The National Museum of Ethnology (Minpaku) is a research center for ethnology and cultural anthropology.

Education in Intercultural Understanding: A Development Program Making Use of the National Museum of Ethnology

Joint Research Coordinator MORIMO Takeo (Cooperating Faculty Member )

Reserch Theme List


During its first two years, this joint research collaborated with educational sites (primary schools, junior high schools and high schools) with the goals of developing and implementing programs for education in intercultural understanding that make use of MINPAKU. During this fiscal year, building on the research results of the two previous years, we seek to achieve the following two major objectives.

  1. Summarize and publish the research/implementation results. Specifically, the results of this joint research are to be published as “National Museum of Ethnology Investigative Reports.”
  2. Contribute to and disseminate for the general population the results of the research/implementation. Specifically, as examples of the actual program development research results to date, we will display at MINPAKU examples of work created by preschool and school-age children that are products of what they studied, and while making use of this exhibits will engage in teacher training for education in international understanding.

Through these activities, we hope to investigate the significance of and possibilities for future coordination and cooperation between MINPAKU and schools.