国立民族学博物館研究報告 1999 24巻1号
目 次
─民族表象の操作と民衆─ |
─外部論理の遮断・変換・摂取─ |
Store Food: A Case Study of the Food Supply in an Aboriginal Community from 1988 - 1995
Yoshiko Goto
Shimmen, Mitsuhiro
Nationalism and Christianity under the Socialist State Romania
Kazama, Kazuhiro
Diversification of Mwaneaba: The Local Meeting Houses in Tabiteuea South, Kiribati
Deng, Xiao Hua
A Comparison of the Language and Culture among Min, Hakka and She Ethnics in Fujian (in Chinese)
Goto, Yoshiko
Store Food: A Case Study of the Food Supply in an Aboriginal Community from 1988-1995 (in English)
新 免 光 比 呂*
Nationalism and Christianity under the Socialist State Romania
Mitsuhiro Shimmen
本稿ではこうした共存のしくみを説明するために,スターリン批判以後の政治的危機,および民衆の日常生活における戦略的行為が生み出した社会主義体制の危機に対して,共産党指導部が行った民族表象の操作とその効果に注目する。その具体的手段として党指導部が利用しようとしたのは聖職者と知識人であり,その求めに応じて聖職者や知識人は社会主義体制下での従属的な役割を受け入れた。党指導部がこの操作を行った理由は,ルーマニア社会における戦前からの強い民族主義的な傾向と民衆へのキリスト教会の大きな影響力にあった。民族主義は第二次大戦後は抑圧され,キリスト教もスターリソ主義体制のもとで弾圧されたが,いぜんとして強い影響力を保持していた。スターリソ批判以後の政治的危機をのりこえるためにソ連からの自立の道を選んだ党指導部は,独自の社会主義体制を確立するために国内統合の原理として民族主義とキリスト教を利用しようとしたのである。ただし,これら聖職者や知識人もただ一方的に受動的に操作されたわけではなく,主体的な戦略をもっていた。 聖職者はキリスト教に民族的伝統を代表させることによって社会的な影響力を増大させ,知識人は党指導部との言説のヘゲモニーを競うとともに知識人共同体の内部でも競合することによって,結果として伝統的な民族的言説を強化した。さらに民衆も民族主義とキリスト教を利用する党指導部のプロパガンダによって操作されていたばかりではなく,生活上の必要に迫られて民衆が選択した戦略は,党による社会的支配の効力を弱めた。一方,石油ショックの影響による経済発展の挫折は,発展を約束する社会主義イデオロギーの建前としての根拠すら失わせ,党指導部は対外的緊張や民族主義にいっそう依存せざるをえなくなった。こうして,政府が行った民族表象の操作は,その意図をこえて民族主義が社会の支配的な思想となって,社会主義とキリスト教の共存を可能にする結果をもたらしたのである。
本稿ではこうした共存のしくみを説明するために,スターリン批判以後の政治的危機,および民衆の日常生活における戦略的行為が生み出した社会主義体制の危機に対して,共産党指導部が行った民族表象の操作とその効果に注目する。その具体的手段として党指導部が利用しようとしたのは聖職者と知識人であり,その求めに応じて聖職者や知識人は社会主義体制下での従属的な役割を受け入れた。党指導部がこの操作を行った理由は,ルーマニア社会における戦前からの強い民族主義的な傾向と民衆へのキリスト教会の大きな影響力にあった。民族主義は第二次大戦後は抑圧され,キリスト教もスターリソ主義体制のもとで弾圧されたが,いぜんとして強い影響力を保持していた。スターリソ批判以後の政治的危機をのりこえるためにソ連からの自立の道を選んだ党指導部は,独自の社会主義体制を確立するために国内統合の原理として民族主義とキリスト教を利用しようとしたのである。ただし,これら聖職者や知識人もただ一方的に受動的に操作されたわけではなく,主体的な戦略をもっていた。 聖職者はキリスト教に民族的伝統を代表させることによって社会的な影響力を増大させ,知識人は党指導部との言説のヘゲモニーを競うとともに知識人共同体の内部でも競合することによって,結果として伝統的な民族的言説を強化した。さらに民衆も民族主義とキリスト教を利用する党指導部のプロパガンダによって操作されていたばかりではなく,生活上の必要に迫られて民衆が選択した戦略は,党による社会的支配の効力を弱めた。一方,石油ショックの影響による経済発展の挫折は,発展を約束する社会主義イデオロギーの建前としての根拠すら失わせ,党指導部は対外的緊張や民族主義にいっそう依存せざるをえなくなった。こうして,政府が行った民族表象の操作は,その意図をこえて民族主義が社会の支配的な思想となって,社会主義とキリスト教の共存を可能にする結果をもたらしたのである。
People in the West were surprised when they recognized, after the collapse of communist regimes, the fact that nationalism and Christianity, intermingling with each other, had had a strong influence on East European societies. But in fact nationalism had been strong even under socialist societies. Romania is not exceptional. Under the communist regime, the state ideology tended to emphasize the national representation and its discourse. Although Marxism-Leninism insisted on atheism, Christianity could coexist with it in Romania as long as it was supportive. This means that both socialism and Christianity empha-sized the ethnic consciousness in Romanian society. As a result, contradictory ideologies, such as Christianity and socialism actually supported each other through nationalism.
