The National Museum of Ethnology (Minpaku) is a research center for ethnology and cultural anthropology.

The Minpaku Associates

Minpaku Associates is an organization that was formed in 1977 to provide individual supporters of the Museum with opportunities to participate in Museum activities.
Membership benefits include free admission to the Museum and a free subscription to Kikan Minzokugaku [Ethnology Quarterly]. This magazine focuses on ethnic arts and artifacts of the world, human relationships and the environment, and is distributed exclusively to members. Members also receive Gekkan Minpaku, a monthly journal featuring pictures of the latest additions to the Museum collections, as well as background information about specific exhibitions and other Museum activities.


Members of Minpaku Associates are invited to participate in various study tours (both inside and outside of Japan) guided by a researcher of the Museum. Past tours include visits to Western Samoa, Assam, Alaska and Canada, and the Silk Road of China.

Lectures and Symposia

Lectures and symposia exclusively for members of Minpaku Associates are periodically organized by researchers at the Museum.

How to join Minpaku Associates

Since 1983, Minpaku Associates has been administered by the Senri Foundation, an independent organization engaged in various activities to support the National Museum of Ethnology and to promote ethnological research. Any person who is interested in the Museum’s activities can become a member.
For further information, contact the Senri Foundation (in Japanese).

Address: Senri Expo Park, Suita, Osaka 565-0826, Japan
Telephone: +81-6-6877-8893
Fax: +81-6-6878-3716