The National Museum of Ethnology (Minpaku) is a research center for ethnology and cultural anthropology.

Staff Members

Department of Advanced Human Sciences・Professor
Research Specialization
  • Cultural anthropology, Chinese society and culture
Individual Research Projects
  • An Anthropological Study on the Dynamics of Culture and Society in East Asia
Personal website

Academic Qualifications:

  • B.A. Univ. of Tokyo 1977
  • M.A. Univ. of Tokyo 1981

Research Topics:

Dynamics of culture and society of the peoples from Yunnan to Mainland Southeast Asia:

  1. Historical study of the Bai Ethnicity
  2. Acculturation of the Bai Peasant society in Dali
  3. History and society of the peoples of the Chinese origin in Burma

Geographical Areas of Interest:

Yunnan, Southwestern China, Mainland Southeast Asia, East Asia

Ethnic Groups:

Bai, Han Chinese, ethnic minorities of Southwestern China


Socio-cultural anthropology


Uxorilocal Marriage among the Bai of the Dali Basin. Yunnan. In M. Suenari, J. S. Eades and C. Daniels (eds.) Perspectives on Chinese Society: Anthropological Views from Japan (CSAC Monograph 10), pp.182–190. Centre for Social Anthropology and Computing, University of Kent.
Separation from the “Tu” Category: A Study on the Generic Names of Bai Guardian Gods. In C. Nakane and C. Chiao (eds.) Home Bound: Studies in East Asian Society, The Centre for East Asian Cultural Studies, pp.149–165.


“Matrilocal Marriage among the Bai of Dali Basin, Yunnan, China.” 91st Annual Meeting of American Anthropological Association, San Francisco, California, USA.
&“Separation from the ‘Tu’ Category: A Study on the Generic Names of Bai Guardian Gods.” International Symposium on ‘The Study of East Asian Societies’ organized by Chie Nakane and Chien Chiao in honor of Professor Fei Xiaotong’s eightieth birthday, International House of Japan, Tokyo, Japan.
“Ethnic Identity among the Inhabitants of the Dali Basin in Southwestern China.” 87th Annual Meeting of American Anthropological Association, Phoenix, Arizona, USA.