The National Museum of Ethnology (Minpaku) is a research center for ethnology and cultural anthropology.

Minpaku Anthropology Newsletter

Number 14

June 1, 2002 Publication

Number 14 (June. 2002) [PDF: 276KB]

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Transitions in Folk Culture among the Mongolians of Qinghai Province: the Case of Nastní Jil Alquulaq Bayar
Bowhead Whaling among Prehistoric Thule Inuit in the Central Canadian Arctic
 ………………James M. Savelle
Ethnographical Studies on the Ethnic Groups of Myanmar
 ………………Thaw Kaung
Historical Change and Continuity in Communal Belief Systems in Korea
 ………………Ho-won Park
New Staff
Visiting Scholars

Number 13 All Number 15