In this paper, I explain how such contradictory ideologies could have coexisted in Romanian society by focusing on the communist party’s manipulation of national representations and its effects in economic and political crisis. The clergy and intellectuals were utilized for legitimizing socialist ideology and they were not so resistant. The reason the communist party carried out this manipulation was that nationalism and Christianity had been so influential in Romanian society. Although at the beginning of the communist regime, the communist party, obeying Stalinism, suppressed national ideas, it chose an independent policy from the USSR after de-Stalinization and decided to revive nationalism as an alternative ideology for rule. The Church was useful for the same purpose, too. While the communist party tried to put the clergy and intellectuals under its control, they did not just acquiesce but reacted strategically to this. The clergy tried to strengthen their power by positioning Christianity at the center of the nationaltradition. The intellectuals opposed the hegemony of the communist party by leading nationalistic discourse. On the other hand, the masses also reacted strategically according to their needs. Their survival strategy in everyday life weakened the rule of the centralized government. Besides, the oil shock prevented the economic plan from achieving its goals. The economic crisis deprived the socialist ideology of the credibility of the people. The communist party became more dependent on the national ideology for integrating people into the socialist state.
In this paper, I explain how such contradictory ideologies could have coexisted in Romanian society by focusing on the communist party’s manipulation of national representations and its effects in economic and political crisis. The clergy and intellectuals were utilized for legitimizing socialist ideology and they were not so resistant. The reason the communist party carried out this manipulation was that nationalism and Christianity had been so influential in Romanian society. Although at the beginning of the communist regime, the communist party, obeying Stalinism, suppressed national ideas, it chose an independent policy from the USSR after de-Stalinization and decided to revive nationalism as an alternative ideology for rule. The Church was useful for the same purpose, too. While the communist party tried to put the clergy and intellectuals under its control, they did not just acquiesce but reacted strategically to this. The clergy tried to strengthen their power by positioning Christianity at the center of the nationaltradition. The intellectuals opposed the hegemony of the communist party by leading nationalistic discourse. On the other hand, the masses also reacted strategically according to their needs. Their survival strategy in everyday life weakened the rule of the centralized government. Besides, the oil shock prevented the economic plan from achieving its goals. The economic crisis deprived the socialist ideology of the credibility of the people. The communist party became more dependent on the national ideology for integrating people into the socialist state.
* 国立民族学博物館民族社会研究部
Key Words:socialism,nationalism,Christianity,national representation
1 はじめに
2 ルーマニア近代国家における民族表象 2.1 独立運動期の民族表象と西欧 2.2 戦間期におけるキリスト教と右翼急 進主義との結合と民族表象 2.3 社会主義運動と民族表象 3 社会主義体制下における政府による民族 表象の活性化と民衆 |
3.1 「民族」の抑圧から「民族」の復権
へ 3.2 民衆の慣習的行為に対するキリスト 教の影響力 3.3 民衆の生活戦略とその影響 3.4 民族表象の活性化による効果と限界 4 おわりに |
風 間 計 博*
Diversification of Mwaneaba:
The Local Meeting Houses in Tabiteuea South, Kiribati
The Local Meeting Houses in Tabiteuea South, Kiribati
Kazuhiro Kazama
This paper discusses the politico-economic relationship between central institutions in the capital and the local society of Tabiteuea South in Kiribati in the Central Pacific through the medium of meeting houses, called mwaneaba. It is based on the author’s field research conducted there from 1994 to 1996.
Grimble and Maude, Who were colonial administrators and anthropologists, reconstituted what was considered to be the traditional mwaneaba in the early twentieth century. The mwaneaba system has been historically diversified and their description cannot be applied to present circumstances. I observed several types of mwaneaba in Tabiteuea South. Each is accompanied by a particular social group, such as the administrative village, a church organization, the Island Council or a public primary school. Various meetings and feasts are held in mwaneaba, consolidating the members of each social group.
