
国立民族学博物館研究報告 2001 25巻4号

目 次
崎山 理
The Sixteen Bodhisattvas in the Dharmadhātu Maṇḍala
Musashi Tachikawa
Straqnge Customs: Incipient Social Differentation in Kamchatka
─ through the Eyes of the First Russian Explorers ─
in the Eastern Canadian Arctic
Victor A. Shnirelman
Notes on the Japanese Collection of Count Bourbon Bardi
─ through the Eyes of the First Russian Explorers ─
Isao Kumakura, Joseph Kreiner
『国立民族学博物館研究報告』25巻 総目次
『国立民族学博物館研究報告』1号~21号 総目次


Genetic Relationships between Austronesian and Japanese
Social and Cognitive Background for the Genesis of
So-called Sainthood
The Sixteen Bodhisattvas in the Dharmadhātu Maṇḍala
Shnirelman,Victor A.
Strange Customs:Incipient Social Differentiation in
Kamchatka through the Eyes of the First Russian
Notes on the Japanese Collection of Count Bourbon
Bardi at the Museo d’Arte Orientale di Venezia
Chronological and Alphabetical Index of
Bulletin of National Museum of Ethnology Vol.1, No.1-Vol. 25. No.4
Chronological Index of
Bulletin of National Museum of Ethnology special Issue No. 1- No.21


崎 山  理*
Genetic Relationships between Austronesian and Japanese
Osamu Sakiyama


It is becoming evident that“mixed languages”,such as Medniy Aleut(Russia),Maisin(Papua New Guinea),or Michif(Canada),do exist.Japanese may have arisen as such a mixed language,combining Tungusic and Austronesian elements. It is believed that Ancient Japanese(AJ)introduced a pitch accent and long vowels as compensation for the loss of an Austronesian syllable.Some evidence comes from roots where Austronesian has two syllables,of which Group 1 in AJ preserves the penult(ex.PMP*tángan ‘hand’>AJ*taa>*ta-i(determinative)>Kyoto dialect tee)and Group 2 the final(ex.PMP*apáy‘fire,>AJ *pƏi> Kyoto d.hii). Accent is irrelevant in words in Group 3,which are estimated to have an even tone in PAN(ex.PWMP*esung‘mortar’>AJ usu> Kyoto d. usu).

Next I refer to AJ pronoun system reconstructed from Old
(Nara period) Japanese (OJ) data, on the left:

I*a, (*na)we*məi*a, (*ya)*mey
you*na, (*i)|you<(*(k)u)(*(k)wa)
he/she/it*i, *i-e|they*si, *se<*i, *e, *na*si, *se

The right hand column indicates Proto-Central-Eastern Malayo-Polynesian forms reconstructed by A.Capell(1969,1976)and revisedby myself.
There is also important syntactic evidence.In most CEMP lan-guages,pronominal affixes usually occur in a verb complex in what I call a rigid“affix order,”i.e., the verb itself may take prefixes and suffixes that are grammatically fixed.In OJ also we find traces of similar affixation:

Kena-no waku-go i pue-puki-noboru. Nihon-Shoki, vol.17)
“A young prince of Kena,HE(=i,Ⅲ sg.)is going up(a river)
blowing a flute.” Tösi-no-pa ni, ayu si pasira-ba,(Man’yo-shu,vol.19)
“Every year when ayu fishes,THEY(=Si,Ⅲ pl.)run,”

I cannot agree with the view that*-i can be explained more suc-cessfully through‘Altaic.’OJ as well as Austronesian i have a locative function,which the Altaic suffix never does.

* 国立民族学博物館民族文化研究部
Key Words: anaphora,language mixing,Oceanic languages,tonogenesis,Tungusic

1 言語混合と混合語
2 音韻変化と音韻対応
3 接頭辞の起源
5 おわりに


─ エジプト・南シナイ地域の事例研究 ─
西 尾 哲 夫*
Social and Cognitive Background for the Genesis of So-called Sainthood
Tetsuo Nishio

南シナイには起源においても呼称においてもさらにその社会的機能や重要性においてもさまざまな「聖者」がみられるが,彼らは一見するとモーゼのように超有名なものから由来のよくわからないものまで,まるで何の一貫性もなく存在しているようにみえる。ただ,現在みられる「聖者」やそれをめぐる伝説や儀礼的行為が昔から変わらず存在してきたものではなく,歴史文献をもとに南シナイ地域内での集団関係の変化や同地域をめぐる国際的な社会経済的変化にてらしあわせながら仔細にながめてみると,時宜に応じて「聖者」をめぐる言説や行為が過去の記憶から再生されたり新たに創造されたりしてきたのであり,結局のところそれぞれの「聖者」が一定の集団関係維持と地域編成原理のために機能していることがわかる。特定の「聖者」はその聖性の度合いではなく,集団関係維持における役割の有用性の度合いに応じてまさに地域住民からその存在意義を認められたものであり,その有用性の度合いをはかる民俗的概 念としてのバラカの力がどの程度でどれだけの幅広い住民に信じられているかによって,「聖者」の存在形態が異なってくる。部族内部の小集団の維持やさらに複数集団の維持のためであれば,素性の知れた部族のまさに「偉人」的存在が「聖者」として機能するし,複数の大きな集団をゆるやかに統合し地域編成の原理として機能するためであれば,土地神話として機能するモーゼやアロンのような超「偉人」的「聖者」が必要になる。

