

国立民族学博物館研究報告 2020 44巻3号





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Symposion of Universalists: Anagarika Dharmapala and Theosophy
Yoshio Sugimoto

小論は,スリランカ(セイロン)の仏教改革者アナガーリカ・ダルマパーラにおける神智主義の影響に関する人類学的系譜学的研究である。ダルマパーラは4 度日本を訪れ,仏教界の統合を訴えるとともに,明治維新以降の目覚ましい経済・技術発展にとりわけ大きな関心を抱き,その成果をセイロンに持ち帰ろうとした。実際,帰国後セイロンで職業学校などを創設して,母国の経済・技術発展に貢献しようとした。そこには,同じく伝統主義者としてふるまったマハートマ・ガンディーと同様に,根本的に近代主義者としての性格が見えている。ところで,一連のダルマパーラの活動の手助けをしたのは,神智協会のメンバーであったこと,さらには生涯を通じて神智主義,神智協会の影響が決定的に重要であったことは,これまでそれほど深くは論じられてこなかった。しかし,ケンパーが言うようにダルマパーラにおける神智主義が世上考えられているよりはるかにその影響が決定的であったことは否定すべくもない。さらに,神智協会が母体となってセイロンに創設された仏教神智協会は,ダルマパーラの大菩提会とは仇敵のような立場ではあったが,ともに仏教ナショナリズムを強硬に主張した点では共通していた。仏教神智協会には,S.W.R.D. バンダーラナーヤカ,ダッドリー・セーナーナーヤカ,J.R. ジャヤワルダナなど,長く独立セイロン,スリランカを支えた指導者が集まっていた。その後の過激派集団JVP への影響も含めて,神智主義の普遍宗教理念が,逆に生み出したさまざまな分断線は,現在まで混乱を招いている。同じように,インド・パキスタン分離を避けられなかったマハートマ・ガンディーとともに,神智主義,秘教思想を媒介にしたその「普遍主義」の功罪について,その責めを問うというよりは,たとえそれが意図せざる帰結ではあっても,その背景,関係性,経緯などを解きほぐす系譜学的研究に委ねて,問い直されるべき立場にある。


This anthropological, genealogical study examines Sinhala Buddhist nationalism in Sri Lanka after the influence of Anagarika Dharmapala(1864–1933), an internationally reputed, Buddhist reformist and Sinhala nationalist of Ceylon. During his life, which was devoted entirely to the propagation of Buddhism and militant Sinhala-Arya Buddhist nationalism, he visited Japan four times, 1889, 1893, 1902, and 1913. The connection between Japan and Dharmapala was established through the Theosophical Society, founded in 1875 in New York, later shifted to Madras in 1879. As Dr. Stephen Kemper rightly pointed out, Dharmapala was much more deeply influenced by theosophy than scholarly accounts have averred. His family was devoutly Buddhist and Theosophist. At the age of 16, Dharmapala first met co-founders of the Theosophical Society, “Madame” Blavatsky and ‘Colonel’ Olcott, in Colombo in 1880. He joined the Society in 1884, and left for Madras to assist the work of Blavatsky and Olcott. However, tensions arose in his relationship with the Society, particularly with Olcott, mainly because of his progressive identification with the Buddhist cause after foundation of the Maha Bodhi Society in 1891.
Although Dharmapala had great sympathy for Japan, he did not later make much headway in Japan. The main reason underpinning the failure of Dharmapala’s project for a unified Buddhist mission in Japan based on the cooperation of all the Buddhist sects was the Mahayana–Theravada schism and severe sectarian conflicts. As a modernist, he was oncerned about Japanese economic and technological development after the Meiji Revolution as well as Buddhist revivalist and reformist. Dharmapala founded the Hewavitarana Industrial Centre as the first industrial training school in the country. His idea was a fusion of modern technology and economic development with traditional Theravada Buddhist values. Both Anagarika Dharmapala and Mahatma Gandhi (1869–1948) were from merchant background families of South Asia under British colonial rule. As elite nationalists, they held paradoxical beliefs about British and Western modernism with traditional religious universalism based on traditional Hindu and Buddhist ideas.

