The National Museum of Ethnology (Minpaku) is a research center for ethnology and cultural anthropology.

Senri Ethnological Studies (SES)

No. 98 Let’s Talk about Trees: Genetic Relationships of Languages and Their Phylogenic Representation

March 16, 2018 Publication

Edited by Kikusawa Ritsuko, Lawrence A. Reid

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List of Figures
List of Maps
List of Plates
List of Tables
1. Introduction
 ………………Kikusawa Ritsuko and Lawrence A. Reid
2. Tree and Network in Systematics, Stemmatics, and Linguistics: Structural Model Selection in Phylogeny Reconstruction
 ………………Minaka Nobuhiro
3. Inferring Population Phylogeny from Genetic Data
 ………………Kimura Ryosuke
4. Jackknifing the Black Sheep: ASJP Classification Performance and Austronesian
 ………………Søren Wichmann and Taraka Rama
5. Freeing the Comparative Method from the Tree Model: A Framework for Historical Glottometry
 ………………Siva Kalyan and Alexandre François
6. Modeling the Linguistic Situation in the Philippines
 ………………Lawrence A. Reid
7. Macrophyletic Trees of East Asian Languages Re-examined
 ………………Weera Ostapirat
8. The Family Tree Model and “Dead Dialects”: Eastern Middle Iranian Languages
 ………………Yoshida Yutaka (translated by Kikusawa Ritsuko)
9. What the Tree Model Represents: Language Change, Time Depth, and Visual Representation
 ………………Kikusawa Ritsuko

No. 97 All No. 99