In his recent article on the state-of-affairs concerning the studies of so-called“Saints”in the Islamic world,Prof.Horiuchi proposed that in academic discussion about Islamic sainthood,at least in its popular set-tings,we should use the term “great person” instead of“saint”and other related words.My discussion here is not meant to answer his proposal,but to develop his standpoint on the basis of another case-study of a related matter in Southern Sinai,Egypt.
Historically speaking,Southern Sinai can be regarded as one socio-political and economic area,where the Monastery of St. Catherine functions as a pivotal entity both in the spiritual and socio-economic/political senses. Another key entity in this area is the Jibāli tribe,thought to have been sent by the Byzantine Emperor Justinian from Southern Europe to serve as serfs in the middle of the 6th century.After the advent of Islam,a majority of Arab tribes moved into this area.With the increasing political influence of the Ottoman empire,the area underwent radical social change from the 16th century onward.
In modern Southern Sinai,we can discern many “saints”of various origins,names and social functions.Seemlngly,they exist without any social and cognitive background for their functions,but this proves not to be the case,when we look into their origins with the help of historical documents and oral traditions.In the present discussion,I propose one principle to explain the seemingly unrelated“saints”of Southern Sinai in terms of their cognitve origin,which might contribute to the general discussion about “sainthood”.

* 国立民族学博物館民族文化研究部
Key Words: saint,Islam,Egypt,Sinai,Bedouin
キーワード: 聖者,イスラム,エジプト,シナイ半島,ベドウィン

1 問題の所在
2 地域としての南シナイの歴史の再構成
 2.1 聖カトリーヌ修道院とジバーリ部族
 2.2 ジバーリ部族の起源
 2.3 聖カトリーヌ修道院をめぐる地域情勢
 2.4 聖カトリーヌ修道院とジバーリ部族
 2.5 南シナイのベドウィン社会とジバーリ部族
 2.6 聖カトリーヌ修道院をめぐる他部族 
 2.7 ジバーリ部族と他部族との関係
 2.8 両義的なジバーリ部族観とジバーリ部族の選民意識
3 南シナイにおける「聖者」の類型とその 
 3.1 イスラム世界の「聖者」
 3.2 「聖者」への社会史的アプローチ
 3.3 聖者崇拝とスーフィズム
 3.4 土地神話としての聖者ムーサー
 3.5 部族だけの聖者
 3.6 出自不明の大聖老ナビー・サーレフ
 3.7 境界を演出する装置としての聖者祭
 3.8 超部族的聖者ナビー・ハールーソ
 3.9 複数集団を統合する聖者
 3.10 集団関係を演出する聖者
 3.11 介在者としての聖者の機能
5 おわりに


The Sixteen Bodhisattvas in the Dharmadhātu Maṇḍala
Musashi Tachikawa*
立 川 武 蔵

The pantheon of Mahāyāna Buddhism may be classified into the following five groups:(1)Buddhas(Enlightened Ones),(2)Bo-dhisattvas(Buddhas to be),(3)Goddesses,
(4)Protectors of Buddha’s teachings(dharma-pāla),and(5)Other,or minor,deities.In late Mahāyāna Buddhism an enormous amount of effort was made to depict Buddhas or deities on stone,metal,cloth and the like.Especially in Tantric Buddhism,which may be considered part of Mahāyāna Bud-dhism,images or icons of Buddhist deities played an essential part in rituals and meditations,with the result that iconographical systems concerning images of Buddhist deities were established according to schools,ages,areas,and so forth.This paper is intended to furnish materials for iconographic studies of Bodhisattvas,especially the group called the Sixteen Bodhisattvas.
A number of maṇḍalas have been preserved in the Kathmandu Valley.Among those maṇḍalas seen in places such as the courtyards of Buddhist temples,the Dharmadhātuvāgīśvara Maṇḍala(Dharmadhātu Maṇḍala)is the most popular.The Sixteen Bodhisattvas,who may be regarded as representatives of Bodhisattvas,are included in the deities of the Dharmadhātu Maṇḍala.
The symbols held in the hands of each of the Sixteen Bodhisattvas have been iconographically determined.Although there are a number of Dharmadhātu Maṇḍalas depicted on stone,metal,and paper in the Kathmandu Valley,it is rather rare to find a Dharmadhātu Maṇḍala in which each of the Sixteen Bodhisattvas is clearly illustrated.In this paper I would like to treat eight sets of images of the Dharmadhātu Sixteen Bodhisattvas depicted on maṇḍalas or stūpas ,found in the Kathmandu Valley.

