The National Museum of Ethnology (Minpaku) is a research center for ethnology and cultural anthropology.

Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology

2015-Vol. 40, No. 1

June 12, 2015 Publication

back numbers
A Study of Rescue Projects for Tangible Cultural Properties at Times of Large-scale Disasters: I look back on the rescue operations of the Great East Japan Earthquake
Hidaka, Shingo
Special Issue
Japan in Global Circulation: Transnational Migration and Multicultural Politics

Guarné, Blai Yamashita, Shinji
Transnational Families in a Global Circulation Context:
The Case of Cross-border Marriages between Japanese Women and Pakistani Migrants

Kudo, Masako
Micro-politics of Identity in a Multicultural Japan: The Use of Western Colonial Heritages
among Japanese Filipino Children (JFC)

Uchio, Taichi
Transnational Labor Migration in Japan: The Case of Korean Nightclub Hostesses in Osaka
Chung, Haeng-ja
A Ruptured Circuit: The Economic Crisis and the Breakdown of the Dekassegui Migration

Sasaki, Koji
Japan in Global Circulation: Transnational Migration and Multicultural Politics

Roberts, Glenda S.
A Study of the Media in the Public Sphere in Africa: The Case of Call in Radio Shows in Modern Benin
Tanaka, Masataka