The National Museum of Ethnology (Minpaku) is a research center for ethnology and cultural anthropology.

The Sea Otter and Glass Beads: Trade of Indigenous Peoples of the North Pacific Rim

The Sea Otter and Glass Beads

Selected Objects

Shitoki ‘beaded necklace’
Ainu, Hokkaido, Japan

Seppa ‘sword guard’
Ainu, Hokkaido, Japan image

Shintoko ‘carrying container’
Ainu, Hokkaido, Japan image

Wall Hanging of Ul'chi
Khabarovsk, Russia image

Collar of a brocaded garment
Sakhalin, Russia image

Bridal garment of Nanai
Khabarovsk, Russia image

Chilkat blanket
Tlingit, the Northwest Coast of North America image

Clan hat
Unknown, the Northwest Coast of North America image

Haida, the Northwest Coast of North America image