Changing Prehistoric Yapese Pottery Technology: A Case Study of Adaptive Transformation, pp.192. Michigan: UMI Press.
(With F. Leach) Archaeological Investigations in the Yap Islands, Micronesia: First Millennium B. C. to the Present Day. (B.A.R. International Series 277: 200.) Oxford.
『東京大学総合研究博物館所蔵、ミクロネシア古写真資料カタログ』(A Selection of Early Photographs Taken in Micronesia by Japanese Anthropologists) 東京大学総合研究資料館、標本資料報告第34号
The Catalogue of Prehistoric Micronesian Artifacts Housed in Japan. Micronesian Archaeological Survey Report, No.34. Saipan.
(With J. R. Dodson) Prehistory and Palaeoecology of Yap, Federated States of Micronesia. Quaternary International 59: 17?26.
Cultural Contacts between Micronesia and Melanesia. In J. C. Galipaud and I. Liley (eds.) Le Pacifique de 5000 a 2000 avant le Present: Supplements a l’histoire d’une Colonisation, pp.407?422. Paris: Editions de IRD (Institut de Recherche pour le developpement).
Multi-Regional Contacts of Prehistoric Fais Islanders in Micronesia. Bulletin of Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association 15: 111-117.
(With E. Z. Dizon) An Archaeological Reconnaissance on Eastern Samar, Philippines. 『北海道東海大学紀要』(人文社会科学系)Hokkaido Tokai University Bulletin: Humanities and Social Sciences 8: 165-181.
M. Intoh (ed.) The Acceptance of the Outside World on Fais Island in Micronesia: 1994 Research. Preliminary report submitted to the Historic Preservation Office, Yap State, Federated States of Micronesia.
(With D. W. Steadman) Biogeography and Prehistoric Exploitation of Birds from Fais Island, Yap State, Federated States of Micronesia. Pacific Science 48 (2): 116?135.
Archaeological Research on Fais Island: Preliminary Report. In K. Komatsu (ed.) Cultural Anthropological Research on Historic Media in the Caroline Islands, pp.69?111. Committee for Micronesian Research 1991, Osaka University.
Why Were Pots Imported to Ngulu Atoll?: A Consideration of Subsistence Strategy. The Journal of the Polynesian Society 101 (2): 159?168.
Pottery Traditions in Micronesia. In J.C. Galipaud (ed.) Poterie Lapita et Peuplement, pp.67?82. Noumea: ORSTOM.
「ファイス島第一次発掘調査速報」日本オセアニア学会ニューズレター No.41: 2-11.
Ceramic Environment and Technology: A Case Study in the Yap Islands in Micronesia. Man and Culture in Oceania 6: 35?52.
Water Absorption Testing of Pacific Pottery. In D.G. Sutton (ed.) Saying So Doesn’t Make It So (Monograph 17), pp.132?152. New Zealand Archaeological Association.
Pigs in Micronesia: Introduction or Re-introduction by the Europeans? Man and Culture in Oceania 2: 1-26.
(With B. F. Leach and I. Smith) Fishing, Turtle Hunting, and Mammal Exploitation at Fa’ahia, Huahine, French Polynesia. Journal de la Societe des Oceanistes 79 tome 40: 183-197.
(With B. F. Leach) An Archaeological Fishbone Assemblage from the Vitaria Site, Rurutu, Austral Islands. Journal de la Societe des Oceanistes 78 tome 40: 75-77.
「オセアニアの貝製品」『名蔵貝塚群発掘報告』沖縄県文化財調査報告書第37集 pp.103-159.
Reconnaissance Archaeological Research on Ngulu Atoll in the Western Caroline Islands. Asian Perspectives 24: 69-80.
Physical Analysis of Kapingamarangi Pottery. In B. F. Leach and G. K. Ward (eds.) Archaeology in Kapingamarangi, pp.136-137.
(With E. Z. Dizon) An Archaeological Reconnaissance on Eastern Samar, Philippines. 『北海道東海大学紀要』(人文社会科学系)8: 165-181.
M. Intoh (ed.) The Acceptance of the Outside World on Fais Island in Micronesia: 1994 Research. Preliminary report submitted to the Historic Preservation Office, Yap State, Federated States of Micronesia.
Archaeological Research on Fais Island: Preliminary Report. In K. Komatsu (ed.) Cultural Anthropological Research on Historic Media in the Caroline Islands pp.69-111. Committee for Micronesian Research 1991, Osaka University.
Archaeological Research on Fais Island: Preliminary Report, pp.38. Submitted to the Historic Preservation Office, Yap State, Federated States of Micronesia.
(With F. Leach) The Pottery Traditions of the Yap islands. Preliminary Report, pp.63. Archaelogical survey on Yap island submitted to the Historic Preservation Office, Yap island, F.S.M.
Report on the Survey Work in the Map Cultural Center in Yap, F.S.M. Research Report, pp.22. Submitted to the U.S. National Park Service.
(With J. Takayama) Reconnaissance Archaelogical Survey in the Lower Mortlocks, Truk State. Reports of Micronesian Archaelogical Survey 6.
(With J. Takayama) The Archaeological Excavation at Chukienu Shell Midden on Tol, Truk. Reports of Micronesian Archaeological Survey 5.
(With J. Takayama) Archaeological Excavation of Latte Site (M-13), Rota in the Marianas. Reports of Micronesian Archaelogical Survey 4.
“Chinese and Venetian Glass Beads Excavated from Fais Island in Micronesia.” A poster paper presented at the Sixth Australasian Archaeometry Conference, 10-13 February, 1997, Sydney.
(With J.R. Dodson) “Prehistory and Palaeoecology of Yap, Federated States of Micronesia.” A paper presented at the sixth Australasian Archaeometry Conference. Sydney, 10-13 February.
“Cultural Contacts between Micronesia and Melanesia.” Paper presented at The Western Pacific, 5000 to 2000 BP: Colonisations and Transformations Vanuatu National Museum, Port Villa.
“Multi-regional Contacts of Prehistoric Fais Islanders in Micronesia.” Paper presented at the 15th Congress of Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association, Changmai, Thailand.
“Adaptive Transformation of Ceramic Technology in the Pacific Islands.” Paper presented at the Circum Pacific Prehistory Conference, Seattle, Washington.
“Environment and Technological Adaptation: A case Study of Yapese Ceramic Change.” Paper presented at the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Assoc. Micronesian Archaeology Conference, Guam.
“A Review of Some Physical Properties of Pacific Pottery.” 15th Pacific Science Congress, Dunedin.
“Ngulu Atoll: Its Prehistoric Contact with Yap and Palau.” 15th Pacific Science Congress, Dunedin.