The National Museum of Ethnology (Minpaku) is a research center for ethnology and cultural anthropology.

Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology

2013-Vol. 37, No. 4

March 29, 2013 Publication

back numbers
Modern Origins of Chinggis Khan Worship: the Mongolian Response to Japanese Influences
Konagaya, Yuki
Research Notes
The Origin of the "Jasmine Revolution" and Two Concepts of Modernity: "Islam and Democracy" Revisited through a Rereading of Rachid Ghannouchi by Azzam Tamimi
Mori, Mariko
Collection Records and Research Information
Tracing the Makers: Case Study on Kachina Dolls Labeled "Hopi" in Japanese Ethnological Museums
Ito, Atsunori