The National Museum of Ethnology (Minpaku) is a research center for ethnology and cultural anthropology.

Minpaku Anthropology Newsletter

Number 38 An Anthropological Study of ‘Control’ and ‘Public’ in Myanmar

June 1, 2014 Publication

Number 38 (June. 2014) [PDF: 2.94MB]

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An Anthropological Study of ‘Control’ and ‘Public’ in Myanmar
Control and Division in Village Life: Field Experiences in Burma
 ………………Katsumi Tamura
A Decision in Distress: Aung San Suu Kyi
 ………………Kenji Ino
Media Control and Relaxation in Myanmar
 ………………U Thaw Kaung, Sithu
National Control and the Public Space for Spirit Worship in Burmese World
 ………………Yukako Iikuni
Buddhist Public or Counterpublics in Myanmar
 ………………Keiko Tosa
New Staff
Visiting Scholars

Number 37 All Number 39