The National Museum of Ethnology (Minpaku) is a research center for ethnology and cultural anthropology.

Senri Ethnological Reports (SER)

No.121 Mongolia's Transition from Socialism to Capitalism: Four Views

September 10, 2014 Publication

Interviews Conducted by Yuki Konagaya and I. Lkhagvasuren
Translated by Mary Rossabi
Edited and Introduced by Morris Rossabi

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I. Dumaagiin Sodnom, Planner of Transition
1. This Is Where My Home Began
2. I Attend the Financial Technicum
3. I Went to Study in Irkutsk
4. I Became a Minister of Finance in Mongolia
5. A Big Debt
6. Mr. Yu. Tsedenbal Is Dismissed
7. What Were Mr. Yu. Tsedenbal's Mistakes?
8. The Start of the Democratic Revolution
9. A Hard Time
10. "Those surrounding Yu. Tsedenbal"
11. "The lost years"
II. Sharaviin Gungaadorj, Member of the Great Khural and Former President of Mongolia
1. The Fate of My Father
2. Choosing a Profession
3. Organizing the State Farms
4. The Wonders of Mongolia
5. Thoughts on Stimulating the Local Planting Industry
6. The Preparation of Specialists
7. The Goals of Privatization
8. Mr. Sharav Gungaadorj
9. Working on the State Farms
10. Planting Vegetables
11. Growing Fruits and Berries
12. The State Farms Break Up
13. Recent Social Changes
14. Japanese Aid for the Agricultural Sector
15. The Herder Returns to the Co-op
16. Developing the Agricultural Industry the Right Way
17. Privatization: Past and Future
III. Punsalmaagiin Ochirbat, First President of Mongolia
1. My Birth Place
2. Ulaanbaatar
3. “A Son of a Nation Returns with Knowledge from Distant Lands which even the Wild Geese Cannot Reach.”
4. The Chief Engineer Reaches a Government Ministry Step by Step
5. The Energy Ministry Is Developed
6. The Events of August, 1984
7. Mr. J. Batmünkh
8. Mr. Yu. Tsedenbal
9. The Innovations of Mongolian Democracy
10. The Presidential Election
11. My Wife
12. Tsedenbal and “those who surround him”
IV. Choijingiin Khurts, Geologist, Formerly the Minister of Mining
1. Childhood
2. Study Abroad in Moscow
3. Geological Survey at the Geological Institute
4. Cooperation with the USSR
5. Establishment of Mining in Erdenet
6. Brief History of Mining in Mongolia
7. Process of Nationalization
8. Challenges of Privatization and Oyu Tolgoi
Original Text in Mongolian
IV. Чойжингийн Хурц, Геологи, уул уурхайн яамны сайд асан
1. Хүүхэд нас
2. Москвад өнгөрүүлсэн оюутан ахуй цаг
3. Засгийн газрын дэргэдэх "Геологийн шинжилгээний газар"-т
4. Уул, уурхайн салбар дахь Зөвлөлт – Монголын хамтын ажиллагаа
5. "Уулын баяжуулах Эрдэнэт үйлдвэр"
6. Монголчууд эрдэс баялагийг ашиглаж байсан түүхээс
7. Уул, уурхайн салбарт "улсын үйлдвэрийн газар"-ууд буй болов
8. Уул, уурхайн салбарт "хувийн хэвшил" ба "Оюу толгой"

No. 120 All No. 122