Senri Ethnological Studies (SES)
1. Time, Language and Cognition-By Way of Introduction
Yasuhiko Nagano
Cognition of Time and Society
2. Time and Social Anthropology
Alfred Gell
3. Four Patterns of Time Concept-From a Comparative Sociology of Time
Munesuke Mita
4. Money and Time
Ayumu Yasutomi
Cognition of Time among Japanese
5. Time as Folklore
Noboru Miyata
6. Time in Ancient Japan - How Change Was Recognized
Nobuyoshi Furuhashi
7. Time in Buddhism
Musashi Tachikawa
Grammar and Time
8. Temporal Reference,Tense and Aspect in Australian Aboriginal Languages
Peter Austin
9. Aspects of Aspect, with Special Reference to Lahu and Hebrew
James A.Matisoff
10. Linguistic and Cultural Times Running in Oceania and Southeast Asia
Osamu Sakiyama
Time, Space and Cognition
11. How Time Affects the Shape of Language
Wallace Chafe
12. The Codification of Time on the North American Pacific Rim
Marianne Mithun
13. Representation of Time and Space in Oral History-Focusing on Oral History of the Ancient Mosi Kingdoms
Junzo Kawada
For enquiries about the series and to obtain copies of this volume, please contact:
Publications Office
National Museum of Ethnology
Senri Expo Park, Suita City, Osaka, 565-8511 JAPAN
Fax: +81-6-6878-7503
Publications Office
National Museum of Ethnology
Senri Expo Park, Suita City, Osaka, 565-8511 JAPAN
Fax: +81-6-6878-7503