
国立民族学博物館研究報告 2009 34巻1号

目 次
エジプト・アラビア語のWh 疑問文の語順と語順変化
西尾 哲夫
山路 勝彦
―11 年間の罠場図をもとに―
蛯原 一平
納西文化圏のチベット語・永勝県大安[Daan] 方言の方言所属
鈴木 博之
Notes on the economic plants of Batanes: Citrus species and Phoenix loureiroi var. loureiroi
Domingo A. Madulid and Esperanza Maribel G. Agoo


Vol.34 No.1 2009

Word order and word order change of Wh-questions in Egyptian Arabic: the Coptic substratum reconsidered
Yamaji, Katsuhiko
Aboriginal Artifact in Taiwan: Weaving Culture, Decolonization and Modernity
The gaping abyss between feminism and religion: Religious practice of women in a village in Upper Burma
A study of the hunting practices and knowledge of a traphunter in Iriomote Island, Okinawa: based on trapping field maps over a period of 11 years
Suzuki, Hiroyuki
Dialectal position of Daan Tibetan spoken in the Naxi cultural area
Domingo A. Madulid and Esperanza Maribel G. Agoo
Notes on the economic plants of Batanes: Citrus species and Phoenix loureiroi var. loureiroi

西尾 哲夫*
Word order and word order change of Wh-questions in Egyptian Arabic:
the Coptic substratum reconsidered

Tetsuo Nishio
 エジプト・アラビア語(カイロ方言)はWh 疑問文の語順に関して古典アラビア語や現代標準アラビア語,さらに他の諸方言にはみられない特徴を持っている。エジプト・アラビア語以外のアラビア語では,Wh 疑問文の疑問詞は文頭の位置に移動するのが普通だが,エジプト・アラビア語においては,本来の平叙文の後部の位置にとどまるWh 疑問文が多用される。このような疑問文をコプト語の影響とみなす説が提唱されたが,いまだにその妥当性に関して結論は出ていない。本稿では,エジプト・アラビア語とコプト語の基本語順や話題化・焦点化などの一般的な語順をめぐる統語規則との関連で,各言語のWh 疑問詞に関して生起環境や統語規則をシステムとして比較し,コプト語影響説の是非を検討する。Wh 疑問文の語順変化におけるコプト語の影響は独占的なものではなく,エジプト・アラビア語の基本語順がVSO からSVO へ変化する中で,話題化や焦点化という統語規則の面で新たな統語構造が必要になってきた時に,コプト語の統語規則が当該の言語変化を促進させたことを明らかにし,エジプト・アラビア語に起った通時的な統語変化の仮説的段階を再構する。

 As far as the word order of Wh-questions is concerned, Egyptian Arabic (especially the Cairene dialect) is different from other Arabic varieties, including Classical Arabic and Modern Standard Arabic. In most Arabic dialects, the interrogative particle of the Wh-question moves to the initial position in the sentence concerned, whereas in Egyptian Arabic, postposed Wh interrogative sentences are mainly used. Many scholars have considered that this word order resulted from the syntactic influence of the Coptic language, but the validity of this proposal remains to be discussed. In the following, we will first discuss the basic word order in both Egyptian Arabic and Coptic, in terms of syntactic rules, such as topicalization and focalization, and then we will compare the syntactic rules of the Wh-questions as a system, in order to examine the validity of the Coptic influence theory. The basic word order of Egyptian Arabic has changed from VSO to SVO, with the result that some new syntactic structure became necessary in order to mark a topicalized element or a focused element, and the syntactic rules of Coptic interrogative sentences promoted to some extent the language change concerned. The hypothetical word order patterns of Wh-questions will be reconstructed for the premodern diachronic stage of Egyptian Arabic.
Key Words:Arabic, Egyptian Arabic, Coptic, language contact, word order change, Whquestion
キーワード:アラビア語,エジプト・アラビア語,コプト語,言語接触,語順変化,Wh 疑問文

1 はじめに
2 エジプトにおけるアラビア語とコプト語の歴史
3 コプト語影響説とその問題点
4 エジプト・アラビア語とコプト語の疑問詞形の比較
5 エジプト・アラビア語のWh 疑問文
5.1 エジプト・アラビア語の基本語順
5.2 エジプト・アラビア語のWh 疑問文の語順
5.2.1 Wh-in-situ 疑問文
5.2.2 Wh-in-comp 疑問文
5.3 Wh 疑問文の生起制限と文法構造
6 コプト語のWh 疑問文
6.1 コプト語の基本語順
6.2 コプト語のWh 疑問文の語順
7 Wh 疑問文の語順変化の通時的分析
7.1 Wh 疑問文の語順の比較
7.2 言語史的証拠

