The National Museum of Ethnology (Minpaku) is a research center for ethnology and cultural anthropology.

Staff Members

Department of Globalization and Humanity・Research Fellow
Research Specialization
  • Cultural anthropology, ethnography, Gypsies and Roma, France, Europe
Individual Research Projects
  • Study of Gypsies’ Nomadism and Community in France
Personal website

Academic Qualifications

  • B.A., Tsukuba University, 2003
  • M.A., Tsukuba University, 2006
  • Ph.D., Tsukuba University, 2012

Current Research Topics

French policies toward Gypsies, Nomads and gens du voyage
New form of nomadism and ‘travelling community’ emerging among Gypsies/Travellersv Pilgrimage of the Gypsies at Les Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer
Pentecostal movements among French Gypsies
Gypsies’ commemorative practices in contemporary Frances

Research Keywords

Gypsies and Roma, Manouches, France, Nomadism, dwelling, body, objects, materiality, affect, coexistence, memory, community, civil society

Selected Publications

Gypsies in contemporary France. Kyoto: Sekaishisosha (in Japanese).
La communauté du silence: réflexion sur le « silence de respect » chez les Manouches français, Japanese Journal of Cultural Anthropology 78(4): 470-491 (in Japanese).
Le corps qui façonne l'espace: réflexion sur 1'habitat caravane et la position du corps des Manouches français, Japanese Journal of Cultural Anthropology 78(2): 177-197 (in Japanese).

Publications (English publications only)

(In print) Decline and Restructuring of Gypsies’ Nomadism in France: Beyond the Nomadic/Sedentary Binary, In K. Ikeya (ed.) Sedentarization among nomadic peoples in Asia and Africa (Senri Ethnological Studies № 95) , Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology.
Chacun a sa caravane: l’habitat caravane et l’organisation sociale chez les Manouches semi-sédentaires ou sédentaires dans la région paloise, Journal des anthropologues 120-121 : 399-416.