国立民族学博物館研究報告 2009 33巻4号
目 次
─アメリカ合衆国アラスカ北西地域の事例から─ |
岸上 伸啓
─パプアニューギニア華人のトランスナショナルな社会空間─ |
市川 哲
─元代「孔古烈倉」の基礎的研究─ |
白石 典之・相馬 秀廣・
加藤 雄三・A. エンフトル |
Morphophonological alternation of suffixes, clitics and stems
in Amdo Tibetan
Shiho Ebihara
─ポン教の聖者シェンラプ・ミボの降臨から子息の誕生まで─ |
津曲 真一
『国立民族学博物館研究報告』33巻 総目次
Vol.33 No.4 2009
Vol.33 No.4 2009
Kishigami, Nobuhiro
A Preliminary Consideration of Aboriginal Subsistence Whaling
from the Perspective of Cultural Security: A Case from Northwest Alaska, USA
Ichikawa, Tetsu
Creating New Homeland: Transnational social space of Papua
New Guinea Chinese
Shiraishi, Noriyuki
Sohma, Hidehiro
Kato, Yuzo
Altangerel, Enkhtör
A Survey of Khünkhüree Sites in Mongolia and Their
Significance: A Basic Study on the “Konggulie granary” of the Yuan Dynasty
Ebihara, Shiho
Morphophonological alternation of suffixes, clitics and stems
in Amdo Tibetan
Tsumagari, Shin'ichi
Sketches of Hagiography: From the Descent of Shenrab Mibo to
the Birth of his Sons
岸上 伸啓*
A Preliminary Consideration of Aboriginal
Subsistence Whaling from the Perspective of Cultural Security:
A Case from Northwest Alaska, USA
A Case from Northwest Alaska, USA
Nobuhiro Kishigami
The relationships between human beings and whales vary historically
and regionally. The Inupiaq people of Northwest Alaska have historically formed
a social relationship with Bowhead whales, which they hunt for subsistence. As
far as the author's research in Barrow, Alaska is concerned, whaling still
occupies a core part of the lives of the majority of Inupiaq and is related to
their other activities even though their way of life has diversified and changed.
With a case study from Barrow, Alaska, this paper illustrates that Inupiaq whaling
activity is not merely a means of obtaining food but a socially and culturally
organized economic activity related to various aspects of their lives. Furthermore,
by employing a political economic perspective and the concept of actor networks,
this paper describes how the continuation of whaling is under threat from several
interrelated internal and external factors. The author then argues that this whaling
problem is one of cultural security for the Inupiaq people and points out that
a cultural anthropologist can contribute to understanding and solving it as an
intermediary between the Inupiaq and the various other actors (stakeholders).
Finally, he proposes a further research topic based on this study.
Key Words:Indigenous People, Whaling,
Alaska, Cultural Security, Political Economy
1 はじめに
2 研究方法
2.1 ポリティカル・エコノミーの視点
2.2 要因の関係分析
2.3 記述・分析の枠組みと「安全保障」概念
3 アラスカ先住民社会における捕鯨とクジラ資源の利用について
3.1 アラスカ先住民とクジラ資源の利用
3.1.1 1850 年代のイヌピアックの捕鯨
3.1.2 アラスカ周辺における商業捕鯨とホッキョククジラ資源の枯渇化
3.1.3 アラスカ先住民の捕鯨とIWC
3.2 現代のアラスカの捕鯨村とAEWC
3.2.1 ホッキョククジラの共同管理
3.2.2 AEWC
3.3 バロー村の捕鯨とクジラ資源の利用
3.3.1 バロー村の概況と経済
3.3.2 春季の捕鯨
3.3.3 秋季の捕鯨
3.3.4 捕鯨の経営と管理
3.3.5 ホッキョククジラの解体と分配・流通
3.3.6 バロー村における捕鯨の現代的な意義
4 アラスカの先住民生存捕鯨およびクジラ資源の利用をめぐる諸状況
4.1 地球温暖化の諸影響
4.1.1 環境の変化
4.1.2 石油・天然ガスの開発
4.1.3 観光と海運
4.2 IWC,アメリカ合衆国政府,多国籍企業,
環境・自然保護団体,動物愛護団体,先住民社会 4.2.1 IWC
4.2.2 アメリカ合衆国政府
4.2.3 多国籍企業
4.2.4 環境・自然保護団体および動物愛護団体
4.2.5 先住民社会の内部の変化
5 検討
6 結論
市川 哲*
Creating New Homeland: Transnational
social space of
Papua New Guinea Chinese
Papua New Guinea Chinese
Tetsu Ichikawa
The aim of this paper is to discuss the meaning of “homeland”
for Papua New Guinean Chinese. In order to understand this meaning, the author
investigates their experience of migration and their relationship with the place
they think of as their homeland.
