The National Museum of Ethnology (Minpaku) is a research center for ethnology and cultural anthropology.

Topical Exhibits: Inuit Art of the Far North

Subsistence Activities

The Inuit have for centuries been living on arctic plants and animals in the Far North. Before they settled down in the 1960's, they moved from one place to another at each cycle of the season seeking for food. In summer, they caught fish and seals at the seaside. In autumn, they moved inland and caught caribou and fish in rivers and ponds. In winter, they moved to the frozen ocean and hunted seals which use breathing holes in the sea ice. The meat and fat of the seals and caribou were important food for the Inuit, and so was the fur of the animals they caught important for clothing, bedclothes, and tent materials. The Inuit were able to survive in the harsh environment of the Far North by making good use of natural resources.
Hunter Cachting a Seal in WinterHunter Cachting a Seal in Winter
Cutting  Up a WhaleCutting Up a Whale