The National Museum of Ethnology (Minpaku) is a research center for ethnology and cultural anthropology.

Staff Members

TAMURA Katsumi
TAMURA KatsumiTAMURA Katsumi
National Museum of Ethnology・Professor Emeritus
Research Specialization
Individual Research Projects
Personal website

Academic Qualifications

  • B.A. Univ. of Tokyo 1972
  • M.Soc. Univ. of Tokyo 1975

Research Keywords

Southeast Asia, East Asia, Cultural Anthropology, Peasant Societies in Southeast Asia and East Asia, Comparative Studies of Theravada Buddhism and Spirit Cults.

Publications (English publications only)

A Comparative Cultural Study between Japan and Myanmar. Myanmar and Japan Mutual Studies on History and Culture, pp.82–91. The First MJC Forum Myanmar-Japan Center for Human Resources Development (MJC) Project Office.
International Cooperation Seminar on Museology. MINPAKU Anthropology Newsletter 2: 11.
(ed.) List of Cultural Materials for a Comparative Study of Thai Societies (Translated into Thai by A. and R. Oshima). Ayuttaya, Thailand: Ayuttaya Historical Study Center.
Comparative Study in Native Beliefs between Burma and Japan. In the Burma Research Group (ed.), Burma and Japan, Tokyo.
Intimate Relationship in Burma. East Asian Cultural Studies 22: 11–36.
A Preliminary Bibliography for the Study of Customary Laws of Southeast Asia and Taiwan. Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology 3 (4): 780–833.