The National Museum of Ethnology (Minpaku) is a research center for ethnology and cultural anthropology.

Osaka Monorail (Koen-Higashiguchi Sta.)

Map to the Osaka Monorail Koen Higashiguchi Station

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Map to Koen Higashiguchi Station on the Osaka Monorail

From Koen Higashiguchi Station to Minpaku (15 minutes on foot)

From Koen Higashiguchi Station (click for larger map)
Turn left as you come out of the station and walk down the slope.
Cross the pedestrian bridge to the park.
Proceed to the right at the East Gate to the Natural and Cultural Gardens.
Turn left at the T intersection and proceed straight ahead 300m.
Following the directions on the sign, cross to the Japan Folk Crafts Museum.
Pass through the gate.
After walking 100m straight ahead, you will see Minpaku ahead of you on the left.

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