国立民族学博物館研究報告 2014 39巻2号
目 次
―言語ゲームの視点から― |
―外来技術の在来化をめぐる一視点― |
Vol. 39 No.2 2014
Vol. 39 No.2 2014
Sudo, Ken'ichi
An Anthropological Study of Sea Tenure and the Conservation of Marine Resources in Micronesia
Nakata, Tomoko
Buddhism and Spirit Worship in a Relocated Village of Ethnic Minorities in Southern Laos: From the Perspective of Wittgenstein's Language-Game
Kurosaki, Ryugo
The Dynamics of Afforestation in the Matengo Highlands, Tanzania: A Perspective on the Internalization Process of a Newly Introduced Technique
須 藤 健 一*
An Anthropological Study of Sea Tenure and the Conservation
of Marine Resources in Micronesia
of Marine Resources in Micronesia
Ken'ichi Sudo
Although geologically diverse, most islands of Micronesia are surrounded by a reef-lagoon system, which, together with deeper waters outside the reef, supplies the islanders' principal sources of animal protein.
Traditional sea tenure in Micronesia, especially reef and lagoon tenure, may be broadly conceived of as a system of social relationships between persons or groups of persons with respect to marine areas and their resources. Patterns of tenure range from the "ownership" of specific tracts of sea space by families, through lineages and clans, to ommunities.
Based on a study of eleven Micronesian societies, this paper examines the social basis of different types of sea enure in the region. Although details of course vary, four main types may be distinguished:
Group A: A reef and lagoon is shared by all islanders or villagers but is controlled by a chief, as in Palau, Pohnpei and Satawal; Group B: Particular areas of reef and lagoon are owned by lineages, clans or similar units, as in Namonuito, Woleai, Etal, Satawan, and the Marshall Islands; Group C: Particular reef-lagoons are owned by families, as in Yap. Group D: The entire reeflagoon system is owned by lineages or clans, as in Ulithi, and Chuuk.
Traditional sea tenure in Micronesia, especially reef and lagoon tenure, may be broadly conceived of as a system of social relationships between persons or groups of persons with respect to marine areas and their resources. Patterns of tenure range from the "ownership" of specific tracts of sea space by families, through lineages and clans, to ommunities.
Based on a study of eleven Micronesian societies, this paper examines the social basis of different types of sea enure in the region. Although details of course vary, four main types may be distinguished:
Group A: A reef and lagoon is shared by all islanders or villagers but is controlled by a chief, as in Palau, Pohnpei and Satawal; Group B: Particular areas of reef and lagoon are owned by lineages, clans or similar units, as in Namonuito, Woleai, Etal, Satawan, and the Marshall Islands; Group C: Particular reef-lagoons are owned by families, as in Yap. Group D: The entire reeflagoon system is owned by lineages or clans, as in Ulithi, and Chuuk.
Key Words:Micronesia, sea tenure, conservation of marine resources, chief, clan
キーワード :ミクロネシア,海面保有,漁業資源保護,首長,親族集団
キーワード :ミクロネシア,海面保有,漁業資源保護,首長,親族集団
1 序
1.1 目的
1.2 先行研究
1.3 対象社会と章構成
2 サタワル島,パラオ諸島,ポーンペイ島の海面保有
2.1 サタワル島の海面保有
2.1.1 島の社会組織
2.1.2 漁撈活動
2.1.3 漁場と入漁権
2.2 僧院の集積
2.2.1 漁場と入漁権
2.2.2 漁撈活動
2.3 ポーンペイ島の海面保有
3 環礁島の海面保有
3.1 ウルル島の海面保有
3.1.1 漁場と入漁権
3.1.2 首長クランの占有漁場と禁漁区
3.2 マーシャル諸島の海面保有
3.3 エタール環礁の海面保有
3.3.1 漁場と入漁権
3.4 サタワン環礁の海面保有
3.4.1 漁場と入漁権
3.4.2 筌漁と追い込み漁
3.5 オレアイ環礁の海面保有
4 ヤップ島の海面保有
4.1 家の基壇と村落組織
4.2 ラン村の漁撈活動
4.3 漁場と入漁権
5 ウルシー環礁とチューク諸島の海面保有
5.1 ウルシー環礁の海面保有
5.2 チューク諸島の海面保有
6 分析と考察
6.1 島の地形と海面利用
6.2 漁場へのアクセス権
6.3 漁業資源を管理する権威
6.4 地域主体の漁業資源管理
6.4.1 フィジーの沿岸漁業資源
6.4.2 ヴァヌアツの海洋保護区
6.4.3 サモアの漁業管理プログラム
7 結論
中 田 友 子*
Buddhism and Spirit Worship in a Relocated Village of Ethnic Minorities
in Southern Laos: From the Perspective of Wittgenstein's Language-Game
Tomoko Nakatain Southern Laos: From the Perspective of Wittgenstein's Language-Game
This paper examines the complex relationships between Buddhism and spirit worship in a relocated village of ethnic minorities in Southern Laos. The village, built by the Ngae, a Mon-Khmer group, has also been populated by other ethnic groups including Lao. Since their move into lowland regions, the Ngae villagers have established daily contact with the Buddhist Lao. Although the entire village strictly adheres to the traditional worship customs of the Ngae, the influence of Buddhism is becoming progressively more apparent in many respects. A change in religion is not rare among the villagers for various reasons, such as intermarriage between a Buddhist Lao and a spirit worshipper, or an intention to evade responsibility for offering animal sacrifices, especially of buffalo. Nor is such change always from spirit worship to Buddhism; shifting from Buddhism to spirit worship is sometimes observed. Moreover, the boundary between the two religions is vague and blurred. Some Buddhists come to worship spirits or conduct animal sacrifices. Similarly, some spirit worshippers participate in Buddhist festivals. By analyzing the practices of the villagers from the perspective of Wittgenstein's language-game, this paper is intended to contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the religious complexities that exist throughout Southeast Asia.
