The National Museum of Ethnology (Minpaku) is a research center for ethnology and cultural anthropology.

Minpaku Anthropology Newsletter

Number 49 Special Research Project

December 1, 2019 Publication

Number 49 (December 2019) [PDF: 2.0MB]

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Special Research Project
Performing Arts and Conviviality
 ……………… Yoshitaka Terada
Musical Conviviality in the otto & orabu Ensemble
 ……………… Mia Nakamura
Musicking for Conviviality, Solidarity and Peacebuilding
 ……………… Olivier Urbain
Intention, Connection, and Convivéncia
 ……………… Deborah Wong
 (Awards and Retirements)
Overseas Visiting Fellows
Forthcoming Exhibitions

Number 48 All Number 50