All meetings at mwaneaba are controlled by elders. The mwaneaba effectively blocks the authority of the central government. All economic opportunities offered by external agencies are accepted and discussed by the mwaneaba meetings, and distributed among people according to the local morality of equality. The mwaneaba functions as an apparatus to transform the logic of the outside world.
Grimble and Maude, Who were colonial administrators and anthropologists, reconstituted what was considered to be the traditional mwaneaba in the early twentieth century. The mwaneaba system has been historically diversified and their description cannot be applied to present circumstances. I observed several types of mwaneaba in Tabiteuea South. Each is accompanied by a particular social group, such as the administrative village, a church organization, the Island Council or a public primary school. Various meetings and feasts are held in mwaneaba, consolidating the members of each social group.
All meetings at mwaneaba are controlled by elders. The mwaneaba effectively blocks the authority of the central government. All economic opportunities offered by external agencies are accepted and discussed by the mwaneaba meetings, and distributed among people according to the local morality of equality. The mwaneaba functions as an apparatus to transform the logic of the outside world.
* 国立民族学博物館講師(COE研究員)
Key Words:mwaneaba (meeting house), local idea of equality, elder council, botaki feast, Tabiteuea South
キーワード:マネアバ (集会所),在地平等理念,長老会議,ボータキ(饗宴),タビテウェア・サウス
キーワード:マネアバ (集会所),在地平等理念,長老会議,ボータキ(饗宴),タビテウェア・サウス
1. 調査地を取り囲む状況 1-1. タビテウェア・サウス 1-2. キリバスの政治・経済的特徴 2. マネアバ研究の現状 2-1. 「伝統的」マネアバの研究 2-2. 従来のマネアバ研究の問題点 3. 村マネアバとイナキの現状 3-1. 職能をもつイナキ 3-2. イナキに関する知識の混乱 3-3. 現在のイナキの意味 3-4. 行政末端としての村マネアバ 4. 「新しい」マネアバ 4-1. カウンシラ・マネアバ |
4-2. 学校マネアバ
4-3. 教会マネアバ 5. カトリック・マネアバの新築 5-1. 石柱の切り出しおよび運搬 5-2. 村の3グループによる資材調達 5-3. 資材購入用の資金調達 5-4. 取り壊しおよび建設作業 6. 考察-「在地論理」の場としてのマ ネアバー 6-1. 「伝統」とキリバスのカティ 6-2. マネアバと平等理念の結合 6-3. マネアバによる社会集団の統合 6-4. 「変換装置」としてのマネアバ おわりに |
A Comparison of the Language and Culture among Min,
Hakka and She Ethnics in Fujian
Hakka and She Ethnics in Fujian
Xiao Hua Deng
While studying the linguistic division of Southern dialects, found That the division of modern Fujian dialects amazingly agrees, with that of prehistoric culture. This led to my doubting of the traditional historical view that the Han Society in Fujian is the result of the immigration of Han people from North China (Central Plains) since the Sixth Dynasty. To me, the traditional evolution theory cannot explain the cultural diversity and Variation of Fujian culture. I believe that the interaction between different ethnic groups and the regional culture tradition is the key element in the formation of the cultural features of Han Society in Fujian.The Han ethnic group in Southern Fujian was greatly influenced by the Austronesian Culture, while the Hakka culture was the result of the interaction between Han immigrants from North China and the native She ethnics. The heterogeneity of Min and Hakka ethnic groups was the Result of the “localization” of the Han culture which was the mainstream.
Key Words:Min and Hakka ethnic group, She ethnic, interaction, Austronesian localization, localization
二、闽、客语族群及畲族的分区及地理分布 三、闽客语族群形成的时代及其地域文化传统 |
五、闽、客若干文化特征的比较 六、畲族与客、闽族群的语言文化互动 七、结语 |
Store Food:
A Case Study of the Food Supply in an
Aboriginal Community from 1988 - 1995
A Case Study of the Food Supply in an
Aboriginal Community from 1988 - 1995
Yoshiko Goto*
ーマニングリダにおける食料供給(1988 ~1995)ー
ーマニングリダにおける食料供給(1988 ~1995)ー
五 島 淑 子
The overall aim of this study was to clarify the characteristics of Dietary patterns in Maningrida over the period 1988 to 1995, based on food supply records from the Maningrida store. I used the ヤstoreturnoverユ method to achieve this aim. I estimated the food supply per capita in Maningrida from 1988 to 1995 using Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Census data.