Key Words:Buddhism, spirit worship, Wittgenstein's language-game, family resemblances, Southern Laos
1 はじめに
2 ラオスとK 村における仏教と精霊祭祀
3 宗教的な複合状況に関する理論的考察
4 宗教変更の事例
4.1 精霊祭祀から仏教へ
4.2 仏教から精霊祭祀へ
5 語りにみる仏教と精霊祭祀の実践
5.1 精霊祭祀の実践者による仏教に関する語り
5.2 仏教徒による精霊祭祀に関する語り
5.3 祖霊の憑依に関する仏教徒の女性の語り
5.4 家の除霊をするモー・タムの語り
6 言語ゲームとしての宗教
7 おわりに
黒 崎 龍 悟*
The Dynamics of Afforestation in the Matengo Highlands, Tanzania: A
Perspective on the Internalization Process of a Newly Introduced Technique
Perspective on the Internalization Process of a Newly Introduced Technique
Ryugo Kurosaki
自然植生が大きく後退したアフリカ農村における植林の普及は重要な現代的課題である。アフリカ農村での植林の実態については,人々の植林する動機に焦点を当てた研究が蓄積されてきた。しかし,植林技術が地域社会でどのように受容され継承されてきたかについての詳細な研究はほとんどない。本論文では,植民地期から植林の歴史をもつタンザニア南部の農村を対象にして,植林のような多年にわたる取り組みを必要とする外来技術が,地域社会にどのように根づいていくのかについて考察することを目的とした。同村ではイギリス委任統治時代に植林技術が持ち込まれ,村人は徐々に植林を受容していき,1950年代頃から積極的に植林を始める村人が現れ,2000 年以降には植林に取り組む人数が目に見えて増加していた。本論文では,関連政策や開発プロジェクトなどの動向を考慮しつつ,個々人の植林行動を長期的に追うことで,村人がどのような動機で,またどのような条件の下で植林を試み/繰り返しているのかを明らかにする。そして,植林技術の伝わる複数の経路について着目し,植林技術が地域社会内で広がり,世代を越えて継承されていく様子を動態的に把握する。
Activating forestry is an urgent issue for many Sub-Saharan African countries where natural resources have been degraded. Previous researches have focused on people's motivation for afforestation and clarified various factors of the afforestation process. Although it is necessary for the effective extension of afforestation techniques to monitor whether the rural people who accept them utilize them continuously and how the techniques are passed on to the next generation, little research has investigated these aspects. The purpose of this article is to clarify how afforestation techniques diffuse in a rural village of southern Tanzania, which has had a long history of afforestation since the colonial era. The article focuses on individual practices from a long term perspective; what the motivations driving afforestation practices are, what timetable the people follow for tree planting, and what kind of network helps to save and diffuse the techniques, while also considering the effect of external factors such as government policies and development assistance.
Palabras clave: Life history, Land tenure, Farmers' group (kikundi), Timber, Process
1 はじめに
2 調査地の概要と調査方法
3 マテンゴ高地における植林の受容
3.1 植林技術の導入
3.2 独立以降の開発政策・プログラム等の影響
3.3 制限要因としての土地
3.4 SCSRDプロジェクトと住民グループ優遇政策のインパクト
3.5 建材需要の高まり
4 個人史にみる植林
4.1 村人の記憶に残る人物(AとB)
4.2 男性Cのライフ・ヒストリーから
4.2.1 幼少期の「遊び」,植林との出会い:1969 ~ 84 年
4.2.2 職業訓練校への進学断念,独立:1985 ~ 91 年
4.2.3 結婚,子どもの誕生:1992 ~ 2002 年
4.2.4 植林再開,キクンディへの参加:2003 年~現在
4.2.5 個人史にみる受容と継承
5 植林の継承―植林技術の伝わる複数の経路
5.1 熱心な先駆者(AとB)を起点とする経路
5.2 熱心な植林の実践を引き継ぐ村人の影響
5.3 親子関係・親族関係の経路
5.4 キクンディ活動の影響
5.5 繰り返し植林をする村人の影響
5.6 近年の動向の背景
6 考察
6.1 外来技術が根づき,在来化するプロセスの動態的な把握
6.2 植林技術の波及に見るマテンゴ社会の特性
6.3 若干の提言