
Senri Ethnological Studies (SES)

No.67 Indigenous Use and Management of Marine Resources


Edited by Nobuhiro Kishigami, James M. SaveEle

国立民族学博物館の先端民族学研究プロジェクトのひとつとして、1998年度から2003年度まで「先住民資源問題」が実施された。編者のひとりである岸上は「先住民による海洋資源の利用、管理、流通」をテーマとして共同研究会や科研調査を組織し実施した。そして成果の検討と公開を目的として2002年12月2日から6日にかけて国内外から約20名の第1線で活躍している研究者を招へいし、「平成14年度文部科学省国際シンポジウム New Interdiscriplinary Approaches to the Study of Indigenous Use and Management of Migratory Marine Resources」を実施した。本論文集は、そのシンポジウムの成果をとりまとめたものである。

1. Genaral Introduction: Marine Resources and Anthropology
Nobuhiro Kishigami and James M. Savelle
Part 1 Overview: Theoretical and Empirical Consideration
2. Commons Theory for Marine Resource Management in a Complex World
Fikret Berkes
3. Folk Management and Conservation of Marine Resources:
Towards a Theoretical and Methodological Assessment
Richard B. Pollnac and Jeffery C. Johnson
Part 2 Indigenous and Commercial Whaling
4. The Development of Indigenous Whaling: Prehistoric and Historic
James M. Savelle
5. "Just One More Time before I Die": Securing the Relationship between Inuit and Whales in the Arctic Regions
Milton M. R. Freeman
6. Indigenous Use and Management of Whales and Other Marine Resources in East Flores and Lembata, Indonesia
Robert H. Barnes
7. Use and Management of Humpback Whales in Bequia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines
Hisashi Hamaguchi
8. Resource Management for the Next Generation: Co- Management of Fishery Resources in Western Canadian Arctic Region
Masami Iwasaki-Goodman
9. Co-Management of Beluga Whales in Nunavik (Arctic Quebec), Canada
Nobuhiro Kishigami
10. Whaling Conflicts: The International Debate
Kayo Ohmagari
Part 3 Use and Management of Marine Resources in Tropical and Sub-Tropical Regions
11. Problems with Centralised Fisheries Management in Pacific Islands
Michael King
12. Coastal Fisheries Co-Management in Okinawa, Samoa and the Philippines with Fish Aggregating Devices as Sources of Alternative Income
Shinichiro Kakuma
13. The Use and Management of Small Clupeoids in Viet Nam
Kenneth Ruddle
14. The Past and Present of Coral Reef Fishing Economy in Madagascar: Implications for the Self-Determination of Resource Use
Taku Iida
15. Role of the Trepang Traders in the Depleting Resource Management: A Philippine Case
Jun Akamine
Part 4 Marine Resource Use and Indigenous Knowledge in Australia, New Zealand and Arctic Canada
16. Traditional Use in Contemporary Ailan (Island) Ways: The Management Challenge of a Sustainable Dugong Fishery in Torres Strait
Donna Kwan
17. Use of Matauranga (Maori Traditional Knowledge) and Science to Guide a Seabird Harvest: Getting the Best of Both Worlds?
Jamie Newman and Henrik Moller
18. Science against Modern Science: The Socio-Political Construction of Otherness in Inuit TEK (Traditional Ecological Knowledge)
Keiichi Omura
19. The Fish Tale That is Never Told: A Reconsideration of the Importance of Fishing in Inuit Societies
Henry Stewart
20. Nunavut Inuit and Polar Bear: The Cultural Politics of the Sport Hunt
George Wenzel
Part 5 Environmental and Political Issues of Indigenous Marine Resource
21. Canadian Arctic Indigenous Peoples, Traditional Food Systems, and POPs
Harriet V. Kuhnleis, Laurie H. M. Chan, Grace Egeland and Olivier Receveur
22. Inuit, Marine Resources and Climate Change: Risk and Resilience in a Changing Arctic
Mark Nuttall
23. On the Visibility of Indigenous Australian Systems of Marine Tenure
Nicolas Peterson
24. Concluding Remarks
James M. Savelle and Nobuhiro Kishigami
List of Contributors


For enquiries about the series and to obtain copies of this volume, please contact:
Publications Office
National Museum of Ethnology
Senri Expo Park, Suita City, Osaka, 565-8511 JAPAN
Fax: +81-6-6878-7503
email: hensyu@idc.minpaku.ac.jp