山路 勝彦*
Aboriginal Artifact in Taiwan: Weaving Culture, De-colonization and Modernity
Katsuhiko Yamaji
 しかしながら,21 世紀になって,機織の制作は市場経済への参入を意識して,伝統を追うばかりでなく,新しいデザインを開発する意欲に満ちている。様々なコンテストで表彰されるのは,こうした作品である。伝統と創造の結合による新しいファッションが「原住民族時尚服飾」(時代の流行にあった原住民族の服飾)として創作されている現実もある。ここに,「台湾原住民」の新しい文化資源作りの意義がある。本稿は,その新しい文化資源作りを模索する人々の動きを紹介する試みである。

 Taiwan's aborigines have a tradition of making handicrafts, such asweaving, woodcarving, etc., which were once called “primitive art”. In recentyears, their traditional ethnic culture has undergone a re-evaluation. For example, in the last few years weaving has prospered among females in Ulay, a Taiyal village close to Taipei city. The Taiyal museum of Ethnology was founded in this village at the beginning of the 21st century in order to preserve traditional culture. The revival of the weaving culture is closely connected with this movement to re-evaluate Taiyal traditions.
 After being forbidden by the Japanese colonial administration, weaving in Ulay almost disappeared until recent years but now plays a part in re-establishing Taiyal identity. Today, weaving not only follows tradition, but new designs are being eagerly developed or entry into the market economy. New styles of dress and ornaments with a combination of tradition and creativity are being produced by aboriginal craftsmen, with fashions suitable for the present day. Weaving culture is now one of the cultural resources of Taiwan's aborigines. This paper describes the activities of Taiwan's aborigines who are utilizing weaving culture as their cultural resource.
Key Words:Taiwan's aborigines, artifact, weaving, identity, modernity

1 はじめに
2 「原始芸術」の発見
3 織布文化の流転
3.1 植民地下での機織
3.2 タイヤル伝統文化の再評価
4 織布文化と民族認同
4.1 伝統の再生と民族認同
4.2 叢生する工作室
4.3 セデック族の試み
5 〈エスニック〉という次元からの飛翔
5.1 「第一回原住民技芸コンテスト」
5.2 「全国原住民優良工芸創作者」の審査
5.3 部落産業の発展と販売
6 おわりに

飯國 有佳子*
The gaping abyss between feminism and religion:
Religious practice of women in a village in Upper Burma (Myanmar)
Yukako Iikuni

 As a research subject, religious women's views and practices have received little attention from either feminist studies, which criticize the maleoriented nature of religion and avoid discussion of religious women or conservative religious studies, which no more than marginally accept feminism. This paper explores how the masculinity of religion may be confronted in order to reduce friction between feminism and religious studies from the perspective of women, who practice Theravāda Buddhism, in a village in Upper Burma (Myanmar).
 Despite remarkable male chauvinism in the Buddhist rituals, such as the frequency of bows called gádaw, this study reveals that some women think themselves superior to men in terms of merit making, as women take on important religious roles at both the village and household levels. Other women regard the frequency of bows not as demonstrating the religious inferiority of females but as a merit-making act and evidence of their devoutness.
 Although a subtle case, such interpretations that women make about gádaw indicate the possibility of change from within the male-oriented nature of Buddhism. It is not doctrinal interpretation but the voices and practices of women in religion that are important for bridging the gap between feminism and religion.
Key Words:Religious practices of women, Theravāda Buddhism, Spirit (Nat) worship, Merit Making practice, Upper Burma (Myanmar)

1 はじめに
2 出家の可否と宗教的位階の相違
3 村の宗教組織とジェンダー
4 世帯の宗教的責務と女性
5 ビルマにおける仏教と精霊信仰
6 女性の精霊祭祀へのかかわりと仏教イデオロギー
7 ビルマ宗教・力・ジェンダー
8 相対化される仏教の男性中心主義性
9 おわりに

