
国立民族学博物館研究報告 2015 39巻4号

目 次
Low-income and Homeless Inuit in Montreal, Canada: Report of a 2012 Research
Nobuhiro Kishigami
『国立民族学博物館研究報告』39 巻 総目次
Vol. 39 No.4 2015

Sugase, Akiko
"Possession of a Saint" and Its Background: Comparing Examples of the Veneration of Sayyidnā al-Khader/al-Khodor in Southern Lebanon and Historical Palestine
Yamamoto, Atsushi
Social Dynamics in the Chotano Basin, Northern Peru:
Formation and Change in a Prehistoric Andean Society
Research Notes
Kishigami, Nobuhiro
Low-income and Homeless Inuit in Montreal, Canada:
Report of a 2012 Research


菅 瀬 晶 子*
"Possession of a Saint" and Its Background: Comparing Examples of
the Veneration of Sayyidnā al-Khader/al-Khodor
in Southern Lebanon and Historical Palestine
Akiko Sugase
 The coexistence of Muslims and non-Muslims has been very common in the Shām Area. Sharing veneration for certain specific saints reflects this coexistence, and the most popular example is veneration for Sayyidnā al- Khader. He is believed to cure all diseases and bring rainfall and fertility, and especially in historical Palestine, he is admired as a local hero. Al-Khader is pronounced al-Khodor in Southern Lebanon, and he is also venerated keenly there.
 Al-Khodor Mosque in Sarafand, a big Shi'ite village near Saida, used to welcome non-Shi'ite pilgrims coming from neighboring towns and villages. However, these pilgrims ceased to visit the mosque. Now it has been renovated more as a Shi'ite sanctuary than a saint veneration center, and a new theory has appeared, defining al-Khodor as the assurer of the orthodoxy of the Shi'ite sect. As well as slight preexisting differences between the roles of al-Khader/al-Khodor, the natural environment and agricultural forms of historical Palestine and Southern Lebanon have had some influence on this change, but it is the rise of Shi'ite nationalism in Southern Lebanon, symbolized by the surge of Hizbullah, that has had a really potent influence on this tendency. Leading to caution among the neighbouring Sunni Muslims and Christians, the possession of al-Khodor by Shi'ites in Sarafand may limit the coexistence of Shi'ites and Sunnis, Muslims and non-Muslims in the Shām area.
Key Words:saint veneration, nationalism, Islam, Lebanon, Palestine
キーワード :聖者崇敬,ナショナリズム,イスラーム,レバノン,パレスチナ

1 はじめに
1.1 本論文の目的
1.2 先行研究
2 調査地について
2.1 サラファンドについて
2.2 レバノン南部とパレスチナ北部・ガリラヤ地方のかかわりと,両者を比較する意義
3 サラファンドの聖者崇敬
3.1 シャーム地方におけるアル・ハディル崇敬の特徴
3.2 サラファンドのアル・ホドル崇敬
3.2.1 サラファンドのマカーム・アル・ホドルと周辺の環境
3.2.2 マカームの歴史
3.2.3 1997年時のマカームと崇敬の様態
3.2.4 2011年,2012年のマカームと崇敬の様態,および1997年時からの変化
3.2.5 シーア派化するアル・ホドル崇敬と,非サラファンド住民による批判
4 聖者の共有から占有への移行が意味するもの
4.1 パレスチナにおけるアル・ハディル崇敬とサラファンドにおけるアル・ホドル崇敬の比較
4.1.1 アル・ハディルの一般的役割
4.1.2 豊穣と郷土とのかかわりの欠落
4.2 サラファンドにおけるアバー・ザッル崇敬
4.2.1 アバー・ザッルについて
4.2.2 サラファンドのマカーム・アバー・ザッルと崇敬の様態
4.3 アル・ホドルとアバー・ザッルの役割分担
4.4 郷土に根ざすアイデンティティのゆくえ
5 むすび


