Staff Members
Academic Qualifications:
B.A. Kyoto Univ. 1966; M.A. Kyoto Univ. 1968
Recent Research Interests:
Cultural Anthropology, Body communication, Theatrical Anthropology, Food culture
Geographical Areas of Interest:
Ethnic groups:
Italian, Greek, Rumanian
Nonverbal communication, ethnology of Mediterranean Europe
- 1993
- Body Images in Confict in Modern Japan, in Irma Dosamantes (ed.) Body Image in Cultural Context: Interdisciplinary Essays, DMT Publications, The University ou California, Los Angeles
- 1990
- Culture Embodied, Michael Moerman & Masaichi Nomura (ed.), Senri Ethnological Studies, no.27, Notional Museum of Ethnology, Osaka
- 2000
- Guest speech; Driving My Body - Changing Images of the Japanese Body, The 9th International Conference of the European Association for Japanese Studies, Anthropology and Sociology Section, Lahti, Finland. (2000.8.24)