
国立民族学博物館研究報告 2002 27巻2号

目 次
岸上 伸啓
関  剣平
後藤  明
The Application of Bowhead Whale Bone Architectural Indices
to Prehistoric Whale Bone Dwelling Sites in Alaska and the Canadian Arctic
James M. Savelle and
Allen P. McCartney




Kishigami, Nobuhiro
Pollution and Marine Resources in the Canadian Arctic:
Current Issues and the Role of Cultural Anthropologists
Guan, Jinping
The Culture of Drinking Tea during the Wei-Jin-Nanbei
Goto, Akira
Choices and Decision-Making in Technology: The Shell-
Bead Craft of the Solomon Islands as an Example
Savelle, James M.
McCartney, Allen P.
The Application of Bowhead Whale Bone Architectural
Indices to Prehistoric Whale Bone Dwelling Sites in
Alaska and the Canadian Arctic

Pollution and Marine Resources in the Canadian Arctic:
Current Issues and the Role of Cultural Anthropologists
Nobuhiro Kishigami


In this paper, I describe pollution problems of marine resources, especially sea mammals in the Canadian Arctic resulting from the intrusion of persistent organic pollutants, heavy metals, and radionuclides from regions external to the Arctic. Then, I show how the UN, Arctic countries, the Inuit Circumpolar Conference, the federal government of Canada, the provincial government of Quebec, the Tapirisat of Canada, the Kativik regional government, and Inuit in Nunavik and Nunavut villages have responded to these pollutants. A significant gap between the Inuit in the arctic villages and other actors is observed in terms of perception, behavior and practical responses concerning the pollution problems. Finally, the important roles of cultural anthropologists in improving the situation and solving the problems will be discussed. I argue that arctic anthropologists in organic cooperation with other actors concerned with the problems, can contribute to improving and solving the problems as cultural mediators between the local Inuit and outside societies, and as advisors for both the local people and government officials in planning and implementing the co-management of wildlife resources in the arctic.
* 国立民族学博物館先端民族学研究部
Key Words: Canadian Arctic, marine resources, pollution, Inuit, cultural anthropologists
キーワード: カナダ極北,海洋資源,汚染,イヌイット,文化人類学者
1 はじめに
2 カナダ・イヌイットの歴史的背景と食料資源
 2.1 カナダ・イヌイットの歴史的背景
 2.2 野生動植物資源をめぐる諸問題
 2.3 野生動植物資源の重要性
3 カナダ極北地域における海洋資源の汚染問題
 3.1 海洋資源の汚染の発生
 3.2 汚染物質の種類と流入経路
 3.3 海洋資源の汚染の危険性
4 海洋資源の汚染問題への対応
 4.1 アクターとしての係わり
 4.2 国際連合,イヌイット環極北会議,
    4.2.1 国際連合
    4.2.2 イヌイット環極北会議
    4.2.3 極北圏評議会
    4.2.4 国際的なNGO
 4.3 カナダ政府とカナダ先住民族諸団体の対応
    4.3.1 カナダ政府
    4.3.2 カナダにおける全国規模の先住民族諸団体
      の対応 全国規模の先住民族諸団体 カナダ・イヌイット協会 先住民栄養・環境研究センター
 4.4 州・準州政府と地域団体の対応
    4.4.1 ケベック州政府とカティヴィク地方政府
    4.4.2 マキヴィク(北ケベック・イヌイット協会)
 4.5 村レベルおよび個人の対応
 4.6 カナダ極北地域における海洋資源の
    4.6.1 汚染問題
    4.6.2 新たな問題の出現
5 資源汚染の問題に関する文化人類学の可能性
 5.1 文化人類学の調査
 5.2 自然科学研究の限界
 5.3 政府関係者の限界
 5.4 総合的なアプローチの必要性―
6 結語

関 剣平*
The Culture of Drinking Tea during the Wei-Jin-Nanbei Dynasties
Guan Jinping


For the history of tea from the Song Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty of Lu Yu, there are few documents as important as Lu Yu’s “The Tea Sutra”. However, attempts to describe the history of tea from its origins fail to take account of the Wei-Jin-Nanbei Dynasties which were prior to the Tang Dynasty in which Lu Yu wrote “The Tea Sutra”. “The Tea Sutra” itself says that the Wei-Jin-Nanbei Dynasties had an extreme importance in relation to the establishment of the habit of drinking tea. With a close investigation of the historical documents of that same period, I observe the trends surrounding the elegant and frugal thought in the culture of drinking tea, and afterwards I make clear the circumstances of the acceptance of tea drinking in the various social strata. Putting together these articles and rediscussing them, I conduct a criticism of these historical documents.
* 南開大学中国社会史研究センター,国立民族学博物館外来研究員
Key Words: The Wei-Jin-Nanbei Dynasties, tea drinking, elegance, social strata, frugality
キーワード: 魏晋南北朝,喫茶,風流,階層,倹

1 序論
1.1 喫茶文化史における魏晋南北朝期の評価
1.2 従来の研究成果
2 魏晋の風流と喫茶
2.1 魏晋の風流
2.2 喫茶の風流
3 茶の精神―倹
3.1 茶と茶宴の倹約
3.2 茶の価格
4 宮廷・官僚の喫茶
4.1 宮廷の喫茶と御用茶園の成立
4.2 最高の飲料とされる茶
4.3 喫茶史料に関する考察
4.4 北朝の喫茶
5 道士・僧侶・庶民の喫茶
5.1 道士・僧侶の喫茶
5.2 商品化される茶
5.3 供え物と喫茶
6 結論