なお,パタソ市には,6)ハカ・バハールの鋼板マンダラ,7)ノ・バハールの真鍮版マンダラ,および 8)ブ・バハールの銅板マンダラがある。これらの3マンダラについては,拙稿「ネワール法界マンダラ図像資料」(『国立民族学博物館研究報告』23巻4号,699-808頁)において考察されている。これらの3マンダラに線刻された十六菩薩の図像はほとんど一致するが,1)から5)までの十六菩薩の図像とは異なり,別の伝統に属すると考えられる。しかしながら,3)と4)は,6)から8)までの伝統をわずかではあるが受け取っているように思われる。

* Department of Social Research,National Museum of Ethnology
Key Words: Sixteen Bodhisattvas,Bodhisattva,Nispannayogavali,Dharmadhatu,Mandala,mandala
キーワード: 十六菩薩,菩薩,ニシュパソナヨーガーヴァリー,法界マンダラ,マンダラ

1 The Sixteen Bodhisattvas
2 Places of the Images of the Sixteen
3 The Symbols of the Sixteen Bodhisattvas
4 Three Dharmādhatu Mandalas in Patan
5 Conclusion


Stramge Customs:
Incipient Social Differentiation in Kamchatka
through the Eyes of the First Russian Explorers
奇 妙 な 習 慣

A new approach to local traditional social organization in Kam-Chatka is being developed by the author based on comparative studies of complex hunter gathering and early farming societies as well as on eco -logical data and an analysis of traditional subsistence economy among the settled and semi-settled Kamchatka fishermen.The development of a highly effective subsistence economy as well as a relatively high popu-lation density,large settlement size and substantial population in the pre-contact and early contact periods make it reasonable to include the Kamchatka inhabitants of the early 18th century in the category of ranked societies.Some distinct features of those societies can help to explain the《bizarre》customs of Kamchatka Itel’mens and other popu-lations,which were a surprise for the explorers of the 18th century.A ritual of establishment of partnership in relation to a system of exchange is analyzed as well as connections between hospitality,feasts and some basic characteristics of subsistence economy and social organization.Traditional attitudes to the shaping of identity and its cultural basis are also discussed.The author argues that the Kamchatka cultures manifested an incipient social stratification by the contact period.


*Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology,Russia
  Visiting Scholar, National Museum of Ethnology
Key Words: Kamchatka,Itel’mens,Koryaks,partnership,social stratification
キーワード: カムチャッカ,イテリメン,コリヤーク,パートナーシップ,社会階層


Notes on the Japanese Collection of Count Bourbon Bardi
at the Museo d’Arte Orientale di Venezia*****
Isao Kumakura*,Josef Kreiner**,
in cooperation with Johannes Wilhelm*** and Tomoe Kreiner****
熊 倉 功 夫,ヨーゼフ・クライナー

The Museo d’Arte Orientale in Venice houses a collection of over 10,0000objects,acquired by Count Bourbon Bardi(1851-1906)in Japan in 1889.As a 19th century private collection of Japanese artefacts,it is one of the greatest collections that has survived to this day worldwide.Its content is centred around swords,armour,ceramic objects,lacquer items,paintings,as well as smaller items,and should be regarded as a sophisticated mirror for18th to 19th century craft art.The Bourbon Bardi collection has been split into many parts since his death,and hence the complete picture is unknown.For instance,the collection of the Museo di Antropologia ed Etnologia Padova once belonged to the Museod’Arte Orientale,Venice,too.To a certain extent,it is possible to reconstruct the dimension of the former collection from its earlier list.We have added such a reconstructed list at the end of this volume.

イタリア,ベニス東洋美術館には,1889年にブルボン・パルディ伯爵(1851-1906)が日本で収集した10,000点以上の資料が収蔵されている。これは19世紀に個人が収集した日本資料として,現在残されている最大規模のコレクションの一つである。内容は,刀剣,鑓などの武具,陶磁器,漆器,絵画,小物類が中心で,18世紀~19世紀の美術工芸資料として高く評価できる。ブルボン・バルディ ・コレクションは,彼の死後,分散したものもあって,全貌は不明であるが,ベニス東洋美術館以外のコレクションとして判明しているものでは,美術館から分割寄贈されたパドワ大学人頬学博物館の収蔵品がある。美術館に残されているコレクションの初期のリストから,ある程度失われたコレクションも復元できるので,そこから判明するコレクションのリストを末尾に掲げた。

*National Museum of Ethnology,Osaka
**University of Bonn
***University of Bonn
****SOAS London
*****This report represents the second part of the authors’cursory survey of Japanese collections in European museums.The research in Venice was conducted from October 19 to 23,1999.We are especially grateful to Dr.ssa Fiorella Spadavecchia of the Sopritendenza per i Beni Artistici e Storici di Venezia and director of the Museum for giving us the opportunity to work with her collection and supporting us with many valuable materials.Signorina Dott.Christina Rota has helped us with the objects and inventory lists.At the Museo di An-tropologia ed Etnografia of the University of Padova,Professora Dr.Mila Tommaseo,opened for us the depots and introduced us to those parts of the Bourbon Bardi collections that are stored in Padova.
Key Words: Venezia,collection,Bourbon Bardi,Japanese materials,utensils
キーワード: ベニス,コレクション,ブルボン・バルディ ,日本資料,道具