

2014年1月8日(水) ~1月9日(木)

  • 日時:2014年1月8日(水)~1月9日(木)
         1月8日 10:30~17:30/1月9日 10:00~16:30
  • 場所:国立民族学博物館
  • お問い合わせ:国立民族学博物館
    〒565-8511 大阪府吹田市千里万博公園10-1






時間 内容
9:30~10:00 Registration
10:00~10:15 Welcome address
Ken'ichi Sudo, Director-General
10:15~10:30 Opening address
Prof. Yuki Konagaya
Dr. Shaglanova Olga
10:30~10:45 Introduction of participants
Session 1 Chaired by Prof. Yuki Konagaya
時間 内容
10:45~11:30 1-1 Prof. Akihiro Iwashita
Thaws, Freezes, and Flows? : The Realities of Sino-Russian Relations over the Borderland
11:30~12:15 1-2 Prof. Park Song-Yong
Different Perceptions of the East Sea/the Sea of Japan between Korea and Japan in the 19th Century
12:15~14:00 lunch
14:00~14:45 1-3 Dr. Yang Cheng
State-Managed Integration Project as a Contributor to Regional Development?: The Case of "Program of Cooperation between the Northeast of the People's Republic of China and the Far East and Eastern Siberia of the Russian Federation (2009 to 2018)"
14:45~15:30 1-4 Dr. Franck Billé
Manchurian Phantom Pains
15:30~15:50 break
15:50~17:00 Discussion
Session 2 Chaired by Dr. Franck Billé
時間 内容
10:00~10:45 2-1 Dr. Viktor Zatsepine
Historical Legacies and Cinematic Representations of the Cross-border Contacts between China and Russia
10:45~11:30 2-2 Prof. Yuki Konagaya
The Origins and Evolution of 'Strategic Partnerships' in Indigenous Societies: Strategy in the Past and Tactics in the Present
11:30~13:00 lunch
13:00~13:45 2-3 Prof. Shiro Sasaki
History of Transborder Activities of Nanai People (Khezhe) between Russian and Chinese Empires's Border
13:45~14:30 2-4 Dr. Olga Shaglanova
The "Borderlands Milieu" between Russia and Mongolia: History of Transnational Interaction and Accommodation
14:30~14:50 break
14:50~15:35 2-5 Prof. Caroline Humphrey
'Remoteness' and Alternative Spatial Concepts at the Russian -Mongolian Border
15:35~17:00 Discussion
17:00~17:30 Closing of the conference


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