山 本   睦*
Social Dynamics in the Chotano Basin, Northern Peru:
Formation and Change in a Prehistoric Andean Society
Atsushi Yamamoto
 In this paper, I am going to discuss the formation and development of the Chotano basin society of northern Peru in the prehistoric Andes. First, I will present research results about regional settlement patterns; those results will be the basis for the subsequent discussion. Then I will consider the various aspects of the long period of prehistoric human activity in the Chotano basin, focusing particularly on the Formative Period (B.C.3000–A.D.1). The discussion will emphasize the architectural features and their location as our research has found them. Furthermore I will discuss inter-site relationships and the interactions of their inhabitants with their environment and with surrounding societies on a local and a regional scale. Finally, I want to show, by situating our data in a broader context—that is, comparing our research with available data from surrounding regions—, how the Chotano basin shows a unique and individual process, as one of the varied formation processes in Andean Civilization.
 To sum up, regarding the diachronic changes in Chotano basin society, this paper will clarify the important role of interregional interactions and the maximal usage of several ecological environments and mineral resources according to topography and altitude. Furthermore, we will demonstrate how the diachronic social change in the Chotano basin is a phenomenon and process of its own, despite the similarities and coincidences with surrounding societies in northern Peru.
Key Words:Andean Formative, settlement pattern, human-environmental interaction, interregional interaction, active choice

1 序論
2 アンデス研究における本研究の位置づけ
2.1 アンデスの編年体系
2.2 アンデスにおけるセトルメント・パターン研究
3 調査地の概要と先行研究
3.1 調査地概略
3.2 チョターノ川流域および周辺地域の考古学調査
4 チョターノ川流域の遺跡分布調査
4.1 遺跡分布調査の目的と方法
4.2 チョターノ川流域における地域間移動ルート
4.3 遺跡分布とその一般的特徴
5 チョターノ川流域のセトルメント・パターン
5.1 形成期のセトルメント・パターンとその特徴
5.1.1 パンダンチェ期
5.1.2 パコパンパI 期
5.1.3 パコパンパII 期
5.2 カハマルカ期のセトルメント・パターンとその特徴,および形成期との差異
5.3 周辺地域との比較からみるチョターノ川流域社会の特徴
5.3.1 パンダンチェ期
5.3.2 パコパンパI 期
5.3.3 パコパンパII 期
6 結論―チョターノ川流域社会の形成と変遷


Low-income and Homeless Inuit in Montreal, Canada:
Report of a 2012 Research
Nobuhiro Kishigami*
岸 上 伸 啓
 The Inuit live chiefly in the tundra areas above 55 degrees north latitude.Until the mid-20th century, the Inuit subsisted mainly on hunting and fishing. However, the results of the 2011 Canadian census indicate that more than one in four Inuit have left their Arctic homeland and migrated to urban areas. In addition, it is estimated that four in ten migrants live in large city areas.
 In 1996, I began a cultural-anthropological study on the living conditions of urban Inuit in Montreal. Following two previous intensive interview studies in 1997 and 2004, I conducted a third interview study in Montreal in August 2012. The purpose of this paper is to report results of this most recent study, consider current problems faced by urban Inuit, and offer suggestions for solving these problems.
*National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka, Japan
Key Words: urban Inuit, Canada, Montreal, homeless, low-income

1 Introduction
2 Background and Methods of the Survey
2.1 Studies of Urban Inuit
2.2 Background of the Survey in 2012
2.3 Study Methods
2.3.1 Questionnaire and Interview Methods
2.3.2 Locations and Times of Interviews
2.3.3 Problems with the Study
3 Survey Results
3.1 Characteristics of Montreal Inuit
3.1.1 Land of Origin
3.1.2 Age, Gender and Homelessness
3.2 Reasons for Migration
3.2.1 Overall Trends
3.2.2 Gender Differences
3.2.3 Homelessness
3.3 Duration of Stay in Montreal
3.4 Cash Income
3.5 Diet
3.6 Situation of Cohabitation
3.7 Clothing
3.8 Social Relationships in Montreal
3.9 Contact with Other Inuit Living outside Montreal
3.10 Living Area and Frequency of Communication
3.11 Language
3.12 Self-impressions of Urban Inuit
3.13 Daily Life Needs
3.14 Organizations Used by Montreal Inuit, and Expectations for Such Organizations
3.15 Outlook on Future
3.16 Experiences in Prisons or Detention Centers
3.17 Punishment by Fine
3.18 Shortage of Housing
3.19 Urban Inuit's Views on Themselves
4 Discussion
5 Conclusions and Suggestions
5.1 Measures to Address Problems in the Arctic
5.2 Measures to Address Problems in the Montreal Area
Appendix I. Questionnaire on Urban Inuit in Montreal for 2012 Research
Appendix II. Tables
Appendix III. Free Comments or Suggestions about Inuit in Montreal by Montreal Inuit