Papua New Guinea has had a Chinese community since the colonial period. The island of New Guinea was colonized by Germany, Britain and the Netherlands in the 19th century. Germany introduced Chinese as colonial laborers. After World War I, Australia took over German New Guinea and the Chinese came under the Australian colonial rule. The Australian government allowed the Chinese residents to acquire Australian citizenship in the late 1950s. After that most of the Chinese obtained Australian nationality and went to Australia for their higher education.
After the independence of Papua New Guinea in 1975, the Chinese started re-migrating to Australia. Those Chinese who already had Australian citizenship preferred to migrate to Australia, rather than to naturalize as Papua New Guinea citizens. Nowadays the community of Papua New Guinean Chinese in Australia is bigger than the one in Papua New Guinea.
The Papua New Guinean Chinese have migrated from China, and then re-migrated to Australia over several generations. As a result of this serial migration process, the Papua New Guinean Chinese have lived in three countries; namely China, Papua New Guinea and Australia. As a result of this experience of migration and settlement in the three countries, the Papua New Guinean Chinese attach different meanings to them. For the first generation Mainland China is their homeland, while the local born generation does not attach such importance to it. The younger generation who were born in Papua New Guinea do not have close contact with their relatives in mainland China. The significance of China, especially that of an emigrant's village differs among the generations. Those younger generations who live in Australia tend to regard Papua New Guinea as their homeland.
Papua New Guinea has had a Chinese community since the colonial period. The island of New Guinea was colonized by Germany, Britain and the Netherlands in the 19th century. Germany introduced Chinese as colonial laborers. After World War I, Australia took over German New Guinea and the Chinese came under the Australian colonial rule. The Australian government allowed the Chinese residents to acquire Australian citizenship in the late 1950s. After that most of the Chinese obtained Australian nationality and went to Australia for their higher education.
After the independence of Papua New Guinea in 1975, the Chinese started re-migrating to Australia. Those Chinese who already had Australian citizenship preferred to migrate to Australia, rather than to naturalize as Papua New Guinea citizens. Nowadays the community of Papua New Guinean Chinese in Australia is bigger than the one in Papua New Guinea.
The Papua New Guinean Chinese have migrated from China, and then re-migrated to Australia over several generations. As a result of this serial migration process, the Papua New Guinean Chinese have lived in three countries; namely China, Papua New Guinea and Australia. As a result of this experience of migration and settlement in the three countries, the Papua New Guinean Chinese attach different meanings to them. For the first generation Mainland China is their homeland, while the local born generation does not attach such importance to it. The younger generation who were born in Papua New Guinea do not have close contact with their relatives in mainland China. The significance of China, especially that of an emigrant's village differs among the generations. Those younger generations who live in Australia tend to regard Papua New Guinea as their homeland.
