The National Museum of Ethnology (Minpaku) is a research center for ethnology and cultural anthropology.

Senri Ethnological Studies (SES)

No.56 Identity and Gender in Hunting and Gathering Societies:Papers presented at the Eighth International Conference on Hunting and Gathering Societies(CHAGS 8) National Museum of Ethnology, October 1998

March 30, 2001 Publication

Edited by Ian Keen, Takako Yamada

back numbers
Syuzo Koyama and Jiro Tanaka
General Introduction
Ian Keen and Takako Yamada

Part I Changing Identity in Post-foraging Societies
Introduction to Part I
Ian Keen
Historical Change and the Political Contexts of Identity
Religious and ethnic identity among the Khanty: processes of change
Elena Glavatskaia
Autonomy by default versus popular participation: the paliyans of South India and the proposed Palni Hills Sanctuary
Christer Norstom
Ethnicity in the making: the Tlingits of south-east Alaska on the eve of the 21st century
Victor Shinirelman
Performance, Symbols and Narrative Styles
Presenting unity, performing diversity: identity negotiations in Sto:lo territory
Lisa Hiwasaki
Hunting as a symbol of cultural tradition: the cultural meaning of subsistence activities among Athabaskan Gwich'in society of northern Alaska
Toshiaki Inoue
Native American identity: liminality and mediation; James Welch and the contemporary Native American novel
Will Karkavelas
Voice, narrative and dialogue: the persistence of hunter-gatherer discourse in North America
Robin Ridington
Constructions of Identity
About Aboriginality: questions for the uninitiated
Russell Taylor
Denendeh: anthropologists, politics and ethnicity in the reorganization of the Canadian Northwest Territories
Jean-Guy A. Goulet
Theories of Aboriginal cultural continuity and Native Title applications in Australia
Ian Keen

Part II Gender and the Dynamics of Culture
Constructions of Identity
Takako Yamada
The folk-interpretation of human reproduction among |Gui and ||Gana and its implications for father-child relations
Kaoru Imamura
Gender politics in the socio-economic organization of contemporary foragers: a cese study from India
Zubeeda Banu Quraishy
Gender/Power: a view from the 'outside'
Sita Venkateswar
Mansi female culture: rules of behavior
Elena G. Fedorova
Gender and culture revialization movements among the Ainu
Takako Yamada

List of contributors

For enquiries about the series and to obtain copies of this volume, please contact:
Publications Office
National Museum of Ethnology
Senri Expo Park, Suita City, Osaka, 565-8511 JAPAN
Fax: +81-6-6878-7503