Maningrida store-food ordering data (not including fruit and Vegetables) covered the period 1988 to 1995. The frequency of orders And the variety of items tended to increase during this period. I clas-sified food into the following 12 groups: beverages; canned food; dairy products; eggs; frozen food; grain products; convenience food; meat; oils and fats; seasoning; sugars; and other foods. I also examined changes in the annual Maningrida store-food orders over this period.
Fruit and vegetable data covered the period from 1993 to 1995. Fruit and vegetables were delivered by barge and by air, and the frequency of orders increased over this three-year-period. However, the supply of fruit decreased slightly, and the supply of vegetables increased over this period. I examined the pattern of Maningrida store food orders per capita Per day from 1988 to 1995. Maningrida store orders over this period, when compared to the apparent per capita consumption in Australia (1995-1996), suggest that the supply of sugar, powdered milk and tea was much higher, and the supply of fish, fruit and vegetables much lower in Maningrida than in the wider Australian population.
I examined Maningrida store tobacco orders over the period 1988 to 1995. The per capita orders of cigarettes and loose tobacco appear to have declined over this period.
I make the followlng recommendations for the store manager.
There should be:
(1) an increase in the variety of food available;
(2) an increase in the supply of fruit and vegetables; and
(3) a reduction in the supply of sugar products.
I make the following recommendations for customers of the store.
Customers should:
(1) eat a greater variety of food;
(2) reduce consumption of sugar products;
(3) consume plenty of water;
(4) eat more fruit and vegetables; and
(5) eat more bush food, and grow vegetables if possible.
Maningrida store-food ordering data (not including fruit and Vegetables) covered the period 1988 to 1995. The frequency of orders And the variety of items tended to increase during this period. I clas-sified food into the following 12 groups: beverages; canned food; dairy products; eggs; frozen food; grain products; convenience food; meat; oils and fats; seasoning; sugars; and other foods. I also examined changes in the annual Maningrida store-food orders over this period.
Fruit and vegetable data covered the period from 1993 to 1995. Fruit and vegetables were delivered by barge and by air, and the frequency of orders increased over this three-year-period. However, the supply of fruit decreased slightly, and the supply of vegetables increased over this period. I examined the pattern of Maningrida store food orders per capita Per day from 1988 to 1995. Maningrida store orders over this period, when compared to the apparent per capita consumption in Australia (1995-1996), suggest that the supply of sugar, powdered milk and tea was much higher, and the supply of fish, fruit and vegetables much lower in Maningrida than in the wider Australian population.
I examined Maningrida store tobacco orders over the period 1988 to 1995. The per capita orders of cigarettes and loose tobacco appear to have declined over this period.
I make the followlng recommendations for the store manager.
There should be:
(1) an increase in the variety of food available;
(2) an increase in the supply of fruit and vegetables; and
(3) a reduction in the supply of sugar products.
I make the following recommendations for customers of the store.
Customers should:
(1) eat a greater variety of food;
(2) reduce consumption of sugar products;
(3) consume plenty of water;
(4) eat more fruit and vegetables; and
(5) eat more bush food, and grow vegetables if possible.
*Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University
Key Words: Australian Aborigine, Arnhem Land, Maningrida, store food, food supply, health
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background 1.2 Significance of this study 1.3 Ethical matters 2.0 Aims and methods 3.0 The study community 3.1 Maningrida-location,climate and brief history 3.2 Food in Maningrida 3.3 Store Orders 4.0 Population 4.1 Population in Maningrida 4.2 Age and sex structure of the population of Maningrida and outstations 4.3 Estimation of population 5.0 Store food orders (not including fresh fruit and vegetables) 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Change of store food orders 5.2.1 Beverages 5.2.2 Canned food 5.2.3 Dairy products 5.2.4 Eggs 5.2.5 Frozen food 5.2.6 Grain products 5.2.7 Convenience food 5.2.8 Meat 5.2.9 0ils and fats 5.2.10 Seasonings 5.2.11 Sugars 5.2.12 Other foods 5.3 Summary |
6.0 Fruit, Vegetables and nuts
6.1 Introduction 6.2 Changes in orders of fruit,Vegetables and nuts 6.3 Summary 7.0 Store food orders per capita per day 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Change of store food orders per capita per day 7.3 Summary 8.0 Comparison with other data 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Comparison with other remote Aboriginal communities 8.3 Comparis on with apparent per capita consumption in Australia 8.4 Summary 9.0 Tobacco 9.1 Introduction 9.2 0rders of cigarettes and loose tobacco 9.3 Orders of cigarettes and loose tobacco per estimated smoker per day 9.4 Summary 10.0 Discussion 10.1 Major findings 10.2 Methodological considerations 10.3 Factors relating to changing food orders 10.4 For better health |