国立民族学博物館研究報告 2001 26巻1号
目 次
近現代のアムール川下流域と樺太における民族分類の変遷 |
佐々木史郎 |
1 |
マダガスカル南西部ヴェズにおける漁撈活動と漁家経済 |
飯田 卓 |
79 |
嘉戎語の基本構造 |
長野泰彦 |
131 |
『国立民族学博物館研究報告』寄稿要項 |
165 |
『国立民族学博物館研究報告』執筆要領 |
166 |
Sasaki, Shiro |
History of Ethnic Classification and Categorization of the People of the Lower Amur Basin and Sakhalin from the Middle of the 19th to the End of the 20th Cnetury |
1 |
lida, Taku |
Fishing Activities and Economy among the Vezo of Southwestem Madagascar |
79 |
Nagano, Yasuhiko |
An Outline of Gyarong Grammar |
131 |
佐々木 史 郎*
History of Ethnic Classification and Categorization
of the People of the Lower Amur Basin and Sakhalin
from the Middle of the 19th to the End of the 20th Century
of the People of the Lower Amur Basin and Sakhalin
from the Middle of the 19th to the End of the 20th Century
Shiro Sasaki
Indigenous people of the Lower Amur basin and Sakhalin are now officially classified into the following eight ethnic groups: the Nanais,Ul’chi,Orochi,Udegey,Negidals,Oroks,Evenks,and Nivkhi. However,such a classification was established only in the 1930s. Pre-viously the people had been classified and named in various ways both by ethnologists and administrators. The purpose of this paper is to clarify the history of ethnic classification and categorization of the people of these regions. In previous historical and ethnological studies ethnologi-cal ethnic classification and administrative ethnic categories were often confused,and this confusion has been one of the obstacles to the progress of historical study of the indigenous people. In this paper I will strictly distinguish the two and focus on the relation between them and the ethnic identity of the people.
Key Words: ethnic classification, ethnic category, indigenous people, Lower Amur, basin, Sakhalin
キーワード: 民族,「民族」,先住民,アムール川下流域,樺太
キーワード: 民族,「民族」,先住民,アムール川下流域,樺太
1 序 論 2 民族と「民族」 3 アムール川下流域における学術的民族 分類の確立 3.1 19世紀中期以前 3.2 マークのアムール探検と民族分類 3.3 シュレンクによる民族分類 3.3.1 分類基準 3.3.2 ギリヤーク 3.3.3 アイヌ 3.3.4 オロキ 3.3.5 オロチ 3.3.6 オリチ(マングン) 3.3.7 ゴリド 3.3.8 ネギダール 3.3.9 サマギール 3.3.10 キリ |
4 20世紀前半における学術的民族分類の 深化 4.1 19世紀までの民族分類の問題点 4.2 ギリヤークとキレという呼称の由来 について 4.3 オロキ,オリチ,オロチの名称の由来 について 4.4 オロチとウデヘの分離の可否について 4.5 サマギールとキリを独立した「民族」 とするか否かについて 4.6 マ-クが提唱したゴリド(ナーナイ) 内部の3つのサプ・グループについて 5 民族から「民族」への転換 6 結 論 |
飯 田 卓*
Fishing Activities and Economy
among the Vezo of Southwestern Madagascar
among the Vezo of Southwestern Madagascar
Taku Iida
This paper describes and analyzes the fishing activities and house-hold economy of Vezo fishermen on the southwestern coast of Madagascar.Through qualitative data on fishing methods and distri-bution of harvests,as well as quantitative ones on labor inputs and yields,the following points are clarified. (1) The character of the coral reef as a fishing ground affects the fishing activities in several ways,the form of the monthly fishing cycle for example. (2) Fishing parties often consist of male members of the same
&ldquo complex household. &rdquo While households which seldom join the fishing party always share the harvest, they go fishing when required,thus achieving a flexible division of labor. (3) While many fishermen acquire a large cash income through seasonal catch of shark fins and sea cucumbers in remote areas, their fishing activities near the village tend to aim at self-consumption rather than profit. It is the stable cash income in remote areas, paradoxically, that has strengthened the self-sufficient tendency of fishing near the village.
&ldquo complex household. &rdquo While households which seldom join the fishing party always share the harvest, they go fishing when required,thus achieving a flexible division of labor. (3) While many fishermen acquire a large cash income through seasonal catch of shark fins and sea cucumbers in remote areas, their fishing activities near the village tend to aim at self-consumption rather than profit. It is the stable cash income in remote areas, paradoxically, that has strengthened the self-sufficient tendency of fishing near the village.
* 国立民族学博物館民族文化研究部
Key Words: fishing activities, fishermen’s household economy, self-consumption ,
キーワード: 漁撈活動,漁家経済,自家消費,ヴェズ,マダガスカル
キーワード: 漁撈活動,漁家経済,自家消費,ヴェズ,マダガスカル
1 はじめに 2 調査地と調査方法 2.1 調査地 2.2 調査地における「世帯」と「複合世帯」 2.3 調査方法 3 漁法の概要 4 漁撈活動の諸側面―活動時間,漁法, 同行者の選択 4.1 漁撈活動時間の日変化と月変化 4.2 出漁日数と漁法選択に関する性差 4.3 出漁日数と漁法選択に関する季節差 4.4 同行者の選択 5 漁獲の分配と消費・流通 5.1 漁獲の分配 |
5.2 魚の加工・調理と流通 5.3 特殊な海産物の加工と流通 6 漁撈活動と家計 6.1 全体的な労働投入量 6.2 複合世帯内部での労働分担 6.3 漁法ごとの漁獲効率の比較 6.4 換金専門型の漁法と融通型の漁法 6.5 漁獲高 7 考案―アンパシラヴァ村における漁撈 活動と家計経済の特質 7.1 漁場環境と漁撈活動 7.2 生産単位としての複合世帯 7.3 現金獲得と副食獲得 7.4 現金経済下の食料自給 |
長 野 春 彦*
An Outline of Gyarong Grammar
Yasuhiko Nagano
This paper is designed to outline Gyarong grammar.Many schol-ars have paid attention to this language because some lexical items are very close or sometimes identical to those of Written Tibetan ( WT ) . Looking into its grammatical systems carefully, however, has led many to recognize that the language is far from WT and in fact rather closer to Proto-Tibeto-Burman ( PTB ) both in terms of phonological shapes and morpho-syntax. There have been only a limited number of grammatical descriptions of this important language, and this small paper is an attempt to improve the situation.
Key Words: Gyarong, Tibetan, Tibeto-Burman
キーワード: ギャロン語,チベット語,チベット・ビルマ語族
キーワード: ギャロン語,チベット語,チベット・ビルマ語族
0 はじめに 1 音論 |
2 形態論及び形態統辞論 3 おわりに |