
国立民族学博物館研究報告 2002 26巻4号

目 次
田辺 繁治
川並 宏子
三尾 稔
吉岡 政徳
Meat and Marriage: An Ethnography of Aboriginal Taiwan
Arne Røkkum
『国立民族学博物館研究報告』26巻 総目次





Tanabe, Shigeharu
The Concept of Practice in Reflexive Anthropology:
On Bourdieu’s Habitus and Beyond
Kawanami, Hiroko
Property Holdings and Vicissitudes of Burmese Nunnery Schools
Mio, Minoru
Formation and Its Avoidance of Identity Politics in the Mausoleums:
Ethnographical Considerations on the Mausoleums Related with
the Sufism in the Mewar Region of Rajasthan, India
The Kava Bar as “pidgin Culture”: A Study on Urban Culture in Vanuatu
Røkkum, Arne
Meat and Marriage: An Ethnography of Aboriginal Taiwan

―プルデ ューのハビトゥスをめぐり,その彼方へ―
田 辺 繁 治*
The Concept of Practice in Reflexive Anthropology:
On Bourdieu’s Habitus and Beyond
Shigeharu Tanabe


In this paper I attempt to examine ways in which everyday practice can be understood in anthropology and located adequately within its theoretical frameworks, with special reference to Bourdieu’s theory of practice. It is of great significance that Bourdieu conceptualizes habitus, the durable and transposable matrix of practice by putting anthropological subjects and those who are observed and described on the same ground. This radical attempt to articulate the anthropologist’s theoretical practice and the people’s practice is achieved through criticizing both Levi-Straussian structural anthropology and phenomenological sociology, opening up a new terrain of research called ‘reflexive anthropology’, In this reflexive position we are led to understand that anthropological knowledge is only another set of pre-established and privileged schemata for examining the habitus that produces practices with freedom and ‘strategy’ within structural constraints. This paper thus intends to show how Bourdieu’s concept of habitus is constructed and to point out its difficulties, suggesting perspectives that fit in better with the current theoretical issues in reflexive anthropology.
* 国立民族学博物館民族文化研究部,総合研究大学院大学文化科学研究科
Key Words: habitus,Practice,pratical knowledge,schema,reflexive anthropology,Bourdieu
キーワード: ハビトゥス,実践,実践知,図式,再帰的人類学,ブルデュー
1 はじめに
2 人類学における行為への接近
3 ハビトゥス―実践が生成する母体
4 ハビトゥス概念の批判
5 おわりに―再帰的人類学の可能性


川 並 宏 子*
Property Holdings and Vicissitudes of Burmese Nunnery Schools
Hiroko Kawanami


This thesis examines the religious standing of Buddhist nuns in Burma by focusing on the features of property holdings in Buddhist nunnery schools, which manifest a synthesis of private and communal, implying an ambivalent position for Buddhist nuns. It also attempts to reveal the secret of high educational standards achieved by Burmese Buddhist nuns by looking at ingenious ways in which they manage their everyday life; the ‘aoe’ as a fundamental economic unit, and the patterns of partnership formed between the nuns.These strategies have been essential in order to maximize time and energy to concentrate on their Buddhist studies.It also examines the practice of succession in Buddhist nunneries that has allowed blood and kinship to replace merit and loyalty of the disciples. As a result, nunneries tend to lose their function as educational institutions usually after one generation, initiating their own downfal1.
* 英国ランカスター大学宗教学部
Key Words: incomplete renunciation,patterns of property holdings,‘aoe’,partner-ship,kinship and succession
キーワード: 不完全な出家,尼僧院の所有形態,「オー」,パー トナーシップ,血縁と継承問題

1 はじめに
2 尼僧院学校の実態
4 尼僧のパートナーシップ
5 尼僧院内での財産所有のありかた
6 財産相続のありかたと問題
7 尼僧院の継承
8 新しい試み
9 おわりに

―インド・ラージャスターン州メー ワール地方のスーフィー的聖者廟の事例―
三 尾  稔*
Formation and Its Avoidance of Identity Politics in the Mausoleums:
Ethnographical Considerations on the Mausoleums Related with the Sufism in the Mewar Region of Rajasthan, India
Minoru Mio


Based on field research on the beliefs related to two mausoleums of Hindu disciples of a Sufi saint in the Mewar region of western India, this article aims to describe the dynamism of daily religious practices in this region.
In south Asia, communalism is becoming the dominant political discourse, and is beginning to have a strong efftct on the religious practices of everyday life. Religious places and activities are connected to a specific religious ideology, and their natures require clarification under the influence of the communal discourse.
The two saints interred at the mausoleums served the Sufi saint as disciples, although they were high caste Hindus, and they lived through the liminality between the communal boundaries of Hinduism and Islam. The mausoleums were constructed from the end of the1980s through the 1990s, when communalism was resurgent in India. Their structure and the religious practices observed at them, however, cleverly fuse both Sufi and Hindu elements.
This article tries to show how the saint and his disciples struggled to create and sustain their own religious practices and negotiate with communal discourse, by analyzing the symbolism of the mausoleums and interviews with the disciples. It makes clear that the followers of these mausoleum beliefs are firmly preserving their liminal religious practices between Islam and Hinduism, and avoiding the influences of the communal doctrines.
* 東洋英和女学院大学国際社会学部
Key Words: Key Words:India,Sufism,nationalism,hybridity,agency
キーワード: インド,スーフィズム,ナショナリズム,混淆性,主体