Key Words:Papua New Guinea, Chinese,
migration, homeland, transnational social space
1 はじめに
2 トランスナショナルな社会空間と移民母村
3 華人社会と移民母村
4 ニューギニ・チャイニーズ
5 ニューギニ・チャイニーズと中国
5.1 第二次世界大戦以前の中国との関係
5.2 第二次世界大戦後の中国との関係
5.3 パプアニューギニア独立後の中国との関係
6 ニューギニ・チャイニーズとオーストラリア
6.1 パプアニューギニア独立以前のオーストラリアとの関係
6.2 独立前後のオーストラリアとの関係
7 墓地と移住
8 考察
9 おわりに
白石 典之*・相馬 秀廣**・加藤 雄三***・A. エンフトル****
A Survey of Khünkhüree Sites
in Mongolia and Their Significance:
A Basic Study on the “Konggulie granary” of the Yuan Dynasty
A Basic Study on the “Konggulie granary” of the Yuan Dynasty
Noriyuki Shiraishi, Hidehiro Sohma, Yuzo Kato, Enkhtör
このような視点に立って筆者らは、モンゴル国ウブルハンガイ県フンフレー地区で調査をおこなった。そこはゴビ地帯にあるオアシスで、13 ~ 14 世紀の遺跡があり、文献史料にも登場する。考古学、歴史学、地理学などが協力して学際的にアプローチできる、格好の地域といえる。
このような視点に立って筆者らは、モンゴル国ウブルハンガイ県フンフレー地区で調査をおこなった。そこはゴビ地帯にあるオアシスで、13 ~ 14 世紀の遺跡があり、文献史料にも登場する。考古学、歴史学、地理学などが協力して学際的にアプローチできる、格好の地域といえる。
Not all areas of the Mongol plateau are rich in water and
grass, vital for nomads. Steep mountainous regions and arid terrain stretching
for miles are dotted with small parcels of land where nomads can survive. The
territory of the successive generations of nomadic states which established themselves
on the Mongol plateau may appear vast at first glance, but it should really be
considered as a collection of these small parcels. Not only nomadism, but also
farming and cottage industries were carried on in these restricted living spaces.
Probably the nomadic states were formed by organic bonding among small areas as
individual parcels became self-reliant or could provide what another parcel lacked.
If this is the case, then by analyzing aspects such as the natural environment,
productive strength and historical transformation within each individual parcel,
we should be able to throw light on the background to the rise and fall of the
nomadic states.
From this perspective, the authors investigated the Khünkhüree district in Mongolia's Övörkhangai Prefecture. In an oasis in the Gobi region, there are remains from the 13th-14th centuries which are also mentioned in written records. This area is well-suited to an interdisciplinary approach by archaeology, historical study and geography.
As a result, we discovered that the area was called Konggulie during the period of the Mongol empire and was a farming area, utilizing abundant underground water, which supplied provisions to Kharakhorum in the center
of the Mongol plateau. The area lay at the crossroads between the route which cut through the Gobi desert from north to south and the route which ran east-west across the Mongol plateau past the northern foothills of the Altai mountain range. We show that as well as being a strategic point for traffic, the fact that it was a stage for military attack and defense makes it an important area for future research into the history of the rise and fall of the Mongol empire.
From this perspective, the authors investigated the Khünkhüree district in Mongolia's Övörkhangai Prefecture. In an oasis in the Gobi region, there are remains from the 13th-14th centuries which are also mentioned in written records. This area is well-suited to an interdisciplinary approach by archaeology, historical study and geography.
As a result, we discovered that the area was called Konggulie during the period of the Mongol empire and was a farming area, utilizing abundant underground water, which supplied provisions to Kharakhorum in the center
of the Mongol plateau. The area lay at the crossroads between the route which cut through the Gobi desert from north to south and the route which ran east-west across the Mongol plateau past the northern foothills of the Altai mountain range. We show that as well as being a strategic point for traffic, the fact that it was a stage for military attack and defense makes it an important area for future research into the history of the rise and fall of the Mongol empire.
