoal on Imperata grasslands CIFOR News 17, p. 3, 1997.

  • Developing swidden as a strategy to preserve biodiversity. Guest Contribution to the Electronic Conference: Research and Biodiversity: A step Forward. European Working Group on Research and Biodiversity. May, 1998.

  • Una de gato: fortune and fate of a Peruvian forest resource. CIFOR News 14, p. 5. 1997

  • Indonesia auf dem Holzweg. Tropenwaldvernichtigung auf Kalimantan. (Eckhard Freyer and Wil de Jong. ) Evangelische Kommentaren, November 1995.

  • Spontaneous intensification of swidden agriculture in Indonesia. APANews, November 1994

  • Wise use of forest resource in Kalimantan: A Potential for development. Tropenbos Newsletter, November 1993.

  • Agroforestry in the past, now and in the future in the Peruvian Amazon. BOS, 3(3).

  • The Sociedades Agricolas of Tamshiyacu: Permanent workgroups in a Peruvian Amazon village. Paper presented at the 85th annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association. Philadelphia, December 1986.

  • Algunos resultados de la teledeteccion referente a la cobertura vegetal de la selva baja. J Gasche, W de Jong,M Pouget, M Sourdat. Resumenes, III Congreso Nacional de Botanica, 14-20 October, Iquitos, Peru. 1985.

  • El sistema de produccion de umari. In Memoria del taller de trabajo de un plan de investigaciones sobre frutales nativos en la Amazonia Peruana September 1984, Iquitos. 1984.