1 問題の所在
 1.1 聖者廟とアイデンティティー・ポリティ
 1.2 パパ・ディワナ・シャ一廟の沿革
2 ハリ・ラームの聖者廟
 2.1 変成する墓廟
 2.2 ハリ・ラーム
 2.3 ハリ・ラームの昇天と埋葬
3 デヴィ・ラールの聖者廟の成立と発展
 3.1 デヴィ・ラールの生涯
 3.2 デヴィ・ラールの聖者廟の発展
4 聖者廟のアイデンティティー・ポリティクス
 4.1 デヴィ・ラールの聖者廟をとりまく信仰
 4.2 再びハリ・ラームの聖者廟へ
5 結 論

吉 岡 政 徳*
The Kava Bar as “Pidgin Culture”:
A Study on Urban Culture in Vanuatu
Masanori Yoshioka


A remarkable feature of Vanuatu town is the existence of a kava bar in which kava can be bought. Although kava-drinking goes on in the rural area and is regarded as kastom.(tradition or custom), the kava bar in the town is not considered as kastom. People think that the kava bar is a part of urban culture, unique to the life style of the town and opposed to the kastom of island. It is said that in the town there exist many kastoms from many islands, not mixed but juxtaposed, so that the town does not have its own kastom. In this paper, I will discuss several aspects of the kava bar on the basis of my field data in Luganville, a town in Espiritu Santo Island, and consider what Melanesian urban culture consists of, using the concept of Pidgin culture as a keyword.

* 神戸大学国際文化学部
Key Words: Vanuatu,kava bar,kastom,Pidgin,urban culture
キーワード: ヴァヌアツ,カヴァ・バー ,カストム,ピジン,都市文化

1 ルガンヴィルにおけるカグァ・バー
 1.1 ルガンヴィル
 1.2 カヴァ・ナカマル,あるいはカヴァ・バー
2 インフォーマルセクターとしてのカヴァ・ヴァー
2.1 カヴァ・バーの営業
2.2 都市的なカヴァの味
3 タウン生活
 3.1 村落とタウン
 3.2 北部ラガ出身者の居住区とカヴァの宴
 3.3 都市におけるカストムとマン・プレス
4 ピジン文化としてのカヴァ・バー
 4.1 カグァ・バーとカストム
 4.2 ピジン文化

Meat and Marriage:
An Ethnography of Aboriginal Taiwan
Arne Røkkum*

This paper addresses an issue raised in recent debates on kinship: If kinship has been stripped of its authenticity as “what is in our blood,” what else can we look for while still finding the gloss useful? “Substance sharing” has been introduced as a trope for what generates an experience of kinship. The paper advises, however, against imputing another generic guideline as to “what kinship is” for our investigations. With ethnographic material drawn from the Takibakha of the Bunun aboriginal population in Taiwan, the study voices skepticism of the idea that kinship simply diffuses itself in multiple experiences of sharing. The paper argues in favor of studying discriminative illocutionary acts, finding, in the specific instance of the Bunun, that the issue is not just that of sharing, but equally, that of not sharing. People’s attention to such differences calls for a rethinking of the issue of the role of kinship in the study of cultural representations.

この論文は親族にかんする近年の論争から発生してきた問題をあつかう。もしも親族から「われわれの血の中にあるもの」という確実性がはぎとられるとするならば,他にいかなる有益な解釈が見いだしえるだろうか。親族の経験という面を喚起する比喩として「サブスタンスの共有」(substance sharing)という考えが導入されるようになった。しかしこの論文は,われわれの考察を「親族とは何か」というもうひとつの一般的指標に還元することには反対である。
この研究は,台湾の先住民であるブヌンのTakibakhaの民族誌的資料に依拠しながら,親族とはたんに共有することの多様な経験の中で広がってきたものだとする考えに対して疑義を提起する。本論文は,差別的発語内行為(discriminative illocutionary acts)の分析視点から,ブヌン特有の事例においては,親族の問題はたんに共有することだけでなく,同時に,共有しないことにもあるのだということを論じる。ブヌンの人びとがそのような差異に対して注目することは,文化的表象の研究における親族の役割の問題を再考することを促すものである。

*Ethnographic Museum,University of Oslo
  Visiting Scholar,National Museum of Ethnology,Osaka
Key Words: Bunun (Taiwanese aborigines),kinship,sign,society
キーワード: ブヌン(台湾先住民),親族,記号,社会

1 Introduction
2 Oneness of Fami1y一Oneness of House
3 A Society of Sameness and Difference
4 Moiety Creation(i): A Pact with the Moon
5 Moiety Creation(ii):A Millet Thief
6 Dual Exchanges
7 Dua1 Obligations
8 A Show of Skulls and Jawbones
9 Conclusion