―11 年間の罠場図をもとに―
蛯原 一平*
A study of the hunting practices and knowledge of a trap-hunter in Iriomote
Island, Okinawa: based on trapping field maps over a period of 11 years
Ippei Ebihara
 狩猟のなかでも特に,対象の姿が捕獲段階まで見えない罠猟など待ち伏せ猟 の場合,対象動物についての的確な行動予測と猟場の選択が猟果に大きく影響する。それらは個々の猟師の経験知に基づいていると考えられるが,複数年にまたがり狩猟活動の分析をおこなった研究事例は乏しく,猟師達がそのような経験知をどのように蓄積していくのかという点に関して具体的に論じられることは少ない。本稿では,11 年間にわたり猟師自らが記した,罠の設置場所や捕獲個体に関する記録(罠場図)を分析し,複数年度の狩猟活動と捕獲結果について明らかにする。そして,猟師がイノシシの動きや環境の変化をいかに捉え,狩猟を実践しているのかについて考察をおこなうことを目的とした。

 In the various forms of ambush hunting such as trapping, the accurate determination of the movement of game and the selection of appropriate locations to set traps play an indispensable role. Although those predictions are believed to be based on the hunter's experiential knowledge, it is unclear how they accumulate the relevant knowledge in the absence of continuous analyses of hunting over a number of years. In this article, I present the patterns of hunting activities and the results of capture of animals over a period of 11 years, by analyzing trapping field maps drawn by an experienced hunter in Iriomote Island, Okinawa. I then discuss how he has practiced hunting by considering the movements of wild boars (his main game) and environmental change.
 The results reveal that within the hunting periods, there are yearly differences in terms of the patterns of efficiency regarding the capture of animals and the sex ratio of the animals captured. The hunter refers to the unexpected movements of wild boars as ‘mawari’; and because of these unexpected movements, he has had to rely on trial and error in creating hunting schedules and determining trapping areas. Moreover, based on the fact that he ‘found’ new feeding areas for wild boars in 2005, we can confidently conclude that his hunting activities have an experiential scientific aspect that has deepened his understanding of the behavior and habitat of wild boars through his annual hunting practices. Furthermore, we can also conclude that his knowledge of hunting has been enhanced by his primary orientation to understand the unexpected movements of wild boars by recording his hunting activities.
Key Words:trapping field maps, hunting schedule, decision of trapping areas, prediction of animal movements, hunting practice

1 はじめに
2 調査地西表島におけるイノシシ猟の概要
2.1 西表島の概要
2.2 罠の構造とイノシシ猟
2.3 ND 氏が描く罠場図
3 罠場図にみる狩猟活動と捕獲結果
3.1 罠場図に描かれた猟場
3.2 出猟スケジュール
3.3 捕獲結果
4 罠掛けと出猟スケジュールにかかわる実践
4.1 エサと猟場の認識
4.2 罠場の選択
4.3 出猟スケジュールの決定
5 まとめと考察
5.1 ND 氏の狩猟活動と捕獲結果
5.2 経験科学としての狩猟
5.3 罠場図を書くということ
6 おわりに

納西文化圏のチベット語・永勝県大安[Daan] 方言の方言所属
鈴木 博之*
Dialectal position of Daan Tibetan spoken in the Naxi cultural area
Hiroyuki Suzuki
 チベット語が分布する地域の南東端を占める中国雲南省迪慶藏族自治州のさらに南に位置する麗江市において,いくつかチベット族の村落が点在する。永勝県大安納西族彝族郷はその1 つであり,今なお同地のチベット族はチベット語を話していることが筆者の調査によって判明した。しかしながら長期にわたるナシ語や漢語の影響を受け,現在では漢語への移行が進み,すでにその話者数は激減している。
 本稿の目的は大安郷のチベット語Daan 方言のカムチベット語における方言所属を明らかにすることである。この議論は主に方言間の比較によって成立する。地理的環境や民間伝承を考慮して,比較対象として最も近くに分布する迪慶州の諸方言を射程に収める。具体的に比較する言語現象は2 点あり,1 つはチベット文語形式と口語形式との対応関係の分析で,もう1 つは語形式の分析である。これらの作業を通して,Daan 方言の方言所属を考察する。
 本稿の具体的な構成は,まずDaan 方言のチベット文語形式と口語形式との対応関係を明らかにし,それによって得られた特徴と迪慶州のチベット語方言の特徴を比較する。そしてDaan 方言に見られる特徴的な語形式を迪慶州のチベット語方言の例と比較し,考察を加える。考察の結果,Daan 方言はSems-kyi-nyila方言群全般の特徴と近似し,特に破擦音/摩擦音の発展過程において同方言群のMelung 下位方言群の特徴と一致することが判明した。

