

2009年8月11日(火) ~8月14日(金)

  • 開催日:2009年8月11日(火)~8月14日(金)
  • 主催:International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS)
       人間文化研究機構 国立民族学博物館(民博)
  • 後援:(財)国際文化交換協会
  • 日英同時通訳付


This symposium arises from Nakamaki's view of new religious movements (NRMs) as multinational organizations (2003), further developed in a special issue focus on Asian Religious Movements published in the International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS) Newsletter #47 in 2008, edited by Wendy Smith. From this small beginning we would like to create a wider forum of discussion and publish a more substantial volume of papers, in both Japanese and English.

In developing theories of the management, leadership and organizational structures of globalizing religions, the successes of Asian NRMs and established religions as global players from their earliest days, such as Tenrikyo and Zen Buddhism, is striking. A newly emerging topic is how do NRMs market themselves to potential converts in a global context? (Reader and Tanabe, 1998) What is the nature of their approaches to non-diaspora communities with different cultural and linguistic heritages and what media do they use for proselytization? This workshop brings the insights of theories of management, human resource development and marketing to give an alternative view of the dynamics of NRMs as global organizations.

Once patterns of global religious organisation are identified, several other questions can be asked. Using Baumann's theories about religious transplantion (1994, 1997, 2001) and Bouma's of religious settlement (1997, 2000, 2004) the relationship between types of organisation and settlement can be explored. This exploration will lead to questions of the relationship between types of organisation and the management of competition and conflict, both internal to the groups and between them and other religious groups. It may well be that some types of organisation are more likely to facilitate the development of harmonious inter-religious relationships.

In order to develop and extend this pathbreaking theoretical perspective on globalizing Asian religions, we aim to call together a group of scholars of Asian religions and ask them to recast their data in terms of the way the organizations are managed in an overseas or global context by examining the structure, organizational culture, management style and leadership principles of the religious organizations they have hitherto studied from the perspective of the sociology of religion or religious studies. We propose to convene an international symposium for which 16 scholars would write papers focusing their knowledge of a particular Asian religious organization according to the above emerging paradigm and ask them to recast their data in terms of the way the organizations are managed in an overseas or global context, and how they market themselves in the midst of existing local religious traditions, by examining the structure, organizational culture.... etc.







  • 須藤健一(国立民族学博物館 館長)
  • Manon Osseweijer (IIAS 副所長)
  • Wendy Smith(ヒルデスハイム大学/モナシュ大学)
  • 中牧弘允(国立民族学博物館)
特別講演(14:30~15:45; 16:00~17:15)
  • Peter Clarke (オックスフォード大学)
  • 櫻井義秀(北海道大学)
  • 懇親会(17:30-) レストランみんぱく
パネル1(10:00~12:30): 東アジアの宗教 [座長:島薗進(東京大学)]
  • 徐正敏(韓国・延世大学)「国際化する韓国宗教-キリスト教を中心に」
  • 岩井洋(帝塚山大学)「韓国における日系新宗教の展開-世界救世教を中心として」
  • Benjamin Penny(オーストラリア国立大学)「歌と踊りにおける法輪功」
パネル2(13:30~17:00):東南アジア、南アジアの宗教 [座長:澤井義次(天理大学)]
  • Shamsul Amri Baharuddin(マレーシア国立大学)
  • 矢野秀武(駒澤大学)
  • Wendy Smith(ヒルデスハイム大学/モナシュ大学)
    「霊魂意識の伝播:ブラーマ・クマリス世界霊性大学(BKWSU)のグローバル化の経営と普及」(Tamasin Ramsayと共著)
  • Barbara Andaya(ハワイ大学)
午前 天理教本部見学(エクスカーション)
パネル3(13:30~18:00):アメリカスの日系宗教 [座長:井上順孝(國學院大學)]
  • 挨拶 橋本武人(天理大学学長)
  • 守屋友江(阪南大学)
  • 山田政信(天理大学)
  • Ronan Pereira(ブラジリア大学)
  • 松岡秀明(淑徳大学)
  • 中牧弘允(国立民族学博物館)
パネル4(10:00~12:00):グローバル化と日本宗教 [座長:対馬路人(関西学院大学)]
  • Louella Matsunaga(ロンドン大学SOAS)「ヨーロッパの浄土真宗」
  • 島薗進(東京大学)
  • 井上順孝(國學院大學)
総合討論(13:30~15:30) [座長:Wendy Smith、中牧弘允]
  • パネル報告:島薗進、井上順孝、澤井義次、対馬路人
  • 討論参加者
     杉本良男(国立民族学博物館)、廣瀬浩二郎(国立民族学博物館)、田中雅一(京都大学)、稲場圭信(神戸大学)、Yanshavantha Dongre(マイソール大学、国立民族学博物館客員)


 〒565-8511 大阪府吹田市千里万博公園10-1
 国立民族学博物館 中牧弘允研究室
 電話(代表):06-6876-2151 FAX(研究部):06-6878-7503