Key Words:Mongolia, Mongol empire,
Khünkhüree, Konggulie, Kharakhorum
1 問題の所在
1.1 遊牧王朝をめぐる課題
1.2 カラコルムについての先行研究
1.3 生産拠点研究における課題
2 文字資料の調査
2.1 古地図の検討
2.2 文献史料の検討
2.3 青銅印の検討
3 地理学的調査
3.1 巨視的自然条件
3.2 空中写真・衛星画像の判読
3.3 現地調査
3.4 湧水と流路
3.5 湧水の存在とその役割
3.6 耕地の立地環境
4 考古学的調査
5 総合的検討
5.1 年代の確定
5.2 交通の要衝
5.3 農耕の痕跡
5.4 倉庫の存在
6 結語
Morphophonological alternation of suffixes, clitics and
stems in Amdo Tibetan
stems in Amdo Tibetan
Shiho Ebihara*
海老原 志穂
Some of the suffixes and clitics of Amdo Tibetan
have a number of allomorphs which are conditioned phonologically (in most cases,
their initial consonants alter). Stems which these suffixes or clitics follow
also alternate from time to time. Alternations are to some extent regular, but
appear complicated because there are various alternation patterns. This paper
gives an overview of morphophonological alternation patterns, by separating the
alternation rules of suffixes and clitics (section 3) and the alternation rules
of stems (section 4). These morphophonological alternations are also seen in Written
Tibetan (sum cu pa), but the rules are rather different between Amdo Tibetan
and Written Tibetan. Furthermore, stem alternations are not seen in Written Tibetan.
This paper aims at giving a systematic description of the alternation rules in
Amdo Tibetan, but it could be a preface to working out the developmental process
of Tibetan from a morphophonological perspective, by comparison with Written Tibetan
and the other Tibetan languages.
cu pa)。しかし、文語におけるこうした交替規則はアムド・チベット語のものとはかなり異なっている。さらに、語幹の交替はチベット文語にはみられないため、アムド・チベット語に特徴的なものである。本稿ではアムド・チベット語における現象の記述に主眼を置くが、今後、チベット文語や他地域のチベット語における形態音韻的な交替規則との比較を通じて、形態音韻的な面からチベット語内部での通時的な言語変化を考える端緒としたい。
*Part-time lecturer, Seisen University
Key Words:Tibeto-Burman, Tibetan,
Amdo Tibetan, Morphophonological alternation, suffixes, clitics
1 Fieldwork and Previous studies
2 Syllable structure and phonemes
2.1 Syllable structure
2.2 Phonemes
3 Alternations of suffixes and clitics
3.1 Patterns of allomorphs
3.1.1 Voiced and unvoiced
3.1.2 Fricative and affricate
3.1.3 Retroflex and /r/
3.1.4 Stem-final consonant copy insertion
3.2 Conditions on alternations
3.2.1 Voiced and unvoiced
3.2.2 Fricative and affricate
3.2.3 Retroflex and /r/
3.2.4 Stem-final consonant copy insertion
4 Alternations of stems
4.1 The final consonant //p// of stems
4.2 The final consonant //l// of stems
4.3 The final consonant //r// of stems
5 Conclusion
津曲 真一*
Sketches of Hagiography: From the Descent
of Shenrab Mibo to the Birth of his Sons
Shin'ichi Tsumagari
本稿は、中国青海省のポン教寺院、ポンギャ寺で実施された調査を通じて蒐集された51 枚の宗教画のうち、トンパ・シェンラプ・ミボチェの生涯を描いた6 枚の宗教画(タンカ)について、ポン教の代表的な聖典の一つである『セルミク』を所依とし、その図像の記述・解説を試みるものである。シェンラプの生涯を描いた伝記、及び、彼の生涯を描いたタンカに関する研究は未だ僅少であり、ポンギャ寺に所蔵されるシェンラプ伝のタンカが紹介されるのも今回が初めてとなる。そのため、本研究はポン教のタンカに関する図像学上の意義を有するとともに、今後のシェンラプ伝研究にも着実な基礎を与えるものになると思われる。
Shenrab Mibo is regarded as the most sacred person by the attendants of Bon religion that carry on the tradition of the ancient spirituality in Tibet. For devout Bonist, he is the compassionate and universal guide on the path to liberation from the cycle of birth and death. Both of his biography and paintings that depict his life history are not only the object of worship but also a model of perfection inspiring the faithful, even today.