 There are several villages populated by Tibetans in Lijiang Municipal Region, the southeastern neighbourhood of Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, where the Tibetan language is mainly spoken. The author has found that the Tibetan inhabitants still use Tibetan in Daan village, Yongsheng County in Lijiang, but this dialect is close to extinction because of the strong influence of Naxi and Chinese.
 This paper aims to clarify the dialectal position of the Daan dialect of Khams Tibetan using a comparative method involving both comparison of using a sound correspondences between spoken forms and Written Tibetan (WrT) in multiple Tibetan dialects, and also word forms. In consideration of the geographical situation and the folklore of the Daan Tibetans, the scope of the dialectal comparison covers the dialects spoken in Diqing Prefecture, which can be divided into three main groups: Sems-kyi-nyila, nJol and gTorwa. Of those, the dialects of the Sems-kyi-nyila and nJol groups are compared with the Daan dialect.
 The main matter consists of three parts: sound correspondences between WrT and the Daan dialect, comparison of the latter with multiple dialects of Diqing, and comparison of several characteristic word forms. The paper concludes that the Daan dialect is genetically close to the Sems-kyi-nyila dialect group, especially to its Melung subgroup, based on the sound development of the affricate / fricative series.
Key Words:Tibetan, Naxi Nationality, dialectology, dialect classification

1 はじめに
1.1 大安郷のチベット語概況
1.2 大安郷のチベット族の出自
1.3 Daan方言をめぐって
2 Daan方言の音体系
2.1 音体系の素描
2.2 音体系からみるDaan方言の特徴
3 Daan方言における蔵文と口語形式の対応関係
3.1 初頭子音
3.2 母音および母音+末子音
4 迪慶州のチベット語方言との比較
4.1 蔵文対応形式に関する比較
4.2 語彙項目に関する対照
5 まとめ

Notes on the economic plants of Batanes:
Citrus species and Phoenix loureiroi var. loureiroi
Domingo A. Madulid* and Esperanza Maribel G. Agoo**
Phoenix loureiroi var. loureiroi
マドゥリッド,ドミンゴ A. ・アゴー,エスペランサ マリベル G.
 The Batanes Islands represent a distinct biogeographic region in the Philippines. It shares numerous indigenous plants with Lanyu-Lutao Islands of Taiwan and the Ryukyu Islands of Japan as well as the Babuyanes Islands north of Luzon. The flora of Batanes, estimated at more than 700 species of flowering plants, includes an exceptionally high proportion of endemic species. Among the distinct and interesting floristic elements in the islands are the rutaceous plants, which include a high number of Citrus species and Phoenix loureiroi var. loureiroi, a rare date palm.
 The citrus family (Fam. Rutaceae) is group of native plants of particular interest for ethnobotany, and the family is represented by many genera in the Batanes. The genus Citrus is exceptionally diverse: seven (64%) of the 11 species present in the Philippines are present in Batanes. A native citrus called dukban, is a local delicacy and is planted in house gardens and in farms of the Ivatan people. It is not known to be cultivated outside the island group.
 The indigenous plant voyavoy is a dwarf palm belonging to the genus Phoenix. It has a minor use, locally, as an ornamental plant, and its leaves are culturally important for making men's vests and women's headgear. The survival of this palm is now threatened by habitat destruction (land conversion), excessive burning of the landscape, and animal grazing.

 バタン諸島はフィリピンの中でも生物地理学的に特異的な地域である。多くの自生植物が台湾の蘭嶼一緑島,日本の琉球諸島と共通し,またルソン島の北のバブヤン諸島とも共通する。バタン諸島の植生には,推定700種以上の顕花植物があり,並はずれて高い割合で固有種が含まれている。この島々の独特で興味深い植物群として,多くの柑橘類の種を含むミカン科の植物と希少なナツメヤシ属植物のPhoenix loureiroi var. loureiroiがある。
*Botany Division, Philippine National Museum
**Biology Department, De La Salle University-Manila
Key Words:Batanes Islands, Philippines, ethnobotany, conservation, Citrus, Phoenix

1 Natural and cultural setting
2 Present flora
3 Plants of economic interest
4 The Citrus family (Rutaceae)
5 The Philippine date palm
6 Protecting plants of natural and cultural significance