後藤 明*
Choices and Decision-Making in Technology:
The Shell-Bead Craft of the Solomon Islands as an Example
Akira Goto

このように,無意識的なあるいは条件付けられた身振りから,材料調達に関する組織的な発案に至るまで,総体的に見ることで初めて技術の動態が理解できる。技術とは社会的に蓄積された知識であり,製作者の技能の習得から,材料調達の仕組みに至るまで,一定の行動パターンを生み出す一種の制度と考え ることが有効であろう。

No study of the technology of making artifacts should be limited to the identification of raw materials, tools and work stages, since artisans have a detailed knowledge of materials and equipment as well as a kind of blueprint of the form and structure of the intended artifacts. Artifacts are not created, however, just by imposing “blueprints” on the material (e.g., Ingold 2000a). Technical knowledge must be used to operate on materials with tools in a series of gestures through a working process (e.g., Lemonnier 1992).
Artisans, with trained physical skills, continuously dialog with the quality of their materials, cope with contingent problems, and aim to arrive at an intended form within an acceptable range. In this process, a variety of decisions are made (e.g., Carr 1995). Those decisions are, however, hierarchically organized, ranging from almost unconscious (or automatic) bodily responses to conscious and planned behavior and judgments. Also the decision-hierarchy structure has variations, according to the physico-chemical quality of the raw materials and the form and structure of the intended artifacts.
The production of shell-bead artifacts in the Langalanga Lagoon of Malaita Island of the Solomons consists of two stages: 1) a subtractive process like flint knapping or wood carving: shaping shells into discs and beads, and 2) an additive process like basketry or textile weaving: arranging shellbeads into shell money and ornaments (Goto 1996). In the first stage, the artisans, with trained physical skills, break shells, shape broken shells into disks, drill the disks and file them into round beads. The surfaces of some shells are polished before being drilled, while others are heated to redness before arrangement. In these operations, several individual choices of manufacturing methods and stages may be observed.
Today complex channels for obtaining raw materials (shells) and unfinished products (shell discs and beads) have been formed by purchasing, gifting and exchanging of materials, and recruiting labor. The artisans cope with various social demands (e.g., bride price) and many other contingent problems through these alternative channels. As a result, the decision-hierarchy concerning shell-bead craft today involves many alternative pathways.
In conclusion, we should have a holistic view of the technical process that ranges from unconscious, conditioned physical skills to more conscious decisions and “organizational innovations” concerning modes of production and circulation. The technological system could be understood as an institution that frames the technical knowledge, perception and behavior of artisans.
* 同志社女子大学現代社会学部
Key Words: technological choice, decision-making, chaîns opératoire, channeling, institution, shell-money, shell-beads, Solomon Islands
キーワード: 技術的選択,意志決定,操作的連鎖,チャネリング,制度,貝貨,貝ビーズ,ソロモン諸島

1 はじめに
2 技術的知識
3 技術の動態
 3.1 身振りの組織化
 3.2 熟練と偶発性
 3.3 製作工程における意志決定
 3.4 操作の連鎖と社会的選択
 3.5 問題の視座
4 技術における選択と意志決定―ソロモ
 4.1 工程の選択
 4.2 製作に関わる様々なチャネリング
 4.3 意識と意志決定
 4.4 ビーズ工芸変容に見る社会的選択
5 結論と今後の問題―身振りから制度へ

The Application of Bowhead Whale Bone Architectural Indices
to Prehistoric Whale Bone Dwelling Sites in Alaska and the Canadian Arctic
James M. Savelle* and Allen P. McCartney**

An architectural utility index for bowhead whale bone, as originally devised by Savelle (1997), is modified and applied to 5 excavated and 20 unexcavated winter sites in the Canadian Arctic and Alaska at which dwellings constructed of bowhead whale bone occur. The results indicate that, overall, the index is a valid predictor of specific bone element use in winter dwelling construction. In addition, the results suggest that the extent of use of individual middle and lower ranked elements was apparently determined by relative numbers of bowhead carcasses available to individual site occupants. Finally, although absolute bone numbers are lower, bone element patterns in the surface bones of unexcavated sites are very similar to those of excavated sites, suggesting that the detailed recording of surface whale bone will give a reasonably accurate indication of total site whale bone use.

サベール(1997)が最初に開発したホッキョククジラ骨のための建造利用指数を修正し,カナダ極北とアラスカにおいて発掘された冬の遺跡5 ヶ所と未発掘の冬の遺跡20ヶ所へ適用する。それらの遺跡の住居跡はホッキョククジラの骨で建造されていた。指標を適用した結果は,全体的にその指標が冬の住居を建造するときに特定の骨が利用されていることを示す有効な予測手段であることを示している。さらに,中位ランクや下位ランクの骨を利用する範囲は,それぞれの遺跡の居住者が利用することができたホッキョククジラの遺骸の相対的な数によって明らかに規定されていたことを,結果は示唆している。最後に,発掘された遺跡に比べると未発掘の遺跡で見つかっている骨の総数は少ないが,地表上で見える骨のパターンは発掘された遺跡の骨のパターンに酷似している。このことは,地表で見える鯨骨を詳細に記録すれば,遺跡における鯨骨利用をかなり正確に示すことができることを示唆している。

 * McGill University, Canada
** University of Arkansas, U.S.A.
Key Words: bowhead whale bone, architectural utility indices, Alaska, Canadian Arctic
キーワード: ホッキョククジラの骨,建造利用指標,アラスカ,カナダ極北

1 Whale Bone Dwellings and the Ethnographic
2 Bowhead Whale Bone Architectural and
 Meat Utility Indices
3 Study Areas and Data Collection
4 Application of the Indices
5 Discussion and Conclusions