The National Museum of Ethnology (Minpaku) is a research center for ethnology and cultural anthropology.

Applied Anthropology of the Global-Environmental Problems

Joint Research Coordinator IKEYA Kazunobu

Reserch Theme List

Publication or Research Results: “Anthropology of Global Environmental Problems” Sekaishisosha Co., Ltd. , November 2003 → to publisher’s website


Clarifying the human-made factors behind the changes in botanical life (vegetation), such as destruction of forests, which impacts representative global environmental problems, such as desertification and global warming, as well as the responses of local inhabitants to these changes, are certainly themes for applied anthropology. The objectives of this research are to understand conditions related to problems of the global environment as well as structural changes by understanding the shifting dynamics concerning the sustainable use of environmental resources of forests, deserts, resulting from the globalization of market economics. To understand, the promotion of cross-discipline research that, while centering on ethnology, also brings together researchers from geography, forestry, sociology and economics is indispensable.