We have collected fifty-one religious paintings (Thangkas) of the Bon religion through the research of the Bon brGya Monastery in Qinghai, China. The aim of this paper is the attempt to explain six pictures of those paintings
that illustrate Shenrab's life history on the basis of descriptions in gZer Mig, one of the principal scriptures in Bon tradition. The present study should be significant for Iconographical Study of religious paintings in Bon tradition, and provide a solid basis for studies in the biographies of Shenrab Mibo because it is the first time these paintings are introduced.
本稿は、中国青海省のポン教寺院、ポンギャ寺で実施された調査を通じて蒐集された51 枚の宗教画のうち、トンパ・シェンラプ・ミボチェの生涯を描いた6 枚の宗教画(タンカ)について、ポン教の代表的な聖典の一つである『セルミク』を所依とし、その図像の記述・解説を試みるものである。シェンラプの生涯を描いた伝記、及び、彼の生涯を描いたタンカに関する研究は未だ僅少であり、ポンギャ寺に所蔵されるシェンラプ伝のタンカが紹介されるのも今回が初めてとなる。そのため、本研究はポン教のタンカに関する図像学上の意義を有するとともに、今後のシェンラプ伝研究にも着実な基礎を与えるものになると思われる。
Shenrab Mibo is regarded as the most sacred person by the attendants of Bon religion that carry on the tradition of the ancient spirituality in Tibet. For devout Bonist, he is the compassionate and universal guide on the path to liberation from the cycle of birth and death. Both of his biography and paintings that depict his life history are not only the object of worship but also a model of perfection inspiring the faithful, even today.
We have collected fifty-one religious paintings (Thangkas) of the Bon religion through the research of the Bon brGya Monastery in Qinghai, China. The aim of this paper is the attempt to explain six pictures of those paintings
that illustrate Shenrab's life history on the basis of descriptions in gZer Mig, one of the principal scriptures in Bon tradition. The present study should be significant for Iconographical Study of religious paintings in Bon tradition, and provide a solid basis for studies in the biographies of Shenrab Mibo because it is the first time these paintings are introduced.
Key Words:Tibet, Bon Religion,
gShen-rab-mi-bo, gZer-mig, Thangka
1 トンパ・シェンラプ・ミボチェ
2 資料の特徴と研究方法
1 降臨と誕生
1.1 付属文書と和訳
1.2 図像詳解
1.2.1 降 臨
1.2.2 誕 生
1.2.3 即 位
1.2.4 園に遊ぶ
2 “永遠のポン”の弘通
2.1 付属文書と和訳
2.2 図像詳解
2.2.1 神々と菩薩の降臨
2.2.2 サラ王の国
2.2.3 六道を生きる有情の教化
3 トブ・トゥーデの救済
3.1 付属文書と和訳
3.2 図像詳解
3.2.1 青い龍馬にのった少年
3.2.2 偽りの帰依
3.2.3 紛争の調停
3.2.4 トブ・ドゥーデの救済
4 王妃グリンマの誘惑
4.1 付属文書と和訳
4.2 図像詳解
4.2.1 ダンワ・イリン王の訪問
4.2.2 意の少年の布教
4.2.3 王妃の誘惑
4.2.4 鍛冶屋と金の延べ棒
4.2.5 グリンマの救済
5 結 婚
5.1 付属文書と和訳
5.2 図像詳解
5.2.1 シェンラプの結婚
5.2.2 結婚の祝福
6 シェンラプの子供たち
6.1 付属文書と和訳
6.2 図像詳解
6.2.1 トブ・ブムサンの誕生
6.2.2 チェーブ・ティシェーの誕生