1 神智協会とセイロン仏教
 1.1 仏教対キリスト教
 1.2 仏教への「改宗」
 1.3 信者部の重要性
 1.4 在家の出家者
2 在家と出家の仏教
 2.1 プロテスタント仏教
 2.2 ベンガル・コネクション
 2.3 ヒンドゥー教と仏教
 2.4 宗教的普遍主義
3 東と東のすれ違い
 3.1 日露戦争の衝撃
 3.2 田中智學と岡倉天心
 3.3 近代主義者
 3.4 衣装とナショナリズム
4 文化ナショナリズム
 4.1 シンハラ・アーリヤ神話の遺産
 4.2 大衆文化の効用
 4.3 ダルマパーラの後裔
 4.4 普遍主義の響宴
5 おわりに

* 国立民族学博物館

Key Words:Sri Lanka, Ceylon, Dharmapala, theosophy, Buddhist nationalism




Nomadic Storytellers: Scottish Traveller Self-Representation in Stanley Robertson’s Exodus to Alford
Ryo Yamasaki

旅する語り部たち――Stanley Robertson のExodus to Alford におけるスコティッシュ・トラベラーの自己表現

Scottish Travellers are an ethnic minority in Scotland who are known for their nomadic lifestyle. The sedentary society has dealt with them as an exotic and threatening “internal other.” This is largely due to them not being adequately self-represented in public media. They have published nearly forty books about their lives and oral traditions since the 1970s but there has been no substantial research into their writings. The present research is designed to distil an emic (i.e., insiders’) Traveller image from one of the most influential Traveller writings, Exodus to Alford (1988) by Stanley Robertson (1940–2009), which will contribute to the construction of a fairer Traveller representation.
The first part focuses on the depiction of travelling life in the Exodus to Alford and argues that the Travellers’ nomadism is not described as mere entertainment, but as an essential tradition for them to regain their Traveller identity by fleeing from the city where they are oppressed. The second part turns to their storytelling tradition, as introduced in the book, and examines how Traveller characters communicate their distinct worldview and value system by telling stories. Finally, the third part investigates literary elements in the book, namely the structure and language. These elements are idiosyncratic and present Travellers’ nomadism and storytelling not as separate activities but as one package. The book, thus, portrays Travelling people as nomadic storytellers.


スコティッシュ・トラベラー(以下トラベラー)とはスコットランドの移動民族である。偏見に基づいた報道などにより,彼らは定住社会から「内なる他者」として扱われている。一方,トラベラーも自伝などを通して自らの生き方や文化を伝えようとしてきたが,それらは研究者の関心を集めてこなかった。そこで本研究は代表的なトラベラー作家Stanley Robertson(1940–2009)の自伝小説Exodus to Alford(1988)に注目し,トラベラー本人によるトラベラーの自己表象を抽出することを目的とする。
第1 章では作中における移動生活の描写に着眼し,街で抑圧されるトラベラーにとって移動生活が彼らのアイデンティティを取り戻す貴重な機会として描出されていることを検証する。第2 章では作中で紹介されるトラベラーの物語に焦点を当て,トラベラー独自の世界観や価値観を物語が伝達していると論じる。第3 章では本書の構成と言語に光を当て,それらの文学的装置を用いることで本書が移動生活と物語る伝統を一体の伝統として提示し,トラベラーを「旅する語り部」として表象していることを解明する。

1 Introduction
 1.1 About Scottish Travellers
 1.2 History of Traveller Studies and Overlooked Areas
 1.3 Aims and Materials
 1.4 Thesis and Structure
2 Travelling
3 Storytelling
 3.1 Vernacular Landscape
 3.2 Belief System
 3.3 Morality and Ethics
4 Structure and Language
5 Conclusion

* 立命館大学

Key Words:Scottish Travellers, folklore, oral tradition, autobiography, self-representation





Changes in Two-, Three- and Four-Digit Numbers in Japanese Sign Language, Taiwan Sign Language, and Korean Sign Language
Keiko Sagara



This study examines changes in two-, three- and four-digit number expressions in Japanese Sign Language( JSL), Taiwan Sign Language( TSL) and Korean Sign Language (KSL). Comparing the forms for “10”, “100”, and “1000” and the structures in which such forms occur, the old forms that they originally inherited and their developmental paths are reconstructed. The research specifically focuses on two systems, which are referred to here as “serial-compound system” and “simultaneous-compound system” that are found in these languages. Based on the distribution and variations of these systems in currently used languages and documented forms in older stages of these languages, how the systems developed in each language after the languages split is clarified. Findings indicate that expressions of “10” and its multiples developed differently from those of “100” and “1000” and their multiples. These include changes from two-handed to one-handed expressions in Tokyo, Taipei, and Korea, replacement of a serial-compound system with a simultaneous compound system in Osaka, and development of a single morpheme expression from a serial- ompounding form in Tainan.

1 はじめに
2 歴史的背景
3 先行研究
4 手話データの内容と収集方法および手話の記述法
5 日本手話にみられるふたつの数の基本体系
6 歴史変化を表すA 体系とB 体系
7 三手話言語の数の表現の変化
 7.1 変化の概要
 7.2 「100」「1000」の表現の片手化
 7.3 継時的複合の同時的複合との部分的な入れ替わり
 7.4 台南の継時的複合とその変化
8 まとめと今後の課題

* 国立民族学博物館

Key Words:Japanese Sign Language, Taiwan Sign Language, Korean Sign Language, serial compounding, simultaneous compounding




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