Staff Members
Academic Qualifications
- B.A. Univ. of Tokyo 1972
- M.Soc. Univ. of Tokyo 1975
Research Keywords
Southeast Asia, East Asia, Cultural Anthropology, Peasant Societies in Southeast Asia and East Asia, Comparative Studies of Theravada Buddhism and Spirit Cults.
Publications (English publications only)
- 2005
- A Comparative Cultural Study between Japan and Myanmar. Myanmar and Japan Mutual Studies on History and Culture, pp.82–91. The First MJC Forum Myanmar-Japan Center for Human Resources Development (MJC) Project Office.
- 1996
- International Cooperation Seminar on Museology. MINPAKU Anthropology Newsletter 2: 11.
- 1993
- (ed.) List of Cultural Materials for a Comparative Study of Thai Societies (Translated into Thai by A. and R. Oshima). Ayuttaya, Thailand: Ayuttaya Historical Study Center.
- 1986
- Comparative Study in Native Beliefs between Burma and Japan. In the Burma Research Group (ed.), Burma and Japan, Tokyo.
- 1983
- Intimate Relationship in Burma. East Asian Cultural Studies 22: 11–36.
- 1978
- A Preliminary Bibliography for the Study of Customary Laws of Southeast Asia and Taiwan. Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology 3 (4): 780–833.