The National Museum of Ethnology (Minpaku) is a research center for ethnology and cultural anthropology.

Academic dissertations

Master’s and graduation theses are not available to the public, so they are difficult to obtain without contacting the author. Here, we explain about dissertations (doctoral dissertations).

The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (Sokendai) Dissertations

  • Dissertations for the Department of Regional Studies and the Department of Comparative Studies in the School of Cultural and Social Studies.
    → These are stored in the Library (Common Achievements Shelf).
    Perusal is possible. (Copying requires the author’s consent.)
    Dissertations are not registered in the Minpaku Repository.
    Please view the Graduate University of Advanced Studies (Sokendai) Library Homepage.

  • Doctoral Dissertations: Abstracts of Dissertation Contents and Examination Results/
    Graduate University of Advanced Studies Academic Affairs Section, eds. Volume 1-Newest Edition.
    → Stored in the Library (Common Achievements Shelf)

Dissertations Written in Japan

Overseas Dissertations

  • There are bound copies and microfilms in the Library’s collection.
  • Items stored in bound form may be searched via OPAC.
  • For microfilmed materials, we have almost all anthropology-related dissertations from North America and Canada provided by ProQuest Information and Learning (formerly UMI) between January 1974 and March 2004. However, OPAC data is not available for some items.
    Should you not find it via OPAC, search the databases below, and if there is either an “Order No.” or a “Publication No.” in the search results, bring the data to the counter. We will confirm whether it is in the collection.
    ProQuest Dissertation & Theses SubsetA
    Access is possible only from inside Minpaku.
    This is a bibliographic index database for over one million theses and dissertations in the humanities and social sciences from over 1,000 universities worldwide (mostly in North America). (1697~) In some cases, full text is also available. A cross-search of the ProQuest Research Library may also be performed.

  • For dissertations written in the United Kingdom, the British Library provides an electronic thesis system. Some items may be downloaded for free:

    EThOS (Electronic Theses Online System)

  • The National Diet Library collects European and American doctoral dissertations from the late 1950s onward (mainly in the areas of science and technology).
    Search the National Diet Library’s Collection
    Reference: Searching the National Diet Library ? Overseas Doctoral Dissertations (General Overview)